35 of the Strangest Things Non-Americans Have Experienced in the U.S.

They’re no fans of our toilets, that’s for sure
35 of the Strangest Things Non-Americans Have Experienced in the U.S.

People all over the world buy into the “American Dream” and the idea that there’s as much freedom and opportunity in this fine country of ours as there are McDonald’s — only to be immediately stressed out by a grocery store worker haphazardly bagging their groceries. Of course, for us average Americans, a pimply teenager nearly crushing our eggs is just a way of life. (Capitalism, amirite?) 

Other non-Americans have taken to Reddit to chime in with the strangest experiences they’ve had in the States. And this much is clear: They hate our toilets, our comically large turkey legs and even our parking lots. Oh, and they really hate Big Pharma. 

Hey, maybe they’re just like us after all!

fingerprince e 11y ago . Edited 10y ago I find it really weird how college football players are kind of celebrities. They're scrutinized and have fans and do TV interviews, and it just boggles my mind so much. They're just students that do an extra-curricular activity! I don't understand.
kek08 11y ago People sharing rooms/dorms at university. In UK uni accommodation the vast majority of people have their own bedroom (sometimes with an en-suit) and then share a kitchen and communal bathroom with a small group of people. 515 ...
greenandgold52 11y ago Pickles. Your hidden love for pickles. I have been in the states for like 8 years and you guys give a pickle with everything. + 3.1K ...
Valken 11y ago A very blasé approach to credit card security. Signatures don't matter and no one uses a PIN. + 2.6K ...
ermintwang 11y ago How many VERSIONS of every food product there are. You can't just have one thing, it has to come in blueberry, vanilla, diet, low fat, low sodium, big, small, round and GRAPE, everything is grape flavoured. Nothing is grape flavoured in the UK. + 1.4K ...
 11y ago TV commercials for class action lawsuits and bail bonds. They're the only genuinely weird things that I can think of. For the most part we're not all that different from you, but whenever those commercials come on I just think This place is.. different. + 1.1K ...
lostinthelandofoz 5y ago Open caskets at funerals. This is not a normal thing in Australia - I have never once attended a service where the dead were on show. We do not embalm our dead nor do we expect to ever see them again once they are gone. 176 ...
robvdgeer 5y ago For context: I'm from The Netherlands. The weirdest thing for me was a drive through liquor store. And a drive through ATM. In fact, it was the realization that Americans do everything by car. My wife went to Philadelphia for work about ten years ago and wanted to walk from the hotel to the Target store across the street. People thought she was crazy. 321 ...
ultrasouper34 . 5y ago As an Australian, I was shocked with the fact that alcohol was being sold at pharmacies and grocery stores out in the open for anyone to take, but somehow condoms and that are over the counter only 326 ...
VaultofGrass 5y ago Squirty cheese that comes in a aerosol can. Like who the fuck thought that was a good idea. Unfortunately I was a little kid when I went to the US so the weirdest thing I remember is Squirty cheese. + 593 ...
victimsoftheemuwars 5y ago When we were flying between cities, I found it weird to look out of the side of the plane and see towns midflight. In Australia, once you leave the city's airspace the landscape is completely barren until you arrive at your destination. 960 ...
pavlik_enemy 5y ago 0 Edited 5y ago Bartenders taking your credit card away. Imperial system is weird but it kinda makes sense. Regular bread in US is disgusting, thankfully European-style bread is easy to find. + 3.1K ...
Mycelium83 5y ago Lemondade made with real lemons and its like super sour but some how sugary sweet at the same time. In Australia lemonade is the same as sprite. So when I was there my mum and I ordered Jack Daniels and Lemonade and they made it with the real lemondade and it was awful. It was also weird because they sold pre mixed bottles of Jacks and lemonade with the real lemonade but in Australia you buy the same ones with sprite lemonade. Free refills was the other big one. Everywhere has free refills as many times as
rustyplayer1515 5y ago Canadian here, canadas fast food restaurants have signs that fairly normal height, just enough to get the point across while not being obnoxious, cross over to the usa and within 5 seconds of leaving customs you can see fast food signs hundreds of feet in the air on giant poles. 2 - 3 times taller than here in Canada, why!? also finding peanut butter and jelly swirled into the same jar was shocking. 8K ...
laywandsigh . 5y ago Everything's so big. From the super center Walmart store to food portions, the parking lot, pick up trucks, house, cup of coffee, airport, even the people. + 9.5K ...
who-wasi . 5y ago Flags. Everywhere. It's not as if you're likely to forget where you are! 9.4K ...
Bowies-on-the-moon . 5y ago YOU DONT PUT TAX ON YOUR PRICES!!! Whyyyyy? The amount of times I counted it the exact amount it said something would cost, only to get to the register and get told that it's actually more 10K ...
sassygaycriminal e 5y ago Neon signs for a fucking funeral home will always stand out. 11K ...
BanjoPanda 9y ago Can't watch TV. Commercial breaks interrupting the program every 5 god damn minutes. 235 ...
HoraceDerwent 9y ago You guys drive EVERYWHERE. The parking lots at NFL stadiums are ridiculous in size. Most UK soccer stadiums either don't have car parks, or they are absolutely tiny. + 388 ...
Makhiel - 9y ago Probably not the weirdest but I recently realized Americans have to register to vote. In here it's just: you're 18, you can vote. + 4.9K ...
DillSe 9y ago Met some Swiss guys at a house party after a mutual friends wedding. They couldn't believe that we were all actually drinking out of red Solo cups, it blew their minds. They kept on taking pictures and saying It's just like the movies! + 5.8K ...
dybre . 9y ago I think my cousin from Europe lost it when she saw a wacky inflatable tube man for the first time in America 524 ...
Phalty e 9y ago As a Canadian, the raptor sized turkey legs sold at amusement parks lol. + 2.4K ...
alicebaguette E 5y ago Clearly the fact that there are people to put your groceries in a bag for you, I've never been so stressed and uncomfortable that while I was watching this young girl taking care of my groceries + 15K ...
senefen . 5y ago Cheese so orange it looks like it was made by Fisher Price. 16K ...
dodopancake . 5y ago The bottom of the toilet cubile door is higher than a limbo bar. I want to shit in peace. + 19K ...
WinterDustDevil o 5y ago Canuck here. Ads on TV for medication. Billboard ads for lawyers. Ads for hospitals + 20K ...
theBurgundyBoi 5y ago I live in the south and one time I was hanging out with a friend smoking by a lake in late spring / early summer. Не was Egyptian and had just moved here over the winter. All of a sudden he freaked out saying he was seeing weird lights in the trees. I thought he was too high or something before I realized he meant the lightning bugs. He'd never seen them and didn't know what they were, so I started catching them and he was mind blown that they were just a normal seasonal thing + 23K ...
AnLe21 5y ago Free refills. Went to a restaurant with my dad (both German) and all of a sudden the waiter took away my drink with another perfectly good sipp in it and I must have looked pretty shocked. It was only then when my dad explained to me that you guys have free refills. + 27K ...
Wished-this-was-easy 5y ago In Germany How are you? is an actual question and you generally only ask it, if you know the other person. It was super hard to explain to my mum that the answer is always fine, thank you and that cashiers don't really care about how you actually feel, when we visited the US in 08. + 27K ...
SingleBarrel . 5y ago That there are a lot of squirrels. + 30K ...
graycat3700 . 5y ago That poison ivy not only exists, but it's so ubiquitous. + 2.1K ...
Daverotti 5y ago Edited 5y ago I went to seaworld with my mum when I was in my mid teens. Halfway through the show, the performer (Not the whale) asked everybody in the military to stand up and the whole crowd gave them a round of applause. They sat back down and the show continued as if nothing had happened. Couldn't imagine anything similar happening back in Blighty. Edit: this was at Seaworld, Orlando not San Diego. Roughly 2003/4 + 6K ...
Sp1Nnx 5y ago When you have ads for drugs and half of the ad is telling you how the drug will kill you while also showing puppies. It's weird. + 23K ...


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