36 Random Bits of Trivia to Take In Sickness or In Health Till Death Do You Part

These facts vow to be with you for life
36 Random Bits of Trivia to Take In Sickness or In Health Till Death Do You Part

We know that sometimes it may feel like there are just way too many facts in the sea to ever the find The One. But we swear that The One is out there. If anything, we’ve found too many Ones. Yeah, that’s right — one plural. When it comes to facts, we’re poly.

But in your case, let’s start slow and crawl before you walk, walk before you run and run before you sprint. Plus, this list is so good that we’re sure The One for you is somewhere below.

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Rin Tin Tin was found by an American solider in France during WWI The puppy was one of only a few dogs to survive the shelling of a kennel. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

POWs in an Italian prisoner camp created a quite sophisticated makeshift stove from tin cans. KLM AIRINLET KLIM PLCARROS Mr Aouy COcO BRSE Woopsn tau
attitydinkontinens /at-tee-TOOD-een-CON-tin-nenz/ Can't keep your opinions to yourself? Then you have what the Swedish call attitydinkontinens, litera
XANTHO- PHOBIA CRACKED.COM Xanthophobia is a fear of the color yellow. This phobia tends to interfere with everyday life, because school buses, flowers, and Big Bird can be found everywhere.

Live in a city to save the environment

People who live in cities have smaller carbon footprints Although we imagine living in the middle of the woods to help the environment, using public transport and living in denser housing results in a comparatively smaller carbon footprint. CRACKED.COM

Source: The Guardian

THE PISTOL SHRIMP USES ITS CLAW LIKE A STUN GUN. The shrimp snaps its claws together so fast that it creates a jet of bubbles to stun its prety, witho
Source: BBC

Well - Columbo can't be everywhere

An estimated 200,000 murders in the United States have gone unsolved since the 1960s.

Source: NPR

A study performed by the University of Sussex revealed that if you consider a person to be your enemy they will smell worse to you. Students participa

Zac Efron's jaw transformation was due to a fountain-related faceplant.

CRACKED ZAC EFRON INJURED HIS JAW. Zac Efron says his dramatically changed jawline was due to an old injury, not plastic surgery. It's the result of a 2013 accident where he slipped and hit his face on a granite fountain, which caused him to need physical therapy for rehabilitation. BVLGAR

Vanity Fair / CNN 

Social media trend encourages people to steal Kia, Hyundai cars using USB cables.

People are hotwiring Kia and Hyundai cars using USB cables. CRACKED.COM Spurred on by videos on TikTok (of course), teens are breaking into the cars, taking apart the ig- nition, and starting the engine with a phone charger.


Dusko Popov, a Serbian spy, brought J. Edgar Hoover proof that an attack on Pearl Harbor would happen, four months before it did. Hoover decided to ig
Many Star Wars props are repainted WWIl airplane parts. Rolls-Royce Derwent jet engine cutaway IG-88's head and the cantina drink containers are jet e

Japanese researchers win Ig Nobel for research on knob turning.

The satirical Ig Nobel prize was awarded to research on how people turn doorknobs. CRACKED.COM The group of Japanese re- searchers won for their analysis of how people use their fingers to turn a knob. This is the 16th straight year that Japa- nese researchers have won an Ig Nobel Prize.


The Comb-over Hairstyle Won an Ig Nobel Prize.

In 2014, the satirical Ig Nobel Prize was given to inventors of the comb-over. CRACKED.COM The prize honors research that makes you laugh, then makes you think. The late Frank Smith and his son Donald developed the comb-over in response to Frank's baldness in the 1970s. Не even submitted a patent to mar- ket and sell a spray to keep the comb-over style in place.

CBS News


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