36 Random Bits of Trivia That Made Generous Donations to Our Brain’s Knowledge Fundraiser

If we made anymore of a knowledge donation, it would be a brain transplant
36 Random Bits of Trivia That Made Generous Donations to Our Brain’s Knowledge Fundraiser

We’re about to donate so many facts to your brain that it’s going to name a hemisphere after us. Yup, you’ll have the right hemisphere and the Cracked hemisphere. 

So you better move all of that left brain knowledge over to the right side, because we’re gonna fill every square nanometer of that thing with random facts!

A Little Brain Donation For You

There's a Spinal Tap easter egg in Princess Bride OORAL SEA usS Ov ae The hat Rob Reiner wore in Spinal Tap is hanging on the wall of The Grandson's room.

Source: EW

A Little Brain Donation For You


A Little Brain Donation For You

The names of immigrants weren't Americanized at Ellis Island. In fact, Ellis Island officials didn't record names at all. isiiilbii FFHEFIFH BAAA Ae

A Little Brain Donation For You

While dating, Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield hid their faces behind notes 3 aathanisin Grad Mernime .HSPeakr Ae' 1J aa SU listing charities that need

A Little Brain Donation For You

Astroglide lube started as a space shuttle coolant. United States LIQUID arsoaal Lubekcant & Vaalosal Melstralrer AE 4nit And that's how it got its na

A Little Brain Donation For You

The Ouija IPD Board is Ae M300 NOTH CAROLINA about aS CHEST COMMLINITY ancient and M320 AVENUE PENNSYIVANIA mystical aS LINE SHORT M20O Monopoly. H Ou

A Little Brain Donation For You

Michael Bay and his movies The Island The ad with Scarlett Johansson's model character is a real ad. Rather than making a fake ad, they just used one Johansson had made (which might have doubled as product placement for Calvin Klein). CRACKED.COM

Source: IMDb
Image Credit: DreamWork Pictures

A Little Brain Donation For You

The Brontaroc joke in Don't Look Up came from a bit of improv. We were shooting the scene ... in the BASH control room ... I'm like, 'We should play around. Why don't you guys talk about something? You never know. It could show up.' And Meryl, who's such a great improviser, says, 'I want to know how I'm gonna die!', said director Adam McKay. CRACKED.COM


A Little Brain Donation For You

That Crocs joke in The Office's Season 5 was ad-libbed by Steve Carell. When he says I have eggs in my Crocs, that was all Carell - and the camera operators even panned down to show his Crocs covered with eggs. CRACKED.COM


A Little Brain Donation For You

Hobbs & Shaw's banter in Fast 8 was improvised (and led to a new franchise). HOBBS FAST & FURIOUS PRESENTS & SHAW Dwayne Johnson said he wanted to try out something new in a scene where Jason Statham was working on his car, and he started talking trash. It led to great chemistry. CRACKED.COM

Source: CBR

A Little Brain Donation For You

A baker's dozen is 13 because of a law in medieval England. CRACKED.COM There were laws that relat- ed the price of bread to the price of the wheat used to make it, so bakers would toss in extra in fear of com- ing up short and being ac- cused of cheating custom- ers.


A Little Brain Donation For You

James Cameron originally wanted Billy Idol to play the T-1000 Terminator 2. CRACKED.COM Storyboards had the android resembling him, but Idol got into a serious motorcycle ac- cident before filming and Robert Patrick was cast instead.


A Little Brain Donation For You

The first $100 million movie. 1975 CRACKED CON Jaws was one of the first films to be released nationwide, all at once, instead of slowly rolled out ac

Stacks of Facts!

The First Commercial BU OVA AC IME In 1941, nine years before Dunkin' Donuts existed, a 10-second spot interrupted a baseball game to declare that Am

A Little Brain Donation For You

A Utah High School installed donation-funded washrooms, which include showers and washing machines, to provide for homeless students who don't have ac

A Little Brain Donation For You

The 1993 hit Salt-N-Pepa single Whatta Man was actually based on Linda Lyndell's 1968 pop song What a Man. WCMGV MOTEL 10 RD0MS TY pO AC PEP ALCKA

A Little Brain Donation For You

Belcalis Almanzar was nicknamed Bacardi'o. 0O after the liquor company -a because her sister's name is Hennessy. It was her Instagram name but her ac

A Little Brain Donation For You

Chris Hemsworth lied about his height. CRACKED COM Back when he was merely impossibly handsome, and not yet famous, Hemsworth stole work from short ac

A Little Brain Donation For You

Movies can hire an Intimacy Coordinator for sex scenes. CRACKED.COM They are hired so that the scenes could remain safe, fol- low rules, and oversee to avoid potential issues. They also teach directors and ac- tors how to run a rehearsal by sculpting the physical ac- tions using plain words.


A Little Brain Donation For You

In Iron Man 3, several people get sucked out of Air Force One. The scene was shot in midair with skydivers. The travelers freefalling in midair are ac

A Little Brain Donation For You

CRACKEDCO William Ford, the lave-owner in 12 Years a Slave is portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch as a pompous hypocrite and a weak man. But in the ac

A Little Brain Donation For You

Buddhist monks turn themselves into mummies by starving to death. CRACKED.COM The practice of Sokushinbutsu involves the monk following a strict starvation diet until ab- staining from eating altogether in order to lose as much body fat and moisture as possible. They would finally be locked in a tomb while still alive.


A Little Brain Donation For You

Camels now live in Australia as an invasive species. There are records of ab- original people first seeing them; one man, Andy Tji- lari, recalled following the camels with his family, concluding that this horse is ignorant. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


A Little Brain Donation For You

There is a glitter conspiracy involving one of the biggest glitter manufacturers in the US. The biggest client of Glit- terex does not want to be named. When a manager was asked if they could name them in a New York Times interview they in- stantly replied, No, I ab- solutely know that I can't. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

The Cut

A Little Brain Donation For You

God either wishes to take awaY evils, and is unable; or He is able, and is unwilling; or He is neither willing nor able, or He is both willing and ab

A Little Brain Donation For You

CRACKED.COM Leighton Meester was a prison baby. ab The Gossip Girl star was born in very unconventional circumstances - her mother gave birth to her w

A Little Brain Donation For You

While studying at Occidental College, Barack Obama had two poems published in the school's literary magazine. The first, Pop, is a touching piece ab

A Little Brain Donation For You

In Jurassic Park, Dr. Hammond is naive, but welHintentioned. But he was originally a mad scientist. In a deleted scene, Dr. Grant confronts Hammond ab


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