40 Random Bits of Trivia That the Cat Dragged In

These facts are mangled and bloodied, but they’re true and that’s all that matters!
40 Random Bits of Trivia That the Cat Dragged In

It’s a great day ‘round these parts. Our little experiment of sending hoards of cats on a fact-finding mission paid off, and we couldn’t be happier. 

It all started when our human fact-finders asked for a raise. After we laughed in their faces, we started brainstorming other options. We realized that cats are not only great hunters, but cat food is way less expensive than multiple full-time salaries! 

Sure, the facts are a little mauled and chewed-up, but who cares? Any truth is a good truth in our book.

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Chili Peppers Afghanistan Iran Pakistan Myanmar oman (Burma) Thailand en Bay of Bengal Aden Vietnam Arabian Sea India is the number one source of the
Baby Koalas CRACKED.COM The seemingly cute creatures eat their moms' poop. For a few weeks, a joey will nuzzle its mom's butt, when she'll release poop pellets then runnier fecal matter call pap which helps prepare the baby for a diet of eucalyptus leaves.

Source: PBS

Pigeon-Eating Catfish CRACKED.COM If you've ever lived in a city, you know how absolutely disgusting pigeons are. In Southwestern France, giant catfish have learned how to hunt the gross birds.

Source: NPR

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Inmate in Georgia’s maximum security prison accused of impersonating billionaires to steal millions.

An inmate at a Georgia maximum security prison stole millions by pretending to be a billionaire. CRACKED.COM Arthur Lee Cofield Jr. as- sumed the identity of Cali- fornia billionaire Sidney Kimmel and stole $11 million from her Charles Schwab account and converted them to 6,106 American Ea- gle one-ounce gold coins.

AJC / Wikipedia

Lea Michele says of course she can read, she was on Glee.

'Glee' star Lea Michele says she really can read and write, despite rumors to the contrary. CRACKED.COM I went to Glee every sin- gle day; I knew my lines every single day, she said. And then there's a rumor online that I can't read or write? It's sad. It really is.

AV Club

Former Philly restaurant server ordered to pay $84M for massacre of 600 civilians.

A 68-year-old former Philly server has to pay $84 million for a massacre during the Liberian civil war. GRACKED.COM Moses Thomas was identi- fied as the commander who led the 1990 slaughter at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, an incident de- scribed as the worst sin- gle episode of the war.


Barry Manilow wrote the Band-Aid jingle.

Barry Manilow wrote a number of famous commercial jingles. This includes the iconic Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there jin- gle, and the classic, I am stuck on Band-Aid brand 'cause Band-Aid's stuck on me. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


BGU407240059 O Anticipating the start of the second World War, the Val-Benoit Bridge in Liege, Belgium was laid with mines. On 31st August, 1939, as a
Chicago gangs in the 1970s and 80s made business cards with member nicknames. CRACKED.COM These compliment cards also featured associated symbols and turf, and the names and symbols of rival gangs. They were used to show affiliation, recruit new members, and disrespect ri- val gangs.

Agent Coulson was only brought back after Iron Man because Sam Jackson couldn’t do Thor.

Agent Coulson was not intended to reappear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe past Iron Man 1. CRACKED.COM It wasn't until a contract dispute with Samuel L. Jackson caused Nick Fu- ry's role in Thor to be dropped, and Clark Gregg was asked to reappear in a larger role.

Slash Film / YouTube

THE ROAD TO EL DORADO DREAMWORK COMCASY ESMPANV The Dreamworks logo appears in the book of spells.
THE 1.226 RICHEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET Fo EL I5SU6 The inventor of es Spanx got the idea while she SARA was at her job BLAKELY THE uisT YOUNGESY CELEH
In Japan, you can buy liquors from vending machines! SHOP FS SS  EIREE HIQUOR ttttt LAk EL SU: IN CRACKED.COM


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