38 Random Bits of Trivia That Will Set Off a Firestorm of Neural Activity That Could Power a Small Village for a Year

Facts to get those brain turbines spinning
38 Random Bits of Trivia That Will Set Off a Firestorm of Neural Activity That Could Power a Small Village for a Year

You know how you feel after that first sip of coffee? Well, that’s how each of your synapses feel when they take in the first fact on a list. They get this peppy little zip in their step that only increases with each little fact sip. And the best part is, there can never be too many sips. Unlike your coffee intake, facts never give your synapses anxiety-ridden shakes or sleepless nights if they’re consumed too late in the evening. 

So let them have at these side-effect-free facts!

EISOPTRO- PHOBIA CRACKED.COM Do I have something in my teeth? Eisoptrophobia is a fear of mirrors or any reflective surfaces. It may stem from superstitions about mirrors, believing that breaking one causes bad luck, or that they'll see something supernatural in a mirror, like a ghost.
OMPHALO- PHOBIA CRACKED.COM Not hitting the beach anytime soon, people with omphalophobia have a fear of belly buttons. Sufferers avoid seeing or touching belly buttons (even their own), possibly even putting a bandage over it to avoid looking at it.
ELEPHANTS RARELY GET CANCER BECAUSE THEY HAVE AN EXTRA CANCER-FIGHTING GENE. The gene prevents cancer cells from multiplying then kills them. CRACKED.
Source: BBC
In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Miley Cyrus voices Mainframe, a Ravager on stakar's team. James Gunn had the idea to cast Miley as the voice of the
The first text message was sent December 3, 1992. It was Merry Christmas. 3DEF 2AC BMNO 5 JKL Wxt Aohl BTuV # 7PRS OOPR SND CLR END STO FCN BCL VOL


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