40 Random Bits of Trivia You Haven’t Seen in Like 20 Years, and They Want to Catch Up Right Here at This Applebee’s
These facts are looking good for their age

You never forget a good fact. You might store it a little further back in your brain to make room for new ones, but it’s always there, ready to be recalled. And even if you haven’t seen it in a long time, you’ll always be surprised at how true it still is. The iffy ones start looking like sickly little myths, but the good ones stand the test of time. Like these!



Pet Cemetery

Decoy Pricing

The Pop-Up

Sandra Bullock

Angelina Jolie

“Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon: She’s been in the spotlight since 2nd grade!

Boston Dynamics pledges not to weaponize its robots.

Babies and Probabilities

Source: 17 Fascinating Facts About Child Development (That Tell Us Lots About Adults)

Freddie Prinze Jr

Gangs of New York

Source: The Independent
Star Trek

Source: AP

Source: Republicworld

Robert L. May

Source: TIME