30 of the Wildest Things Witnessed at a McDonald’s PlayPlace

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30 of the Wildest Things Witnessed at a McDonald’s PlayPlace

Life was so much simpler when a random trip to McDonald’s was the most exciting way to spend an afternoon — especially when that McDonald’s contained a PlayPlace. What a joy it was to run around the ball pit and crawl through the suspended plastic tubes with kids you’d never see again, but in that moment, were your true BFFs. 

Of course, that joy immediately dissipated when you were old enough to realize just how disgusting PlayPlaces actually were. 

Redditors have shared some of the wildest things they’ve seen in a McDonald’s PlayPlace, including a middle-aged woman stuck in the slide, a lot of used needles, and as I’m sure you’ve already guessed, a whole bunch of shit.

nerdy3000 10y ago I'm a former mcds manager. I distinctly remember 2 occurrences: Young child comes up to let us know to older children (teenagers) were playing without their clothes on... We asked the people to leave which they promptly did. The other a child brought up a large USED butt plug and said he found it in the play place... That was just ewwwww 5 ...
CanemAureum 10y ago Edited 10y ago Not an employee, but when I was about three years old, my grandparents took me to the PlayPlace. They sat and had coffees and chatted for about twenty minutes. My grandfather hears me call out to him, looks up, and waves. After a second he asked: Where are his pants? It turns out, I'd taken a shit in the ball pit, and, clearly regretting it, removed my shit-smeared garments, running full pelt around this enclosure in my birthday suit. My grandfather chased me around, until he caught me, and smuggled me out of the
warmhandswarmheart 10y ago When I was 8 and a half months pregnant I had to crawl into the ball pit all the way to the back wall, grab onto my son's leg and drag him out kicking and screaming. We then had to go down the slide (still kicking and screaming) because I was damned if I was going to squeeze through the little bitty hole a second time. I almost got stuck the first time I went through. Of course there was like a hundred kids in there and I got stared down. You could tell they had had
therealmoec 10y ago It was ten years ago that I worked there but it still haunts my memories. A kid got sick at the top of the tallest tube slide. It was a birthday party and all the other kids were so grossed out by it that they all puked too. Since they were all at the top the puke turned into a river that flowed down the slide and pooled at the bottom (of the slide not the floor). Being the youngest, smallest, and newest employee at the time I got the honour of riding down the slide over
barntobebad 10y ago The worst blowjob ever. The good - blowjob from hot coworker in the ball pit (after closing). The bad - found out you can get a massive hickie on your penis, and why her nickname was hoover. 8 ...
neverbeenblonde 10y ago I was something like 8 months pregnant, there at the PlayPlace with my oldest son. Не decides he doesn't want to come out. I thought twice about climbing in and getting him for fear of getting stuck. Instead, I asked a nearby man to come and use a stern voice to get him down. Worked like a charm. Thanks, random deep voiced stranger! 9 ...
reverendpariah 10y ago McDonald's was my first job when I was 16. This kid I worked with got a promotion to maintainance man and he was excited and bragging all day. That same day some kid took a shit in the slide from the top so it slid all the way down. The new maintainance man had to clean it without slipping down a slide full of shit. No one was jealous of his promotion to say the least. 9 ...
Agatha_Kare 10y ago Former manager at a semi-shading location. I had to kick teens (and occasionally employees) out of our outdoor play place for smoking weed with astonishing regularity. One time someone also tried to sell drugs there. 12 ...
esseff21 10y ago I don't work at one with a plays place, but 2 weeks ago someone called hysterically crying because they left their child in our play place. When I told her we don't have a play place at our store she started yelling at me. I hope the kid is okay. 14 ...
vikashautar 10y ago One night a customer buried himself in the ball pit. The employees closed the store. When the coast was clear he came out and cracked the safe. 18 ...
jellybeans2011 10y ago McDonald's manager here. Worst play place experience? Cleaning my own son's blood out of the play place. Не fell and busted his nose. Poor dude. 26 ...
Netfoolsmedia 10y ago The ball pit was removed from our store when I was in high school. Too many kids were going in the bathroom in it, and the employees kept getting caught having sex in them. + 26 ...
grnmon 10y ago not an employee, but the local McDonalds ball pit had used syringes... discovered only after a kid got plucked with them... we no longer have a ball pit... 30 ...
the_heartless 10y ago I worked at a McD's way back in the day (13 years ago), and before I started, a kid climbed on top of the equipment, fell off, and broke his arm. A photographer came to the store to take photographs of the equipment for the pending lawsuit. The store manager gave the okay, and the guy went out to do what he came to do. The owner of our franchise came in, found out that the guy was outside on the playground, and went out to confront the guy. After a few heated comments, the store owner
KingKasey 10y ago As a child ,my Mcdonalds completely closed / removed thier Play Place because the ball pit had become home to an entire nest of Cottonmouth Snakes. The town went crazy. 45 ...
mikecarroll360 10y ago Current employee (fuck my life). This is a story Reddit will go nuts over if it doesnt get buried. A few weeks ago I went in the play place to throw out food some kids had left behind. I went through the whole place and got all the garbage out. I went through again for a double check and missed a happy meal box at the top level near the slide. As I approached it, I smelled something funky, I smelled sex and ran to the box quickly and saw the most disgusting thing ever. There was
Emilyaml 10y ago Kid vomited and proceeded to pick up fistfuls of chunks and throw them at other children, who then vomited. We closed the playplace for like two weeks to have the whole thing heavy duty cleaned and sterilized by a hire-out company. A woman got pissed off that her kids couldn't play. She yelled I'll show you clean, ripped the hazard tape off the door, broke the lock on the door, and proceeded to put her finger down her throat and barf all over. This was right before I quit. The last thing I heard she was trying
EdgeXMalicious 10y ago 17 year old McDonald's worker here, a drunk lady, probably in her 30's came in and puked at the top of the slide. We found her passed out at the top following the trail of puke that traveled down it. + 184 ...
-spit- 10y ago Not an employee, but once when I was still a wee lad I was at my local McDonald's PlayPlace. After eating my kid's meal, I had climbed to the highest possible part of the structure (which happened to be pretty tall even as an adult), and sat in the little square observation part with all of the circular windows to look out of. In the far corner of the tiny room there was a huge puddle of some liquid substance that at the time I simply thought was discolored water. It was most likely some kid's vomit.
FialloMan 10y ago I'm not an employee, but when I was a kid I was climbing in and out of the play place. I was getting pretty tired so I decided to take a little break inside one of the tubs. I noticed a whole bunch of flies and decided to follow them, turns out there was a dead iguana that was rotting away inside the tube. I was crawling over it the whole time without realizing it. 576 ...
MisterAccuracy 10y ago My sister had to clean piss that went from the top of the slide to the bottom. She started at the top like an idiot, and lost her footing. 699 ...
jooes 10y ago I'm not an employee, but my aunt got stuck in that spiral slide once. Yeah, my aunt. She was like 40 at the time. I'm not really sure why she decided to go down the slide, but she did... and she didn't fit. They had to shut the PlayPlace down and call somebody to pull her out. + 911 ...
_anesthetize 10y ago Not an employee, but I found a pair of rusty scissors in the ball pit when I was 6. Gave them to a staff member and got free ice cream! + 1.1K ...
drthaller 10y ago had this fat kid get stuck in it and when i was sent in to pull him out, i got sued for reckless endangerment of a child and inappropriate contact with a child. i seriously wanted to punch the parents. fuckers got me fired and held up in court for 3 months + 2.4K ...
manboobsonfire 10y ago kids literally take their happy meals in there and forget. Heavier things are always at the bottom (cheeseburgers) then there is a layer of chicken mcnuggets and such. 50% of the ball pit is in fact edible. 25% balls. 25% poop + 3.4K ...
THE_FLYING_CAMEL_69 10y ago . Edited 10y ago Some little kid shit in the twisty slide but its in the middle of the slide the kids at the top couldn't see it, so kids would slide down unknowingly into a make shift shit-n-slide and get shit on there backs, face, back of there head, hands, etc. It was horrendously disgusting. Worse day of life.
+ Jombafomb 10y ago This thread is making me feel better. One time my son pooped his pants in the play area. When I realized it i went up and cleaned it up. Before I was done someone told the staff about it. So I'm up there cleaning up poop and see the McDonald's employee. I said Don't worry about it I got it all and he said thanks, that's the first time that's happened. Feeling embarrassed I said The first time a kid has pooped on the playground? Oh heck no, he said that happens about once a week.
PattyBouvier44 10y ago A lady left her 2 young children in the play place four hours while she went to the thrift store shopping. Eventually a nice old woman came and told me they were there and didn't seem to have a guardian present. So of course I called the cops. When she finally returned she admitted that she does it a few times a week. Another time I was getting ready to lock up for the night and I noticed smoke coming from under the door of the play place. I was quite surprised to find 4 older men
MasterInceptor 10y ago Some fucking kid climbed all the way to the top slide and took his goddamn pants off and slid down the slide. Problem is, he shat the whooooole way down. There was a fucking trail of shit spanning the entire second-half of the slide. We only found out because some other fucking kid slid down that slide and came out covered in chunky-liquid shit and crying uncontrollably. + 2.6K ...
 10y ago An old couple were with their grandchild. They sat at one of the tables that had the tubes running over it. Kid pissed in the tunnels above, piss dripped down all over the old people and their food. + 3.2K ...


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