42 Random Bits of Trivia We Hand-Ground Into a Paste With Our Mortar and Pestle

Mushy facts for easy consumption
42 Random Bits of Trivia We Hand-Ground Into a Paste With Our Mortar and Pestle

By now, you’ve obviously noticed that applesauce is a lot easier to consume than actual apples. Those sauce makers made sure that your teeth had absolutely no work to do, which we’ve found incredibly inspiring. We thought that if they can do it with apples, then we can definitely do it with facts! So we got to work filling our offices with fact vats, fact mushers and fact conveyor belts to directly deliver facts that will easily slide up into your brain. 

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What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

A speeding woman on cocaine killed a drunk driver who was high on meth in Vegas. CRACKED.COM While a trauma paramed- ic was attending to the driver's injuries, a small baggie containing a white substance fell out of the left side of her bra, po- lice said.

8 News Now 

Wind Turbine Blades Could Be Recycled Into Gummy Bears One Day.

A new kind of wind turbine could be recycled... into gummy bears. CRACKED.COM The new form of wind tur- bine material combines glass fibers with both plant-derived and synthet- ic polymers that can be ex- tracted during the recy- cling process and used in a variety of ways.


Breast milk helps a baby know what time of day it is.

Melatonin levels secreted in breast milk vary depending on the time of day. This helps the baby know when to sleep/wake up and thus regulate its sleep cycle. Babies who are fed formula have a harder time regulating their sleep cycle and are more prone to col- ic. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Top scientist admits 'space telescope image' was actually a slice of chorizo.

A space telescope image turned out to be a slice of chorizo. CRACKED.COM The director at France's Al- ternative Energies and Atom- ic Energy Commission apolo- gized after tweeting a photo of a slice of chorizo, claiming it was an image of a distant star taken by the James Webb Space Telescope.


Wisconsin activist says he committed voter fraud to expose potential voter fraud.

An activist committed voter fraud to expose potential voter fraud. IC REPUBLICAN DEMOCRATIC OFFICIAL BALLOT 300ml sources MINISTRY ABSENTEE I Harry Wait, the president of Instructions 2 - I - I a . 1 I JOHN your f 1 choice To VODA like a person $ I STATE TREASURES I & I I في bake I F SVB parent Government, said he pean A eno 1 I & by Into : أ DYSTE POR Honest, Open and Trans- you A I change ! Your I BRAD LAGER | i a # a pol I و I successfully ordered absen- for ballos I and PRESIDENT


Possums faint, they don’t play dead.

Possums don't play dead, they actually pass out when confronted. GRACKED.COM They go into shock and faint when con- fronted, involuntarily. They are in a cataton- ic state until they be- come conscious again.


Hitler loved the movie “King Kong.”

King Kong was Adolf Hitler's favorite movie, despite being censored in Germany. CRACKED COM Nazi Health Officer, Professor Zeiss, didn't like the fact that it showed a blonde women of the German- ic type in the hand on an ape.

Total Film

The public is bad at spelling "publicly."

Publicly is the most commonly misspelled word in the English language. Eleonora ВПЕД Drimen and mit Schroefter drt S zen, mit roelines - CRACKED COM Public is the only word ending in ic that has ly added to the end as opposed to ally, like in logically.

Source. CNBC

Don’t Duck with the Ocean.

Don't bring your pool toys to the beach, or you might end up like these guys. Three guys got swept away in the ocean while riding a huge inflatable duck near England's coast. The Royal National Lifeboat Institution is now, reasonably, warning people not to bring inflatable pool toys to the beach. PL H RNLI ALL RNLI ANLI CRACKED

Matthew Rowe/RNLI (via UPI.com)


Native English speakers unconsciously follow a specific order when arranging adjectives.

Unconsciously, native English speakers say adjectives preceding nouns in a specific order. I I une sotropous elasticity protons or I I such in edi BM FSF 180 of tropy Israel. -n. pl-lin or adi isotop hav 3 1 ٢٠٠ harm ozi OF prejudic register descent n from Jacob; a Hebrew the Bible a member of form equal OC 2020 20 magazine subject & requiring or newspaper. a decision a Z a topic of interest OF disney combining - a connecting on punding 22 Law or giving the descendants out something of - line 2 dew J Physics any of


THE CANTINA IS BASICALLY RICK'S CAFE FROM CASABLANCA. lllustrator Ralph McQuarrie came up with the idea to take Rick's Cafe and put it on a faraway pl
Daryl Davis owns over 20 Ku Klux Klan robes. Their original owners gave them to him as a gesture of friendship. Davis is a musician, and in 1983 he pl
We might not agree on whether Pluto's a planet but we all know it's blue, right? Wrong. It's brown. NASA'S New Horizons spacecraft recently reached Pl


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