35 Stories from People Who Won a Lifetime Supply of Something

‘I once won a lifetime supply of toys from Toys “R” Us’
35 Stories from People Who Won a Lifetime Supply of Something

The luckiest people among us aren’t those with good health or a loving family — nobody cares about that stuff. The true chosen ones are those who manage to win a lifetime supply of something. It doesn’t really matter what that something is either. Having too much of something is usually a better problem than having too little of it, and the situation becomes funny when a hint of irony is introduced to the equation. 

One guy, for instance, won a lifetime supply of dog food, and in a twist of fate, his dog developed an allergy to the food about a year later. Now, he donates the food to a local animal shelter so it doesn’t go to waste. Another Redditor won a lifetime supply of bubble tea, but conceded that they can only cash in for “one or two a month” since becoming prediabetic. 

Other Redditors have shared the stories of how they’ve won a lifetime supply of something, and whether the results were ironic or not, most companies kept their word — except for the brewery that claimed to offer a “lifetime supply” of beer. They should be ashamed of themselves.

BDreier12 6y ago Not me but one of my buddies family won a lifetime supply of bread, they delivered on the bread but the catch is that it came yearly on a big truck. Every kind you could imagine but way too much bread for one family to handle. So they ended giving most of it away to people who live in our small town before it molded. + 4.2K ...
a_layton 6y ago . When I was in middle school my mom won and lifetime supply of Tempo, which are these packets of thick tissue that you can hang in the visor in your car. Kind of dumb but super convenient. She gave me and my brother our own share for Christmas one year and I'm still working through my supply. + 1.6K ...
panacrane37 . 6y ago Yeeeears ago, I won a lifetime supply of some Sham-Wow competitor's cleaning cloths. I received one box of felt swaths in the mail a couple weeks later, they did not perform as advertised, and we never received another package. + 1.5K ...
c3h8pro 6y ago My brother went on the Jokers Wild in the early 80's when he was in California in the Navy. The prize he got was Rice-a-roni, he got a crate till he passed away. Не would get 32 boxes 3 times a year IIRC. Assorted flavors. 1.5K ...
XIGRIMxREAPERIX 6y ago e My Brother won a lifetime supply of Twinkies. he would get a couple large boxes a month. Than the company went bankrupt. New company does not honor the lifetime supply agreement. + 8.4K ...
rockstang 6y ago 0 Edited 6y ago My cousin won a lifetime supply of keebler cookies and a keebler inflatable raft. The irony that he wasnt allowed sweets was not lost on 6 y.o. me. I was a fat kid and dripping with jealousy. 5.5K ...
 6y ago . Edited 6y ago I won a Lifetime supply of water from Deer Park, a water brand in the south. And by lifetime I mean only throughout college. After the first year, they realized how difficult it would be to keep supplying water and decided to give me something that would equal out to its worth....which to them was a $500 gift card to Target. Long story short, I now own a Nintendo Switch.
treemoonstars 6y ago In the 90's back in the dialup days of Internet I won a contest, on a now gone website called Yazone. They mailed me a lifetime supply of Fruit-a-Burst gum for being picked as one of the winners. It came in one of those large plastic mailer bags and was just filled with gum packs that used to cost 25 cents. I got so tired of that gum I never bought it again. So they were technically right about it being a lifetime supply. 5.8K ...
Captnhappy 6y ago UGH! I won a lifetime supply of hot dogs at a hot dog festival once. It came with a nice grill, except when I went to pick up my hot dogs, the company gave them to me all at once. I was 30 at the time, and their figures all worked off an 80 yr lifespan. 3 Hot dogs a day for 50 years works out to be 54,750 hot dogs. That's 5,475 packs of 10. 228 cases of 24 packs, 23 boxes with 10 cases each. I had to buy an extra freezer just to hold
GuardingxCross o 6y ago Lifetime supply of Redhots, I legit fucking hate Redhots and they just sent me another supply this last weekend. I HATE RED HOTS! + 22K ...
leakyweenie 6y ago Edited 6y ago I got a year of free wings from Buffalo Wild Wings when I was in jr high for camping out over night and being one of the first through the doors. 52 coupons for 6 traditional wings. It was great me and my buddies would go all the time and get free wings we tried all the flavors it was a good year
paxart 6y ago . My parents won a lifetime supply of diapers for me when I was about 3 months old. It was a contest where I apparantly had won on a cute picture. They recieved 3 years worth of diapers and figured I wouldn't need more after that. They were right...so far 13K ...
throwaway2324qq 6y ago My great-grandfather was a farmer, and won a contest for plowing the straightest row in the county fair. This was about 1910 in Saskatchewan, Canada. Не won a lifetime supply of seed. Each weekend he would go pick up about 20+ bags of seed and, with his horse and buggy, take them to the train station where new families were exiting the train. In 1910, Saskatchewan was giving away land to new immigrants, and for years and years he would give each family bags of seed to start their new farm. 14K ...
Deathowler 6y ago . My cousin won a lifetime supply of meat from the local butcher. Не gets up to 5kg a month and he chooses the meat. I thought he would be getting shitty quality stuff but the butcher keeps providing. It's been 5 years now and my cousin got venison, beef, pork and wild boar. 14K ...
joshs85 0 6y ago e My sister won a lifetime supply of sour warhead candies.. but they stopped sending them after a few years too. I think it was a blessing that they stopped actually. + 27K ...
mylf_milf 1y ago . 10 years ago we won a lifetime of vet visits for my cat. They expected to give it to someone with an old pet, not a new kitten. The cat's still alive. The Vet Clinic has moved and rebranded 4 or 5 times, but they're still honouring the award + 3.5K ...
size_matters_not - 6y ago Colleague of mine won a year's supply of beer from a craft brewery in an office raffle. They sent her one bottle of beer a month. 12 beers total. + 30K ...
420greg 2mo ago Back in the mid 90's early days of the Internet I won the Yahoo! March madness bracket challenge and it included a 'lifetime supply' of Gillette Razors. So every year right after the 1st of the year , I receive whatever the latest and greatest razor they are promoting and 24 refills. I have even moved twice since then and never provided a change of address, but they still show up like clock work.
binchh e 6y ago My friend won a lifetime supply of pringles. She got something like 300 cans of pringles and they were gone in a few months, but she lives on. + 25K ...
tavariusbukshank 2mo ago e Edited 2mo ago Donuts. I get 365 donuts a year from a local donut shop in my home town. I give them to a children's home who in turn gives them to kids on their birthday. It was a smart move by the donut shop because to make sure everyone gets their fill I pay to double the order plus I get them juice and milk. I won this 16 years ago and they have always honored the prize. + 23K Reply ...
AngelSava21 2mo ago I won a lifetime supply of pasta! A supermarket in my town closed down its branch and gave away their products in a raffle. I bought a ticket for 2 bucks at a festival and ended up winning the entire pasta section. 4.2K Reply ...
notedrive 2mo ago e Lifetime of free car washes with the purchase of my truck. They went out of business, but I also stopped using the service because the car washes consisted of running my truck through an old car wash that was doing more damage than good. 6.3K Reply ...
m0larMechanic 2mo ago A coworker won a lifetime supply of quest bars because they were on the show the biggest loser 3.9K Reply ...
recyclemen 2mo ago I won a lifetime supply of jellybeans from Jelly Belly when I was a teenager. I had the option of one delivery of a 3kg bag, or three deliveries over the course of a year of one 1kg bag. I was forced by my mother to choose the second option so I didn't gorge myself + 11K Reply ...
Dry-Meeting-8763 2mo ago I won a trivia thing from a radio station in 2015-the prize was a lifetime supply of passes/movie candy from AMC theaters. They gave me a gift card looking thing to show at AMC that allows up to $40 in snacks for free plus admission. It's been almost ten years and this card still works. It's saved my butt so many times when I was struggling financially-I could go get dinner or sit in air conditioning for a few hours. I'm honestly shocked that it's still valid but it's probably the best thing I've ever won in
violent-green 2y ago When a new Tropical Smoothie Cafe location opened in our neighborhood, they ran a promotion for free smoothies for a year for the first 50 people in line on opening day. My husband made me stand in line for three hours before they opened. We were 24th and 25th in line. The free smoothies for a year was limited to one smoothie per week. Still, we each had 52 free smoothies. Not a bad deal. 2.6K ...
Ok_One501 2mo ago One of my friends won a lifetime supply of dog food through a contest he entered on a whim. Не was ecstatic at first-who wouldn't be?-but then his dog developed an allergy to the specific brand after a year or so. Now he just donates the bags he still gets to the local animal shelter. So yeah, he's still getting it, but it's not exactly going to use as originally planned! 651 Reply ...
billyhtchcoc 2mo ago I had a (male) buddy in college whose legal name was a traditionally female name who got drunk one night and entered a contest to win a lifetime supply of feminine hygiene products. Не won and it was really awkward. 1.4K Reply ...
jayhy95 . 2mo ago Won a lifetime supply of bubble tea. I only go for one or two a month since I became pre diabetic + 13K Reply ...
tehm 6y ago Free internet for life and a year's supply of Соса-Соӏа checking in. I got the free internet through an Oak Ridge National Labs (ORNL) program for middle school students in 1994 (Sacam). I used it consistently for something like 10 years but at that point dial-up was so far behind Cable or DSL that I just kind of stopped using it. I honestly don't know if it would even work any more as I've had no reason to try it. The free Coke products was a little weirder--basically when I was attending university I noticed that the
DonkeyHodie 6y ago I found a gray M&M in a pack in the late 90s. At first I thought I won $1M, but I won the second prize of a year's supply of M&Ms. I had no idea what that meant when I sent in the wrapper. They sent me back a box of 400 coupons, each good for a pack of M&Ms. I love M&Ms, but after the first 30 or 40 packs, I started to get a little tired of them. I'd take some coupons with me every time I went grocery shopping, and if I saw kids
 6y ago . When I was a kid, Crayola was running a create a new color contest. If you won, your color went in one of their big boxes of crayons and you got a lifetime supply of crayons when they retire colors and make new ones. I made Swamp Green and won. They send me a new big box of crayons 1-2 times a year and have been doing it for 20+ years. + 46K ...
billwrtr 6y ago Old Redditor here. I won a lifetime subscription to Playboy magazine in 1969. I was a senior in college. It was the raffle grand prize at a big party weekend. The subscription has followed me around the world ever since. Don't anyone say those old issues are worth something. Except for the very first year issues, they are worthless. And who saves old magazines? Also the articles haven't been much to get excited about for quite a while now. I'm currently bracing for a final issue arrival or notification of same. It has been a lovely run.
AkKik-Maujaq 2y ago Won a lifetime supply of mini chocolate milk cartons during a milk day at school lol (if you opened a carton of milk and it mooed at you, you had to call the number on it and report that you have mooing milk). That was in 2007. I'm still getting milk shipped to me lol my fiancé drinks it because I've grown to hate milk + 5.3K ...
ChadManning1989 6y ago Edited 6y ago I once won a Lifetime's supply of toys from Toys'R'Us... A $500/month store credit card. Now the Assholes rather go into liquidation then honor their agreement. (IDFC if you thought kids grew out of toys when they're 18; I'm a member of a huge extended family, and used the Toys as Gifts, and the Collectable Transformer Exclusives...) If they said 'To play with' in 1998, would be one thing, maybe I'd understand their logic. But the F***ing assholes didn't even gimme a heads up that they were cancelling that monthly $500/month store credit card


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