40 Random Bits of Trivia That’ll Blow Your Mind Like That One Livestreamed Watermelon
Your brain is a melon, each fact a rubber band

Jon Hamm: Don Draper, Liz Lemon’s boyfriend and toilet.
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An 11 day traffic jam occurred in China.

A Fact You Can Trust!

Lewis and Clark

Source: NPR
Best: Major League

A Clockwork Orange



Sentences reduced for book reviews - only in Brazil.

Missing Thumbs and Sing-Song Accents: the Finnish Jackass

Kidney Beans


Columbia Pictures, Marvel Entertainment

SNL Italy

Saturday Night Live From Milano

Source: Yahoo

With Amazon Ring, your home will be a fortress, scanning visitors for facial recognition, irises, skin texture and more.

The African Grove Theater

Source: The New Yorker
Michael Jackson

Source: 20 Celebrity Pet Facts

Gwyneth and Paul McCartney

Batman and Superman have a terrible sleepover

Source: 28 Cringeworthy Comic Book Storylines the Movies Left Out
The Cure

Source: 16 Random Facts to Satisfy Your Craving for Knowledge Without Leaving Home
Impressive indeed.

Columbia Pictures

Full House