44 Random Bits of Trivia That Really Know How to Push Curiosity’s Buttons

Facts to satisfy that inquisition. No, that can’t be right. Inquisitiveness!!!
44 Random Bits of Trivia That Really Know How to Push Curiosity’s Buttons

Can we level with you? Our shift is pretty much over, but our boss made us come over and give you these facts. He cares to quench your thirst for knowledge or some crap, so here we are. 

Maybe that gumption is what landed him the big chair. Whatever. We have a frozen burrito and a true-crime doc to get to, so make it quick would ya? Just speed read these bad boys and give our boss that “wow, that was awesome” smile so we can get the hell outta here!

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PepsiCo Made a Hyper-Caffeinated Drink Called Pepsi A.M.

In 1989, PepsiCo offered a breakfast beverage called Pepsi A.M. PEPSI DIE WELK DER PEPSI RIXIUS Areco - - Tel 1523 CRACKED.COM The caffeine content was 25% more than a cup of coffee. Turns out, Pepsi drinkers didn't want to mix soda with breakfast.

Mental Floss

YOU CAN SCRATCH YOUR THROAT THROUGH YOUR EAR. Massaging your earlobe between your fingers causes a reflex in your throat, relieving the itch.
You know that sweets are bad for your body. They're also bad for your brain. Fatty foods and sweets load your body with sO much insulin that your brai

Pornographic websites were displayed on car charging ports.

WEIRD WORLD Electric vehicle charging points in a small island's car parks were hacked to show porn. PLUC- VEHICLE ONLY HOME PARKING ONLY PODES NO سلا K ALL SMIT is - - SAUDI = IND EXIT like BIG PSC zipcars The have Z Isle of Wight has three charge points for electric vehicles, which display the network's own website but were hacked and redirected to a porn site instead. CRACKED.COM


IND Pirates' loot was mostly stuff like food and fabric, which they almost never stashed in buried chests. Burying that loot would ruin it, and anyway

Wanda Sykes - Wanda At Large

Wanda Sykes - Wanda At Large GRACKED COM Wanda Sykes is a skilled co- median, actress, and writer but due to FOX's watering down of her brash-yet-love- able personality, her show, Wanda At Large, was can- celed halfway through its sec- ond season, leaving five epi- sodes unaired.


Bobby survived Niagara Falls but was done in by a banana peel.

Someone who survived going over Niagara Falls in a barrel later died after slipping on a banana peel. Bobby Leach was the sec- ond person to achieve the impressive feat, after An- nie Taylor, but met his end just 15 years later after slipping on the peel and the subsequent infection and surgery complications. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Papers Past 

HELLO KITIY HAS been ADORABLY FELINE FOR 40 YEARS. BUT SHE'S NOT A CAT. ILLO KITTY suburbs of London with her ntS ond twin sisfer Mimmy, who is est fr
CRACKED James Smithson is entombed in the Smithsonian. acre' ta b AMmer'y ond Murinon sroe e hoyol Jocity ros In a crypt just inside the north entranc

Dog removed after entering gorilla enclosure at San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

A dog got loose inside a gorilla enclosure at the San Diego Zoo. CRACKED.COM The dog, which seems to be a stray, was chased by the curi- ous apes before ZOO staff was able to remove it. Both the dog and the gorillas are safe, and park guests didn't wit- ness the worst possible thing imaginable.


Cup Noodles is launching a makeup line.

America's favorite ramen brand, Cup Noodles, is launching a makeup collection. CRACKED.COM The collection is inspired by the warm tones of ra- men noodle soup. The vari- ous makeup looks made possible by the different sets are just as easy to cre- ate as making Cup Noodles itself.


Shadow Browser Noun IV'ad OUs br'aeuszar\ One who views their smart device while their screen brightness is lowered for privacy. CRACKED COM


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