35 Funny Reasons People Ended a Friendship

‘I didn’t know she had a vendetta against redheads’
35 Funny Reasons People Ended a Friendship

If you make enough friends over the course of your lifetime, there’s going to be at least one friendship that ends in a confusing way. In some cases, it’s a miscommunication that never gets worked out; in others, it’s because you beat them in Mario Kart too many times or because you didn’t ask their infant daughter to be a flower girl at your wedding

To that end, Redditors have divulged the undeniably bonkers ways a friendship of theirs got flushed down the toilet, including one that sounds eerily similar to a Seinfeld plot line.

Lifewithblemi 3y ago I baked her brownies for her birthday... no joke plain regular brownies + 37 ...
mypillowiscold 3y ago E i wasn't | vegan 27 ...
WeepDeepPeep E 3y ago e My wives college friend stopped talking to her because we only devoted a weekend to her birthday celebration instead of an entire week like she wanted. 21 ...
peanutjam . 3y ago e Because I bought an investment property. She labelled me a capitalist and virtually blocked me + 138 ...
maybewolfgang . 3mo ago Because I was getting married and they weren't. 20 Reply ...
stressed_mess0 . 3mo ago Didn't text back within a few hours. 52 Reply ...
Dense-Antelope-5472 3то ago I beat them in Mario Kart one too many times. Some people just can't handle the blue shell 31 Reply ...
Mental-Huckleberry55 e 3то ago . Asked my friend why he told people I was afraid to sleep outside at night. This was in my garage just the two of us. Freaked out threw his cooler into my trees. And that was the end lol there isn't two sides to this story. A true head scratcher moment 21 Reply ...
MistyNero o 3то ago I didn't have internet on my phone outside of the house, so I couldn't respond to her WhatsApp texts whenever she wanted me to. 19 Reply ...
IvetRockbottom 3mo ago One of my best friends from middle school and high school decided to be my college roommate. It was a very conservative college. I was definitely out of place there. Sometime around our sophomore year, he turns to me and says we're both republican. And I said, are we?. I felt like I heard glass breaking and realized, in that moment, that we weren't friends anymore. That was it. Не just moved on. 55 Reply ...
abgry_krakow87 3mo ago We had planned to learn this specific line dance together and then debut it at our local country bar where we would go line dancing every week. Well, it was a complicated dance and took some effort to learn, but he never took the time to learn it or practice it and I was really eager to try it out at the club. So after a few weeks of excuses, I said f**k it and requested the song, then went out there and did the dance. Не was at the club at the time and when he
Elrond_Cupboard_ 3mo ago e That I didn't choose him to be my best man. Wouldn't come to the wedding. I never saw him again. + 122 Reply ...
Ordinary_Client_9255 3mo ago Back in school, I borrowed a pencil from them and forgot to give it back. I gave it back the next day and they said I was a red flag for not being trustworthy + 143 Reply ...
e 3то ago RightAssistance23 Because I got a immune disorder that made it not safe for me to drink 141 Reply ...
Sweet_lollypopp g 3то ago She asked me if I would fuck her boyfriend a few times a week while she was on vacation so he wouldn't cheat on her while she was gone. She was a very bizarre person to know + 508 Reply ...
Vegetable-Day5989 3то ago I had a friend who had a farm. She had goats, horses, chickens, etc. One day she texted me and said her goat broke its leg. I remember texting back like oh no I'm so sorry, I hope it heals soon! I got busy and I think I forgot to answer her message after that. She texted me shortly after saying I wasn't there for her enough when her goat broke its leg and pretty much I was a selfish POS. + 526 Reply ...
kinare e 3то ago Because I'm an atheist and she didn't realize I was that kind of person. She was personally very offended. I am not an in-your-face kind of atheist, either. + 280 Reply ...
Pearlsnloafers e 3mo ago My sister stopped talking to me because I thought about naming my first born a name she wanted to use. She never told me that she had dibs on the name. Also she was not pregnant. + 311 Reply ...
ThePurityPixel e 3mo ago I'm a photographer. She's a model. I shoot a lot of nudes. She doesn't shoot any. But we still had a great shoot together. She cut off the friendship because she didn't want any possibility I was imagining her naked. Lady, I've got news for you... + 621 Reply ...
 . 1y ago . I stopped hanging out with my best friend from school because he used Facebook too much. The guy would post something every 20 minutes, he was just desperate for attention. + 36 ...
 1y ago . Got drunk camping and kept everyone awake all night until I told them off like they were a child. We walked 6hrs out of the bush the next day in silence. + 15 ...
wusss_poppin_ 1y ago ex friend asked me to design him a poster and told me to name the price and he would pay. well, i was too nice and didn't charge him much because i thought he's my friend, so I'll give him a discount. stupid of me that i didn't make him pay beforehand because that mf disappeared after i sent him the design. and whenever i reached out to him to ask him about the money, he said he was busy and would pay me later. last October he dipped out to Germany and no longer answered my
Panda_Kabob 3y ago . I forgot his girlfriends name. Like we eventually became friends again and he admitted it was kinda dumb to do. But at the time it was funny and made me laugh. I don't remember names in general. I barely remember my own. + 107 ...
MrPersonLol . 3y ago e I told him that I had an innie bellybutton and he said only outies were aloud in his tribe + 74 ...
enguldrav 0 3y ago I told her yelling at her father for asking her to help make coffee was inappropriate. + 234 ...
 . 3y ago She smashed a pie in my face, and I told her it wasn't funny. 35 ...
Potatoheadheadhead . 3y ago e Because I was sick for a month, and couldn't hang out. I had mono. I came back to school and that bitch had ditched. + 85 ...
DIDiMISSsomethin 3y ago I was best friends with twin brothers all through elementary school. Connected at the hip. After 5th grade, before middle school one of them called me and said that we couldn't be friends anymore because I was ruining their popularity. I was devastated. I had trouble making friends basically the rest of my childhood after that. + 129 ...
drpepper1992 3то ago I remember having this friend when I was young, and one day i was his house, and I wouldn't give him one of my Pokémon Cards, he said I was never invited to his house again. Over a Pidgetto or something + 770 Reply ...
Cat_M001 . 3то ago My friend lied about inviting me to her party, bought a present and everything, said it was cancelled and saw on her status that the party was still on and that they were planning to watch Euphoria as a group. So I posted spoilers on my status. She was the first to view it all. Haven't spoken since lol + 1.7K Reply ...
3mo ago On3l4sttim3 I had a friend in culinary school that was with me in almost every class, so we just made it a plan to always pair up, halfway through school I decided to dye my hair red and didn't know she had a vendetta against redheads. I walked into class that next day, and she never spoke to me again, lol. + 1.2K Reply ...
Inevitable_Tone3021 . 3mo ago I asked Friend A how our mutual Friend в was doing. Friend в found out that I had asked this question, concluded we had been gossiping about her, and subsequently cut us both off. We haven't spoken to her in years now. + 194 Reply ...
Lemon-Flower-744 e 3mo ago I didn't let her daughter be a flower girl at my wedding....her daughter was under 1 so wtf + 1.4K Reply ...
RiskyMama E 3то ago She sold me a mattress that had bedbugs, then blocked me when I asked for my money back. + 79 Reply ...
- FeelingYesterday 3y ago . I bought the same dress she wore to school because I thought it was really cute. I didn't even wear it to school, I wore it to a house party. She saw me in it, called me a poser and pretended I didn't exist for the rest of senior year. 30 ...


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