31 Highly Cringeworthy Moments of Secondhand Embarrassment

Sometimes the worst thing you can be is just a spectator
31 Highly Cringeworthy Moments of Secondhand Embarrassment

Secondhand embarrassment is a lot like watching a trainwreck — it’s awful and makes your skin crawl, but for some reason, you just can’t look away. 

These cringeworthy, secondhand trainwrecks, however, might take the cake. For instance, consider the guy who drunkenly decided to whizz out of a second-story window, just to accidentally give his girlfriend an unwanted golden shower. She obviously broke up with him on the spot. Meanwhile, other Redditors have endured everything from a priest who kept getting the name of the deceased wrong to a highly awkward, workplace lap dance. 

These stories are enough to make you writhe in your chair just from reading them.

valiantfreak 8y ago Was at a friend's brother's 21st and was standing around talking with some other guys. On the driveway a bunch of girls were dancing to the music. It was a really chill night. But it was about to get a lot chillier. The guy next to me said to the guy on his other side How about the rack on that blonde chick? Other guy replied That's my daughter First guy mumbled something and left at a brisk walk. + 2.4K ...
4mo ago GoryOrgy_ Watching a guy do an aerial silk routine to Imagine Dragons and he got tangled and stuck and couldn't move and they had to stop the show and lower him to the floor, face first. I had to go outside to cool down because I couldn't stop laughing. 1K Reply ...
Legitimate_Bird_5712 4mo ago I was at my Aunt Brenda's funeral, the priest called her Mary throughout the eulogy. Eventually my Uncle Hank yelled Her name is BRENDA, ASSHOLE! as my Uncle Bob (the widower) burst into tears. 209 Reply ...
IAmASolipsist 4mo ago I went to a fundamentalist evangelical college and went to a version of Faust they put on at one point since I had a number of friends in it. For some reason the director had them all the actors in these sparkly spandex skin tight suits. This was a school where they still ban dancing and sure enough on opening night the guy playing Faust has a giant erection for a solid hour of the show. + 1.3K Reply ...
CakesForLife 4mo ago This was years ago. Met a lady (40ish) who had a piercing in an unusual spot; upper lip, about half an inch away from the nose and more towards the cheek. It was a plain circular piercing. My friend (М 20s) who knew the lady, sort of reached out to touch it, saying sorry you've got something on your face. She gently recoiled. Не tried again. This was with others in the vicinity. I died a bit that day. + 2.7K Reply ...
makeupisthedevil 4mo ago A kid in my highschool wore a toga to school for toga day. Except he got the day wrong. So he just showed up, half naked and wrapped in a sheet when no one else was dressed up. 449 Reply ...
BriGuy1965 4mo ago I saw a friend, who was upset that his girlfriend corrected his grammar, throw himself on a couch and kick his feet and pound his fists, while he cried out, Don't correct me. You're not my mom! She kicked him out of her apartment and broke up with him. I wondered how she lasted so long. 1.2K Reply ...
NibblyPig 4mo ago A guy poured his heart out confessing his admiration and respect for a (male) teacher and requesting him to be his personal mentor, that he would follow his teachings like a disciple, in a very long message with lots of pleading and reasoning. I know this because he accidentally used the group chat, with every single person in the facebook group for the school on it. I still cringe 10 years later from reading it. 2.1K Reply ...
whatsnewpikachu 4mo ago I went to an open house and there was this older realtor helping the listing agent. Не was excitedly walking around this empty house talking about features while looking back at my husband and I and he ran head first into the chandelier that would be positioned over a dining room table had one been there. It happened so quick we couldn't even warn him. Не got tangled in it and ripped it down as he fell face first to the ground, cutting himself up badly in the process. We both still cringe thinking about it. We
Mitzeras 4mo ago A new guy started at work and a couple of us were standing around just bullshitting. A lady that also works there who is fairly rough around the edges walks by and the new guy looks at other guy we were chatting with and states Damn. I feel bad for her husband. It was her husband we were talking to. 2.2K Reply ...
Previous-Foot-8905 4mo ago I used to work at McDonalds. One of my coworkers was mopping the floor and some kids Mother made a comment to her child about getting a good job so he doesn't end up mopping floors blah blah. So my co-worker turns to her and says just trying to pay for my Mums Chemo. I'll never forget the look on her face. Keeping in mind that this guys Mum was NOT sick at all, he was taking the piss. 326 Reply ...
LittleBitOdd 4mo ago When a colleague accidentally unmuted himself in a meeting and said something snarky about someone on the call. That particular call was being recorded too.
jampapi o 4mo ago My old boss, who was basically IRL Michael Scott, was describing a coworker on the first day she came in for an interview. Не described her, to her face as viagra with legs. 4.6K Reply ...
bang-a-rang47 4mo ago Had a guy walk into class in college late. It was auditorium seating and the only open spaces were on the 4th row in the middle (about 25 rows in total and about 50 seats per row). This guy walks in and sits down ~15 mins into lecture and opens his laptop which as soon as the lights boot up starts BLARING porn and at the build up to the big finale to boot! Не couldn't log in fast enough or mute it since he wasn't logged in. So he slammed it shut, put it in his
Smile_Terrible e 4mo ago A girl graduating from college falling down repeatedly on the stage. She fell at least three or four times and it was like something invisible was sweeping her leg out from under her. Even she had a WTF expression on her face. + 13K Reply ...
largecontainer 4mo ago . Edited 4mo ago College class in a big auditorium, professor very strict about attendance on test days. Day of final exam, literally as the professor is closing the door a girl who was nearly late every day comes running in and up the steps to her seat near the top row. She tripped halfway up and rolled down a few steps then started doing the Peter griffin skinned knee routine. 410 Reply ...
Buckus93 4mo ago A colleague of mine put in his two weeks. For context, he's a fairly attractive man. Well, this woman from HR (of all places) comes by his cubicle to, uh, wish him well, | guess? Anyway, she basically gives him a lap dance right there in front of the whole office. + 13K Reply ...
davethapeanut 4mo ago Edited 4mo ago Was going down an escalator at the mall of Georgia when the 90 something year old guy in front of me very suddenly shit his pants. We were about 500 feet from a bathroom and he was wearing shorts. I felt so bad for him. My dad gave him his hoodie to wrap around his waist. I was very proud he was my dad in that moment and still am 13K Reply ...
No_Difficulty_3203 4mo ago I was selling some kettlebells on Facebook marketplace and a woman, early 40's maybe, bought them. She came to pick them up and as I handed them over to her, she obviously wasn't expecting them to be as heavy as they were, and as she suddenly strained to counter the weight, she ripped the most extreme of farts you have ever heard. It was gargantuan. I was shocked, but also proud. I'm usually pretty good at making light of any situation but I found myself speechless for the first time in my life. If I could, I
CptMurphy27 4mo ago That time my old roommate told a table full of his family that AIDS and Cancer are the same thing. Just after talking about how much he's been learning from his night classes. Those classes were being paid for by his parents and Spoiler Alert he wasn't attending any classes. They realized it by the time dinner was over. + 7.6K Reply ...
Beneficial-Salt-6773 4mo ago Was at dinner party when my friend's mother in law asked another one of our friends when her baby was due. She wasn't pregnant. Anyway, MIL should have simply apologized, but instead doubles down with something to the effect of it sure looks like you're pregnant. + 13K Reply ...
konoiche 4mo ago Someone at my college graduation ceremony yelled I'm queen of the world! when accepting her diploma. Not a single person laughed. + 717 Reply ...
reddittttttttttt 4mo ago Edited 4mo ago We were at an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica. Every night they had this common area where folks could do karaoke. A middle-aged gentleman got up and started the first few lines of Lionel Richie's Easy. Some random lady from the audience ran up and attempted to sing the song with the gentleman. Не kindly pushed her away two or three times as she tried to sing over his shoulder into the microphone. Finally, she just stood there dejected...swaying from side to side like an idiot - as the man broke from his song and professed his
LifeGuru13 8y ago Edited 8y ago Have this uncle who is extremely cheap and once took us out to dinner. After he got the bill he asks for the menu again and takes out his calculator and starts double checking the bill prices and menu prices. This goes on for 15 min while the waiter patiently waits next to the table. At the end he realizes he forgot his wallet and asks us to pay. Don't think ive ever tipped that generously. + 2K ...
pharmaSEEE 8y ago Edited 8y ago In middle school, a kid decided to don his karate wear and break a brick for the talent show. This intense music starts playing, and he comes out. Bows his head and...HIYAA! Hits the brick. It doesn't break. Tries a couple more times. It remains unperturbed. Не stomps off the stage in tears. I'm sure to console him people told him no one will remember this is ten years!. It's been more than ten years. I still remember him as the kid who couldn't break the brick. + 2.6K ...
 8y ago I was in a class with about 50 other people when this really quiet guy stood up and started to play gangnam style out of his phone and started doing the dance with a wide grin on his face. Nobody laughed and so he sat down after about ten seconds of singing and dancing and the lecturer proceeded to carry on with lecture. + 5.9K ...
 13y ago Back when I used to play hockey, I must have been about 10, this kid on the other team got the puck for what appeared to be the first time ever. Не was in the neutral zone, but on his team's side of the red line. Не turns around and skates towards his own goalie. THe goalie didn't realize what was going on, so when the kid went and took a shot, the goalie didn't try at all to stop it... kid got what was probably the only goal of his hockey career, on his own net.
 13y ago Back when I used to play hockey, I must have been about 10, this kid on the other team got the puck for what appeared to be the first time ever. Не was in the neutral zone, but on his team's side of the red line. Не turns around and skates towards his own goalie. THe goalie didn't realize what was going on, so when the kid went and took a shot, the goalie didn't try at all to stop it... kid got what was probably the only goal of his hockey career, on his own net.
ariiiiigold 13y ago Flight from London to New York. I'm merrily grazing on my pack of salted pretzels and reading some Harry Potter, when the guy sitting opposite pours his heart out to the flight attendant. The silly motherfucker tells her, despite having only met an hour previously, how he thinks she's the one for him, how she's so beautiful that life without her would be as a cold as a fairly- chilled beverage and how she absolutely must let him take her out on a date. The attendant obviously refuses, so the guy starts crying; I'm talking full-on bawling,
freudjung_deathmatch 13y ago One time when I was at a party, a rather inebriated friend of mine thought it would be hilarious to pee out a second story window- a second story window that was just over the back door of the house we were at. Who is walking out the door at that time, you ask? Oh, only his girlfriend. Who got peed on. Who proceed to yell at him from outside. She broke up with him then, and he started bawling inconsolably with the whole of the house party watching. It cleared out pretty soon after that. +
erin132 13y ago We had a very enthusiastic physics lecturer when I was in first year of university. As way of keeping us entertained for one lecture he decided to do the whole taking a bucket of water on a string and spinning it in a huge circle trick. This all went very well until he tried to stop it. Не mistimed it and the bucked smacked him in the head and soaked him with water. In front of 200 students.... I wanted to die I was cringing so badly. + 160 ...


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