44 Random Bits of Trivia Hand-Stitched Into Your Brainfolds by a Cerebral Haberdasher

Facts that never go out of style
44 Random Bits of Trivia Hand-Stitched Into Your Brainfolds by a Cerebral Haberdasher

Whether your brain has had these stylish facts in its closet for years now, or it’s about to get them in there today, you’ll be glad to know that it can wear them for life. They’re not some trendy facts that come and go. They’re like the jeans of knowledge, if you will. Jeans aren’t going anywhere. Even our A.I overlords will probably be rocking jeans from time to time. 

All this is to say that they’re as interesting today as they will be decades from now. So get some empty hangers ready for these lifers!

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Water you drink may be older than the Sun According to astrophysicists, half of all water on Earth may be millions of years older than the solar system. CRACKED.COM
Some animals, including most fish, lizards, and snakes, can grow forever. The only constraints are their diet and environment - if they didn't get killed by predators, diseases, or accidents, they could, in theory, grow to any size. CRACKED.COM

Winslet was told fat girl parts are all she'd get.

Kate Winslet is an Oscar-winning actress who, early on in her career, was told by a drama teacher that she should settle for the fat girl parts. SHACADEMY ETLALADLIVE t E WARDS E AWARDS ЕЕ ЕЕ BRITISH AC BRITISH ACA FILM AWARD FILM AWARD EMY E SH ACADEMY E AWARDS In reaction to this, Winslet has said that any woman who's ever been put down shouldn't listen to it and should keep going. CRACKED.COM

The Guardian  

A baker’s dozen being 13 goes all the way back to medieval times.

A baker's dozen is 13 because of a law in medieval England. CRACKED.COM There were laws that relat- ed the price of bread to the price of the wheat used to make it, so bakers would toss in extra in fear of com- ing up short and being ac- cused of cheating custom- ers.


Eleanor Roosevelt had weekly press conferences for just women.

Eleanor Roosevelt held weekly press conferences that allowed only female journalists to attend. This forced many news organizations to hire their first female report- ers, and saved the jobs that women already held, ensuring their ac- cess to news. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Women's History

The Oxygen catastrophe killed most life on Earth 2.5 billion years ago.

Most organisms on the planet were wiped out due to too much oxygen. CRACKED.COM Around 2.5 billion years ago, the Oxygen catastro- phe occurred, where the first microbes producing oxygen using photosynthe- sis created more free оху- gen than most life was ac- customed to.


Millionaires don’t think anything under $5 million is “wealthy.”

70% of millionaires do not consider themselves wealthy. $5 million is the level at which most rich people feel they have no con- straints on activities, ac- cording to a survey of 4,500 affluent investors by UBS. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Pakistanis are urged to drink less tea to help the economy.

People in Pakistan were told to help the economy by drinking less tea. GRACKED.COM The planning minister asked chai drinkers to cut down on their consumption because import costs were draining the country's foreign curren- су reserves. The plan of ac- tion was met with ridicule by many in Pakistan.


This new Rockefeller Plaza artwork changes based on its surroundings

New Rockefeller Plaza artwork changes based on its surroundings-and is also an NFT. CRACKED.COM The work by Turkish-Amer- ican media artist and di- rector Refik Anadol is ac- tually a constantly chang- ing, live NFT-a word that has now lost any meaning it may have once had.


No, a witness did not fart while testifying during Johnny Depp’s trial.

The internet was abuzz after a witness allegedly farted while testifying during the Depp v. Heard trial. CRACKED.COM Unfortunately, the video was edited and no court- room tooting actually hap- pened. Per Snopes: Evi- dence is lacking to rule con- clusively on whether an ac- tual instance of flatulence took place at that moment.


Someone dressed as poop let off a stink bomb at a city council meeting.

A man dressed as a poop emoji let off a stink bomb at a city council meeting in Oklahoma City. GRACKED COM Phil Ateto told city council members that they were upholding white suprema- су by passing a bill which established a police ac- countability board, and that it was a turd of a bill.


Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy disrupted the NY stock exchange while filming.

During the filming ofTrading Places, Aykroyd's and Murphy's presence at the stock exchange led to over $6 billion of trading being halted. CRACKED.COM It was scheduled to take place during a weekday, but Aykroyd's and Mur- phy distracted the ac- tive traders, so filming was rescheduled for a weekend.


The first $100 million movie. 1975 CRACKED CON Jaws was one of the first films to be released nationwide, all at once, instead of slowly rolled out ac
Chris Hemsworth lied about his height. CRACKED COM Back when he was merely impossibly handsome, and not yet famous, Hemsworth stole work from short ac
The First Commercial BU OVA AC IME In 1941, nine years before Dunkin' Donuts existed, a 10-second spot interrupted a baseball game to declare that Am
In Iron Man 3, several people get sucked out of Air Force One. The scene was shot in midair with skydivers. The travelers freefalling in midair are ac
A BOSTON NURSE MISSPELLED BOSTON STRONG WITH HER MARATHON ROUTE. Eos River St St Be Back AC BA STTDG The Boston Marathon was postponed, so Lindsay D
Source: CBC
A Utah High School installed donation-funded washrooms, which include showers and washing machines, to provide for homeless students who don't have ac


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