12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone

Mittens, Bad!
12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone

You were only gone for like, five minutes!

Let A Bird In

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


At least she didnt fall out the window, but now you have to call Animal Control and you dont even know if thats free?

Dragged Your Passport Into Her Litterbox

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


You thought it would be fine to leave on your nightstand before your trip tomorrow. You were wrong.

Kneaded Food Into Your Couch

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


You might not notice now, but youll smell it in a week.

Pissed in Your Change Jar

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


Well, time to find out if a Coinstar is waterproof.

Downloaded Several Browser Toolbars on Your Laptop

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


Yahoo! toolbars still exist? Theyre available on Chrome? Oh my god, my laptop is so hot.

FaceTimed Your Mom, Who Is Now Panicking

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


Never should have taught her to play that fish game on your iPad.

Drank A Full Bottle of Creme de Menthe

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


Great, she cant stand up and your whole apartment smells like Junior Mints. Call the vet and tell them to fire up the stomach pump again.

Knocked Over Your Television

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


Phew, the screen seems fine. Hold on, whats that smell? Oh, okay, she pissed into the vents on the back. Great.

Ordered Two Kettlebells Off of Amazon

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


The delivery guy isnt going to be happy about carrying those back to the truck.

She’s Just in the Hallway Now

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


How did she lock the door behind her? What the hell?

Seemingly Nothing?

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


Why is this somehow scarier?

Wire Fraud

12 Cats and What They Just Did in Your Apartment While You Were Gone


Thatll teach you to leave yourself logged into your business bank account.


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