33 of the Wildest ‘I Survived’ Stories

And yet, somehow they lived to tell the tale
33 of the Wildest ‘I Survived’ Stories

If you’re literally pinned between a rock and a hard place like that guy in 127 Hours, chances are you’re fully expecting to meet your maker. And yet, one Redditor who found himself in that exact same situation somehow made it out alive and was able to say, “I survived.” 

Turns out, there’s a bunch of survivors like that walking amongst us. They overcame parachute malfunctions, auto collisions that pinned them beneath tractor trailers and full-on explosions. Sure, they were almost all worse for the wear, but they aced the important part — they lived to tell their terrifying tales.

m4dch3mist 2y ago Saw a car jump a light and cut is front of me on my motorcycle and I had a millisecond to decide if I was hitting it head on or dropping the bike and getting run over. I chose the latter and after it happened I tried to stand up, but couldn't feel my legs anymore. But hey, I lived. 516 ...
rememeb 2y ago I was riding on a jet ski behind my friend on my first day of vacation back to my country on the Middle Eastern coast. My friend was so excited to go so he was driving first. This man was literally gunning it full speed and didn't slow down for the other boats's wakes, so the third or fourth time the jet ski jumped, it ended up landing with the steering wheel at 90 degrees and we just got launched off of it.... I remember the force of the impact and why people say hitting water at
Senggama 2y ago I was riding a bike downhill in Bali, then somehow, the brake didn't work (probably it's too steep) and there's a cliff just right infront of me so, I fell through that cliff...while shouting holy shit I thought it was the end of me, but luckily there's a huge bush cushioning me just about 2 meters below my dropping point... and apparently there's a small layer of land full of bush . Needless to say, I'm safe, just minor wound from the bushes, but the bike is thrashed. + 727 ...
Mrs0Murder 2y ago Went kayaking (with friends) down several miles out in the middle of nowhere. Hit a rush of water at a bend and tipped, ended up getting sucked underneath a tree growing off the side of a cliff and got stuck (underwater), in the hundreds of roots. Figured that was it for me but managed to get pushed through the one little hole after a few seconds and went on through the rest of it. Freaked my friends out really bad but not much I can do. 330 ...
durhap 2y ago Went backpacking on snow shoes along Lake Superior. Was extremely unprepared. First night we dug down to the ground and setup our tent. There was one hell of a storm that night. Thunder, lightening, snow, didn't even seem real. Woke up the next morning soaking wet due to condensation. I was a level of cold that I've never experienced. Only thing that saved us was our packs were under a tarp on a picnic table so we had a dry change of clothes. 206 ...
seth3511 2y ago Motorcycle crash. Construction zone had traffic down to one lane, and I was stopped waiting for my turn to go. Semi truck didn't see the signs and the light until the last minute, and hit me. I was knocked off the bike and my leg was severed. I was sure i was going to bleed out lying on that road, but here I am. + 679 ...
Freshrendar 2y ago Hit a moose with a small car at highway speed. I thought this is it I'm dead. Opened my eyes after and roof was folded in a inch or two from my face. Not a scratch on me. And nobody could find the moose, probably died in the forest somewhere from internal injuries. + 2.3K ...
FormerUniform 2y ago I just got hit by a car going 50 mph and broke 15 bones. I'm laying in the hospital right now typing with one hand. I found out a few days ago that I remained conscious enough to call 9-1-1 myself even though I don't recall doing that. Pretty much the only reason I'm alive is because I didn't injure my head. + 5.2K ...
LBinSF 2y ago e Edited 2y ago Squished in the middle car of a multi-car highway accident. Air bags deployed/ car totaled/ smelled burning scent (not sure what it was but assumed the car was about to explode). And stuck in the fast lane on the highway as other cars whizzed by this cluster-f#% at high speed. Lived to see another day! Felt extremely shaky from adrenaline for hours afterward... + 1.3K ...
Shes_dead_Jim 2y ago Car accident. We hit a patch of ice and went over a guardrail and off a 40 foot cliff. I knew was dead the moment I pulled my leg free from the piece of door stabbing through it and the blood came out like a faucet. I figured I could at least climb back to the road for help before I passed out so I did. I flagged down a passing truck and passed out and died in the ambulance before they brought me back. The firefighters used my blood trail to find my friends car which
AD_Skinner_no_shirt 2y ago Edited 2y ago House explosion, 3 years old Edmonton, AB. vividly remember standing next to a stove that someone was fixing in the basement apartment of my Dads friends house (who we were visiting) and next thing I was opening my eyes in in the daylight outside. I completely blacked out while the gas stove exploded and I landed clean in the driveway. My dad and mom were on the front page of the Edmonton Journal 1993. I remember distinctly thinking the brightness was heaven and that I had died and fell into heaven- my baby sister
sovietsexyboi 2y ago When I was a 6th grader I was cutting plastic with a box cutter, knife slipped and sliced a 6 inch long and 5. inch deep cut into my wrist, cut almost every vein and the tendon some people have, my first thought was oh shit I'm bleeding followed by me running to the bathroom and then slipping on the blood and smacking my head of the floor, knocked out and somehow lived + 1.8K ...
PokesPenguin 2y ago I went under the wheels of a semi while riding a bicycle. Trapped for 2 hours until they cut my bike apart around me. Walked away with a graze on my leg and elbow. 604 ...
shadowball46 2y ago I was choking on food, almost a full blockage and couldn't get any air in. After several attempts to get it out, it sunk in that it was really lodged in my throat and I was screwed. Started to feel dizzy and everything moved slowly. I remember thinking what an embarrassing way to die and that I didn't want my kid to be watching (it was at breakfast). I started dialing 911 when my husband came up behind me and started first aid. Не got the blockage out and I started vomiting everywhere. It was very intense.
spaceman_danger 2y ago Briefly trapped under the raft while in rapids white water rafting. Didn't get the breath I thought I would when my head hit the bottom of the raft. Thought I was a goner. A second later I was to the side of the raft and only mostly still freaking out. + 4.2K ...
deathtothewestlmao 5y ago I saw 2 people stab someone to death in what I assume was a drug deal gone wrong, when I was on a nightwalk. Spent another hour being chased and hiding in a backyard so they wouldnt do the same to me. Scary night 4.7K ...
IridiumPony 5y ago Random dude shot me in the chest because he thought I was my drug dealer neighbor. My neighbor was 6'3 and black. I'm 5'11 and white. Jokes on him, all he got were a few cigarettes, some pocket change, and 35 years on an attempted 2nd degree homicide conviction. + 3.8K ...
 5y ago When I was 7, i visited my grandparents. They had a dog this time and i petted him before i wanted to go to bed. Не has always been a bit agressive and so it came that he suddenly jumped on me and bit my arm very hard. Не barely let go of it. I didn't feel any pain at this point. Probably from shock. That's why i thought everything was fine (i didn't see the wound bc i wore a thick pullover) and i wanted to go to bed. But my mom head the sound of
blonde_lil_bookworm 5y ago I spilled boiling water on my lap while I was camping in the middle of nowhere. I had severe burns covering 30% of my body and had no cell service nor could I find the keys to my car. My boyfriend at the time found a park ranger who then radioed for an ambulance. It took nearly an hour for the ambulance to show up and another hour to reach the hospital. I was going into shock while waiting for the ambulance and a very nice woman managed to keep me awake until the ambulance arrived. I
 5y ago I got stabbed for no reason by a gang in a bad part of town when I was 17, cornered me in a dockyard by a bridge and said they were gonna kill me and throw me in the water. Kicked and sliced me and ripped the clothes off, managed to climb a chain link fence and run off before getting a much larger knife put in me by someone who was in the process of charging at me with it. Got pics if this picks up any steam. 267 ...
 5y ago Drove an ATV through a barbed wire fence at 50 mph. Luckily the fence was rusty and dilapidated. The wire rolled up my neck instead of decapitating. Basically severe rope burn. + 102 ...
paysagerurale 5y ago Piston seized on my motorbike travelling up the M6 in the UK. I remember flying over the handlebars, hitting the road and looking backwards at 3 lanes of traffic coming toward me. I was lucky, a couple of broken bones and the tyre imprint of a volkswagon beetle from hip to shoulder. Still gives me panic attacks. 64 ...
 5y ago I was five years old at the time, my dad was walking me to Kindergarten. As we both crossed the street, that's when I got hit. The next thing I remember was me being under the car. After that we headed home. 71 ...
trixyd e 5y ago Slipped and fell backwards while on a hiking trail and slid thirty odd feet to hit a large boulder at the bottom of the trail. Other side of the boulder? A few hundred foot drop. + 105 ...
Axeman1721 5y ago My friends mom tried to beat a train in a Ford Explorer. The train slammed into the front left of the SUV, and we went spiraling off into a ditch. All could smell was gasoline, and I knew our time was short. I opened the center console, grabbed the seatbelt cutter, and cut us all free. I used the the blunt end of the cutter to break the glass (No percussion point) and crawled out, followed by everyone else. Since engine block took most of the damage, we were all pretty much fine. Turns out the reason
Edymnion 5y ago Was out hiking in my woods. Saw a dead tree that looked rotten and ready to fall across the trail. So I gave it a shove so that it would fall away from the trail. It started falling, the trunk shattered on the side, and it was suddenly falling sideways. Hit another tree, bounced directly back at me. Had just enough time to take a single step to the side as several hundred pounds of tree slammed into the ground right next to me, enough that I felt the ground shake. Would have squished me like a
msmith721 5y ago I was swimming and got caught in an underwater cave/tunnel, had no clue where I was in relation to the entrance or exit, zero visibility, and no way I was getting out, my buddy luckily saw me struggling and somehow dragged me out just in time, 5 years ago and I still get heart palpitations when I think about it. + 353 ...
bobeet 12y ago My entire family was in a ridiculously lucky car accident when I was eight. We were in a small datsun station wagon, and a semi trailer went through a red light and hit us almost directly on the side at about 70kph. The whole side of our car was ripped off as we went past the bull bar of the semi, and me, my sister and my parents were thrown into the road as the wagon dumped us out and flipped over us to wrap itself around a pole as an unrecognisable mess. I don't have any
jotatmo 12y ago I was on vacation in Fiji for a college class. We were visiting a local village, and had free time. I went snorkeling by myself. I am a land lubber, and knew nothing of ocean safety and rip tides. I am swimming face down, looking at the colorful coral reefs. When I look up, I am like a mile out to sea, with no one else around. I try to swim straight back to shore, but the tide is too strong. I have to swim at a 45 degree angle to work my way back against the
 12y ago I was lost in the woods for two days when I was 10... and walked and walked and walked and walked until I found a road and fell asleep out of exhaustion and hunger. The police ended up finding me a bit later and delivered me home where the entire town waited with my mother. + 933 ...
terses 12y ago Edited 12y ago When I was 9 I went to Ohio during the winter. I was visiting my grandparents and I'm from Florida so I didn't really understand frozen lakes. My father took me to lake Erie. I walked on the ice and fell in, after I managed to climb back up I fell in again. This time I didn't make it back up and my dad went in to get me. I stopped breathing because I was under the water too long in the lake and when he pulled me up he gave me CPR. I
Chachbag 12y ago Edited 12y ago A month ago when a suicide bomber detonated himself 15 meters from where I was standing in Afghanistan. His vest didn't explode completely so the 45 pounds of explosives didnt get set off, only the det cord. Attacks usually come in twos so getting out of there was pretty frightening. Being in a situation where you almost died, are worried there might be another attack, and may have to shoot someone is rough. Especially when all three of those things happen in the span of a couple minutes.
Disco_Drew 12y ago My parachute collapsed and I fell turned into a dirt dart. I'm not sure exactly how far I fell, but the guy that stole my air was still under canopy. My best guess is about 70 feet. I waited four hours on the drop zone with a cracked heel, sprained ankle, a crushed vertebra and some blown discs. The medics couldn't get to me because there was an ongoing airborne operation. 3 ...


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