34 of the Most Obnoxious Things People Did During a Flight

‘A kitten got loose’
34 of the Most Obnoxious Things People Did During a Flight

We’ve all had life experiences that made us seriously lament the fact that everyone has free will. And while the TSA does its best to keep us from exercising it, there was once a time when you could bring pretty much anything on a plane. These are stories from that time — when someone could breastfeed their cat or bring leaking bags of shrimp on board and there wasn’t anything you could do about it. 

So, the next time you complain about having to take off your shoes or put your belongings through security before hopping on a flight, consider the alternative — there could be someone in line with the intention of lighting up a portable grill the second you’re in the air.

 14y ago An older man unsuccessfully attempting to get a handjob from his wife in the seat ahead of me. Honey, I got the blanket in place. 367 ...
pintperson 3y ago On a flight back from Majorca two very drunk men had a full on fist fight, one of them got knocked out and required medical attention. Thankfully the other one calmed down enough and returned to his seat. Before we knew it the pilot had decided to land at an airport in mainland Spain to get rid of them. A crew of Spanish police on boarded and attacked them both with batons before dragging them off the plane by their ankles. I can't imagine that ended well for them! 10 ...
espionage64 3y ago On a flight to Kefalonia I sat next to a dad who's wife was in the row infront with the baby/toddler. They each had a son at the window seat. I was in the aisle seat. The entire flight they passed the baby back and fourth and swapped seats atleast 3 times. At one point I fell asleep and the baby hit me lol. 8 ...
biffoclippers e 3y ago e Man next to me kept falling asleep and putting his hand in my lap then waking up and apologising happened about 4x. + 15 ...
TrifectaOfSquish 3y ago There was this one time I was on a flight and this guy was being really weird he kept saying he could see a creature outside of the plane and that we were all going to die, he literally had to be restrained when we had trouble with a storm when we landed it turned out one of the engines had been hit by lightning... 54 ...
Janewby 3y ago e Had someone's approx 9 month child vomit breastmilk over me while being burped. GF thought it was hilarious, I did not! 39 ...
Brain_slop 3y ago A women threw up on the seat behind me. It was so powerful I could feel it spraying on the back of the seat. My 4 year old son stood up to look over the seat and then instantly threw up all over the woman when he saw her blowing chunks. 58 ...
Senior-Caregiver7394 3y ago Tame compared to others but flying back from New York a rather heavy bloke was sat in front of me. Every 15-20 minutes he'd get up and check his bag in the overhead locker, I don't know what he had in it. Then every time he sat down the chair back would smack into me. Had to be quick if I had a drink or food on the tray + 21 ...
Innogen 3y ago On a flight from Texas to Phoenix I was sat next to man chewing tobacco. When he needed to spit, and he need to spit a lot, he spat it into an old coke bottle. By the end of a short-ish flight he had a quarter of a litre of brown, viscous nastiness with a pungent smell and I felt incredibly queasy. 30 ...
Fearless-1265 3y ago I was on a very empty flight from Atlanta to Phoenix (I was on holiday) and I had the entire row to myself and a window seat. 3 girls came on the plane and were in the seats behind me. Because they had less room one of them preceded to move onto my row and take up the other two seats next to me and fell straight to sleep with headphones and sleeping mask... About an hour in I needed the loo and she just would not wake up, when I finally managed to wake her up
GrumpyOik 3y ago A Ryanair flight from Palermo in Sicily. The ground crew had been lax in checking number and sizes of cabin bags resulting in chaos. 5 minutes before scheduled take off the plane was still only half loaded but all overhead racks were full, and there were major arguments between passengers. The Captain kept calling for calm, and for people to take seats, but was widely ignored. Eventually, the pilot came back on and very sarcastically said well done all, we have missed our take off slot, we will have to ngotiate the next one and I have
mndaver24 6y ago e Clip your toe nails! Truth...have seen it done more than once...disgusting. 58 ...
lotusliving1 . 6y ago e On a prior flight, the man next to me started reading my magazine along with me and commenting on everything. I just wanted to read in peace, but I got my own personal narrator. + 123 ...
ariverboatgambler . 6y ago Use essential oils. It's all recirculated air! That smell doesn't go away easily! 74 ...
GSVNoFixedAbode 1y ago Flying in a small 8-seater from the mainland to an island, when a kitten got loose, over pilot's shoulder and generally being frantic. Type of scene that disaster movies start with! + 1K ...
ChaseOP 11y ago My mom was a pilot for Northwest Airlines. She was a woman captain, and a man comes on her airplane. Не takes one look at her and says Ugh, a woman captain. I'm getting off. She replied, Good, get off my airplane. There are people waiting on the standby list to get on. The guy turned right around and got back on. We guessed he wanted her to submit and ask him nicely to come back. She told me Fuck no. + 616 ...
kewlkatcalvin 11y ago Not a flight attendant or a pilot, but my dad always tells the story of how his friend from work delayed a flight by three hours for jokingly asking the pilot Didn't I see you at the bar? Не didn't realize that because of that joke would end with clearing the plane of all passengers, bringing in a new pilot, and causing the original pilot to go through some serious shit. 169 ...
Anaslexy 11y ago e A friend of mine was a flight attendant who told me that a guy called the air hostess and very politely asked if the pilot could shut off one of the jet engines so his son could sleep peacefully. 69 ...
stygarfield 11y ago I fly seaplanes for a living, and when we get tourists a regular question is, When will you fly real airplanes? As opposed to the fake one you're trusting your life to now? 68 ...
Pawpaw-22 1y ago The lady beside me told me that she was farting a lot, and she didn't care about telling me because she wouldn't see me again + 2.8K ...
Archz714 14y ago I saw someone fart themselves awake then go back to sleep + 1.3K ...
bristoltim 3y ago Flight back from Crete to UK some years ago, small child behind was kicking the back of our row of seats every few seconds since takeoff, eventually after about half an hour of this the lady next to me turned tround and asked the child's father if they could stop their child from kicking the seats in front, and promptly got told Fuck Off, They're Bored And They'll Do What They Fucking Like, You Cow. What a marvellous role model. + 625 ...
 14y ago . I was on a Gulf Air (as in Persian Gulf) flight as a kid in the late '80s, and a Pakistani family a few rows behind me in coach LIT UP A BARBECUE. It was one of those little portable aluminum foil things. You never heard so many flight attendants scream so loud. 102 ...
 11y ago I once witnessed a woman lay her toddler on the aisle and proceed to change his diaper. This was during boarding. I was gobsmacked. + 2.7K ...
firesgood 11y ago When I was flying night helicopter strip tours up and down the Vegas strip, despite the video briefing which mentioned several times that no flash photography was permitted and my own verbal briefing mentioning this again, people would regularly take flash photos during the flight. It just blows my mind that people would think it's ok to temporarily blind the pilot who's flying them. + 3.1K ...
iwritebmovies 11y ago . Edited 11y ago . I get that on long flights you want to get up and stretch your legs a little, no problem. But on a 45 minute express flight is it really necessary to get up and start doing yoga in the back galley? Get out of my way so I can finish serving drinks to the other 70 passengers on board.
canadian_climber 11y ago - Had a woman freak out on a flight attendant because the cookies she was serving had cranberries in them. Apparently she was on blood thinners and couldn't eat them. We serve a number of other options. Some people just like to complain I guess. As a pilot I try and avoid dealing with the cargo. + 2.2K ...
paradoxofchoice 11y ago e Edited 11y ago e A couple of WWF (now WWE) wrestlers were on a flight that was about to land but one of them needed to go to the lavatory. You obviously can't leave your seat when you are about to land so they told him no, so he decide to shit in the aisle instead.
PineconeShuff 11y ago I used to work for an airline which meant got to fly for free as a standby passenger. This is called non-revving (non-revenue passenger). So this one day I'm taking a flight to New York as a non- rev and there is a girl from our airline who worked as a gate agent on there with a bunch of her friends. non-revving is a delicate thing sometimes, there are a lot of rules that the airline makes you follow so you don't tarnish their image, I almost got denied entry once because I wasn't wearing dress shoes.
poots2 11y ago My dad was on a flight to got somewhere for vacation. Everyone was well into the flight when this guy in a nice suit had this liquid pouring onto him from the overhead cabin. The guy screamed out, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!, and without missing a beat this little old lady with a thick southern accent says, Das my Shrimp! (mind you this was pre 9/11, so she was somehow able to get frozen shrimp on a plane). Rough day for that guy... + 831 ...
Texcellence 11y ago . Edited 11y ago My godfather has been a flight attendant since the late 80s, and over the years he's had some great stories. One time, one of his passengers brought her cat on board in a pet carrier. At first glance, this woman seemed to be the stereotypical crazy cat lady. However, she took crazy cat ladyness to new frontier when it came to the cat's feeding time. Instead of cat food and a bowl of water, this woman pulls out her tit and proceeds to breast feed the cat. I don't want to think about
Hannahforsyth . 11y ago - I was once on an hour long flight and a had the man beside me change into his pyjamas, slippers and all. Не then preceded to clean his teeth and use mouthwash, despite the fact the flight was at 2 in the afternoon. + 1.2K ...
El_Q 11y ago We were flying a bunch of rich kids to Chicago (football game I think) several years ago in a Citation Jet. They were in the back boozing it up and getting rowdy; which is normally fine, but after a while they got so loud and rowdy that we had trouble hearing the radios and holding a heading. My captain looked at me, rolled his eyes and put on his 02 mask. We turned the pressure down in the cabin and put them all to sleep. They never had a clue. + 59 ...
Intra78 14y ago . On the way to japan I look across aisle and see an old man, sitting with an old woman I assume to be his wife. Не reaches into his bag and brings out a large stash of porn mags and proceeds to sit and look at them for many hours of the flight. + 329 ...


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