22 Bizarre Situations That Made People Question Their Sanity

He was giving coffee to a cicada…
22 Bizarre Situations That Made People Question Their Sanity

If you had a crush on a girl and she invited you to her youth group, you’d likely assume that typical youth group events would be taking place — the singing, the profession of love for God, you know the drill. But if the pastor at one point yelled “Altar call!” and everyone went to the front of the church and started rolling around on the floor, you’d probably think something weird was happening — because it is. That’s not normal. It’s even less normal for the entire group to go to Pizza Hut afterward, like nothing out of the ordinary had taken place. 

All of that actually happened to one Redditor, who likely can’t hear about youth groups or altars or rolling or Pizza Hut without reliving that memory and feeling his sanity slipping away. 

Other Redditors have remembered the times they were the only normal person witnessing some weird shit, and it’s quite remarkable that we’re all living amongst weirdos and have no idea… until The Incident™.

xlittlexfox 5y ago I worked at as a manager at a cafe. One day a man comes in asks for a cup of coffee and an empty espresso cup. I oblige, I've had weirder requests. Не then takes a seat in this small, but crowded cafe, takes out a dead cicada from his pocket, and pours it some of his coffee into the espresso cup. The cicada is now on the table propped against the cup's saucer. A couple of minutes later he is joined by a friend and he sits down next to the cicada's seat and the three
typeyhands 5y ago I was on vacation in Spain and my husband and I were sitting outside eating lunch. A lady was crossing the street and a motorbike hit her. The lady HUNG ON TO THE FRONT OF THE BIKE like a goddamn ninja. The driver slowed down, shoved her off, and kept going like nothing happened. We went over to make sure she was ok. She was fine, just shaken up. I mean obviously. We couldn't believe the guy left like that. 22 ...
Savv1998 5y ago Worked retail at my local shopping mall. One day security came in, told the people there was a man with a ski mask rolled up in his head, hood up, and sunglasses on walking around with a gun. Guns are completely banned in our mall, hidden or not. Security lost sight of the guy, so they were looking for this man with a gun in a crowded mall on a Saturday. I was near panicking, ready to leave, and terrified. My coworkers were laughing and joking and acting like nothing was happening. Another time, a gun shot
boringgazelle 5y ago . I nearly got run over by a 4wd when crossing the street. No one around me batted an eye or hesitated while walking despite the car coming through. I got very distressed, quite visibly, but everyone was so normal. For a second I thought I had imagined it + 43 ...
McFeely_Smackup 5y ago I was at a horse race last year and saw a bright green streak shoot across the sky directly in front of me. I mean BRIGHT green, then it flashed into a ball and vanished. I said whoa...did you see that?, and nobody saw it. I'm looking around the crowd and nobody is behaving like they just saw anything remarkable. The local news confirmed that a bright meteor had been seen over the city, but somehow an entire grandstand full of people missed it directly in front of them. 52 ...
NC_Vixen 5y ago I walked into my bedroom and a mate was furiously jerking off in my bed. Не didn't even acknowledge my presence in the room, so I just walked out like wtf just happened, I mean I was fucked up and couldn't help but think, am I going crazy, did I just see that? + 106 ...
Spooplegeist 5y ago I went to a wedding the other day where the entire ceremony was spent with the priest talking about how everyone is going to suffer in hell. Everyone else was acting like it was the most romantic thing they'd ever heard, and even like grabbing each other's hands and cuddling up and smiling at each other, and I was visibly dumbfounded. Is that a normal thing that happens at weddings? Am I the weird one for not being turned on by being told I'm a horrible person that deserves to suffer in hellfire? + 104 ...
SCCock 5y ago I used to work as a paramedic. We got a call at a local hotel lounge and when we got there a large guy was out on the dance floor. No pulse. We started our cardiac arrest protocol right on the dance floor. The music was still blasting, the lights dim and the waitstaff was still serving drinks. It felt like we were part of the floor show. But it could have been worse, at least they all quit dancing. + 214 ...
georgioz 5y ago E Edited 5y ago I was on a highway with my friend for our trip from San Diego to Vegas. It was beautiful early morning - and then on the other side of the highway there was this car crashed into the highway bridge, ablaze with bright fire and huge pillar of smoke rising from it. Everybody passed around it as if it was just another Tuesday. + 150 ...
LongDaking 5y ago . I remember being invited to a pool party in the fourth grade. I having a grand time until I went in the deep side and started drowning. I remember everyone staring at me while I was screaming and flailing my arms. My dad was the only one who jump inside to save me. Long story short...I hate people. 463 ...
thiiisssmonkey 12y ago e This time when I was walking the city streets mid day amongst hundreds of people and this old lady dropped trou and started taking a dump + 37 ...
Mighty_Hare 12y ago A few years back I had some bladder issues so I started taking cranberry pills, some advice from a friend of mine. The jar had 60 pills in it and I had to take at least 2 a day. They did not have any effect, but I still took 'em for 4 or 5 days. The 5th day I think, I opened the jar and the seal was back on. This freaked me out proper, but I was pretty sure I've taken those pills for at least half a week. So I took the seal off, emptied
Fake_the_jaB 5y ago I was driving down this hill heading to work one summer morning, when this big furry cat tried to jet across the street. I slammed on the breaks but unfortunately the cat was dead. I look around and the owner of the cat is right out front doing yard work...I SHIT YOU NOT THE OWNER GRABS HIS SHOVEL, scoops the cat off the ground, plops the dead cat on his sidewalk and continues his yard work...I approach him to apologize and he gives me an emotionless wasnt your fault and continues on with his day 1.2K ...
Squishy_Pixelz 5y ago A group of dudes (6 of them age between 17-18) started openly talking about sex during our IT class. I don't mean the usual hookup kind of talk, I mean going into graphic detail about each of their sexual endeavours and how exactly they did it, down to the messes they made at the end. This was in a class of nine people and I was the only woman in it besides the teacher. The other two guys just sat and listened like it was normal. + 1.2K ...
juggerd22 5y ago i was walking to school and approaching a crossroad. i was 20 meters from the crossroad and a very short fat person in a yellow robe with a pointy hat walked over the road and nobody looked. just me switching between staring at the fat wizard, the other people on the sidewalks and softly saying what the hell. now i dont know if there is a kkk branch in the netherlands or if it is a part of a religion or just a role player but that caught me of guard. + 1.6K ...
Yeahitsmeimsorry 5y ago One of my coworkers(bob) will regularly pull a knife on another coworker (John). John teases bob and plays it off as a joke when bob takes the knife out.... this happens so regularly that it's just accepted as normal... it's starting to feel normal for me too... + 1.8K ...
Moots_point 5y ago A few years back I liked a girl and she invited me to her youth group. Everything was going fine, until the pastor said Alter call and then everyone walked up to the front and started rolling around. I really wish I was making this up, there were even people holding down other people as they were shaking/rolling. Afterwards we all went to Pizza Hut and acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. + 4.7K ...
iamhonestlynotsure 5y ago Was at a staff meeting where the president of our company casually mentioned that she spits on her neighbors dogs when she walks past them. No one reacted, not even a glimmer of emotion on anyone's face. Thought I must have misheard or was going crazy until later in the day when a colleague privately brought it up to me and mentioned how insane it was. + 433 ...
Redditabower 5y ago I showed an acquaintance a video of an old friend that moved away a few years ago. That friend had a very distinctive laugh. The acquaintance I showed it too proceeded to laugh like him the rest of the night like he had been laughing that way his whole life. Не kept it up for months. Не stole someone's laugh. It still gives me the willies. + 716 ...
OMGSpaghettiisawesom 5y ago There was a gas leak in the building where my first morning college class was held. The class still met. There was still a strong gas smell, so I questioned the safety of the situation. The teacher mocked me for being concerned and sarcastically said that he wouldn't take attendance if anyone wanted to leave. I was the only one who did. I had to text my husband to confirm that I was being reasonable. + 6.6K ...
Bonetown42 5y ago In a peak Florida Man move, my uncle, who lives there, almost died when he flipped an airboat that he was driving down his street. Not on a body of water. On the street in front of his house. Even now when he's fully recovered it seems like I'm the only one in the family who recognizes how god damn ridiculous it is that this happened. 117 ...
DoorNo_5 5y ago I heard someone reading the instructions on their microwaveable food say Pierce film four times with a fork. Simple enough right? Не went on to question if that meant four holes with one prong of the fork or 16 holes all together. A gal interjected that some forks have three prongs and maybe it's supposed to be 12 holes. The guy said the three prong fork would make bigger holes and maybe the film should be pierced five times with the four- pronged fork. At this point I feel like I'm having a stroke. Then they start


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