40 Random Bits of Trivia Bravely Sprayed Into a Crowded Subway Car by an NYPD Officer Chasing a Turnstile Jumper

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40 Random Bits of Trivia Bravely Sprayed Into a Crowded Subway Car by an NYPD Officer Chasing a Turnstile Jumper

FDR dressed in drag for half a decade, everybody just chill out. 

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A good deed cost a homeless man his Medicaid CRACKED.COM New Jersey man James Brady found a wad of cash, and promptly turned it over to the police. When no one claimed it, they let him keep it. Hackensack Human Services caught wind of this heartwarming story and notified him he'd be losing his Medicaid over unreported income.

Brett Favre

Brett Favre's first completed pass ever thrown was caught by himself. CRACKED.COM In his first official play in the NFL during the second game of the 1992 season, Favre threw the ball only to have a defender deflect it back. Favre caught the ball and was tackled for a loss of 7 yards.
In the 1880S when it was first invented, CANDY CORN was originally marketed as Chicken Feed. CRACKED COM


Cereology That's the actual name of the science that studies the crop circle phenomena. CRACKED.COM

Penn doesn’t have much to talk about with Teller.

Penn & Teller are not friends outside of work. CRACKED.COM Penn Jillette said in an interview that a big part of Penn & Teller's success and longevity is due to their never having been close friends. Besides magic, they don't have much else in common.

Reddit IAMA 

CRACKED.c A church in Leuk, COM Switzerland, has a room lined with human skulls. In the 1980s, restorers removed the church's floorboards, discovering

Avebury, U.K.: The Neolithic Pub with a Corpse Inside

The Red Lion in the west of England is thought to be the only drinking establishment in the world surrounded by a stone circle - Neolithic standing stones surround what is sometimes called the most haunted pub in England. There's a well inside, which a murder victim was once dropped down. CRACKED


An opera singer died as he was being lowered to Hell.

Opera singer Frederick Federici died performing the role of Mephistopheles in Faust, on opening night. CRACKED.COM At the end of the opera, Mephistopheles sinks through a trapdoor in the stage, returning to hell. As Federici was lowered, he suffered a heart attack and died in minutes.

Trove / Wikipedia 

'Why is Ted doing this? What is he feeling?"

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM BOB SAGET PUT WAY MORE EFFORT INTO HIS HIMYM ROLE THAN YOU MIGHT THINK. And I'd really watch the episodes. I'd be on the Fox lot, in a soundstage. It took me four to six hours to do one episode for a while. I was like, 'Why is Ted doing this? What is he feeling? he says.


MYTH: The Manchurian Candidate was pulled because of the JFK assassination Frank Sinatra and his lawyers decided to take The Manchurian Candidate out of circulation in 1972, not because of John F. Kennedy's assassination, but purely for business reasons. CRACKED
Jamie Foxx CRACKED.COM When he witnessed a car careen off the road and flip over multiple times, Foxx ran over and cut the driver out of his seatbelt, just before the car burst into flames. He told ABC News I'm not a hero - which sounds exactly like something a hero would say.

Real GTA fans had their rants played on an in-game radio station.

A radio station in 'Grand Theft Auto IV' featured real fans calling in to rant. Rockstar games allowed fans in 2007 to call a num- ber to pontificate about what they thought was wrong with America, and the best ones were fea- tured on the game's WKTT radio station. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

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