39 Random Bits of Trivia That We Just Got in A Pretty Thick Card From Grandma

Facts passed down from generation to generation
39 Random Bits of Trivia That We Just Got in A Pretty Thick Card From Grandma

Grandma for the win! After all those years of polite thank yous for knitted socks, she finally wised up and started giving you cold, hard facts! Anything falling out of an open card is okay with us. Think of the possibilities! We can learn them, pass their knowledge onto some friends… 

Hmm, well that’s pretty much it. Either way, this new phase is so exciting!

An English woman found a 2nd-century Roman slab in her garden. 1O FOL She had used it as a mounting block for horses for about a decade, but then saw

Source: CNN

A Russian ice-breaking ship was used to rescue beluga whales.

In 1984, a Russian ice-breaking ship was called to save over 2,000 trapped beluga whales. CRACKED.COM At first they refused to fol- low the ship to open water, but when the crew began playing classical music through the ship's loud- speakers, the whales final- ly followed Moskva to the unfrozen sea.

Fascinating Earth 

In Dead Poets Society John Keating tells his students that despite needing acceptance from others, they must trust in their unique beliefs without fol

Marcel’s Monstrous Modernist Masterpiece

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Time to upgrade to tile!

OLD-TIMEY DEADLY HAZARDS WALKING ON FLOORS Rushes and grasses were used as floor coverings, but dirt and bacteria built up, leading to health risks from bodily fluids, food scraps, and other stuff. und CRACKED

Levina Teerlinc

Historic UK

The Edelweiss Pirates fought Nazis with a song in their heart.

A merry band of Nazi fighting pirates skipped through the German countryside. HIER WURDEN AM 25.10.1944 ELE UOM INS-REGIME ZUR ZWANGSARBEIT LACK DEUTSCHLAND VERSCHLEPPTE BURGER POLENTS UND DER UDSSR uno Au 10.11.1944 DREIZEHN DEUTSCHE-LITTER ІНПЕЛ JUGENDLICHE CRACKED COM The 'Edelweiss Pirates' were a youth group who fought Nazis playing guitars and singing Anti-Nazi folk songs. They sheltered escaped con- centration-camp prisoners and Allied soldiers in a pro- gram of armed resistance.


Michael Ende, the author of The Neverending Story, called the movie adaptation The makers revolting, and of the film demanded that simply did not und


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