34 Unpasteurized Bits of Trivia Straight From the Udder

100 percent raw, unadulterated truths
34 Unpasteurized Bits of Trivia Straight From the Udder

Were honestly not quite sure that you city folk can handle these pure, full-fat facts. 

We came pretty close to going all Jack Nicholson there with a solid, “You cant handle the truth,” but we held back. Youre welcome. 

Plus, its not even true. We do think that you can handle some little factoid truths. You know, the watered-down, mass-produced ones. These thick, frothy bad boys are sure to fill you to the brim with knowledge. 

Now lets see if your brain is tough enough to take them in.

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Mel Gibson drove a friend to an audition. The night before, he'd got into adrunken brawl, so he showed up covered in bruises. The director told him to come back because the film needed freaks. When he did return, he instead landed the lead in Mad Max. CRACKED COM

You don’t tell a cancer patient they have cancer in China.

It's a common practice in China to not tell an old person about their cancer diagnosis. CRACKED.COM It is believed that telling them can make their condition deteriorate quicker. The doctors will, however, tell the family.

NCBI / Pexels 

People with schizophrenia do not have multiple personalities. Schizophrenia is often confused with dissociative identity disorder because it comes fro

A meteor exploded above Earth and no one noticed.

Everyone missed a meteor exploding in the atmosphere with ten times the force of an atomic bomb. The explosion on Decem- ber 18, 2018 went unde- tected, even by NASA, be- cause it took place over the Bering Sea close to the path of commercial planes flying between North America and Asia. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Theo Germaine drew inspiration from Harry Potter for their character in The Politician. Germaine said that Draco Malfoy's cunning personality fit thei
Hurricane Sandy saved an endangered species. CRACKED.COM The storm leveled a bunch of beachfront property, which the piping plover had previously inhabited. AS the Army Corps of Engineers began rebuilding, they had to build around the endangered birds, who quickly moved back into their old neighborhoods.
CRACKEDCO Ente Shift When did you last clean your keyboard? A regular computer keyboard can host over 3,000 germs per square inch, as opposed to about
Gary Busey swears he's been to Heaven. GARY BUSEY OZPERKINS QUIGLEY ANANGERGTAIL Busey nearly died in a motorcycle accident in 1988. He demanded the s


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