40 Random Bits of Trivia Bravely Sprayed Into a Crowded Subway Car by an NYPD Officer Chasing a Turnstile Jumper
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FDR dressed in drag for half a decade, everybody just chill out.
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Young FDR was a fashion icon.

Source: 22 Facts That Shatter Your Image of American Presidents

Brett Favre


Ernest Hemingway

Penn doesn’t have much to talk about with Teller.

Justin Bieber

Avebury, U.K.: The Neolithic Pub with a Corpse Inside

Source: CBS News

Theater Company

Source: Wikipedia

Harsh punishment.

Source: Atlanta InTown Paper

Top Gear

Source: Insider
An opera singer died as he was being lowered to Hell.

'Why is Ted doing this? What is he feeling?"

Source: Science Magazine

Source: IMDB

Source: Embarrassing Early Jobs Famous Actors Hope Nobody Remembers

George Brett

Source: 15 Suspiciously Specific Clauses In Pro Athletes' Contracts
Real GTA fans had their rants played on an in-game radio station.

Source: le Journal de Montreal
Rebel Wilson


Source: Organic Authority