33 Random Bits of Trivia Typed Up by One Hundred Monkeys With One Hundred Typewriters

Then shared with you by one human
33 Random Bits of Trivia Typed Up by One Hundred Monkeys With One Hundred Typewriters

While other batches of 100 monkeys are out there typing up great novels, ours are working on the important stuff — facts. 

They haven’t quite figured out computers yet, though. It’s what really separates us from them. Don’t get us wrong, we’re in awe of their abilities. They just need some help uploading them to the site for the world to see. Hopefully that’s their next evolutionary step.

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Rockefeller Center

The Christmas tree in front of the Rockefeller Center doesn't get thrown away. Instead, it gets cut up, and the lumber is then used to build Habitats for Humanity homes. CRACKED.COM


The Lord’s Prayer

In 2019, Pope Francis approved changing the Lord's Prayer. KAI MH BIEENETKHE HMAE EIE ПЕТРАХМОН* АЛАА PT- EAI HMAE АПО TOT ПОNН- AMHN. POT. GRACKED.COM The phrase lead us not into temptation changed to do not let us fall into tempta- tion. Не said the original was a bad translation be- cause it suggested God caused the temptation.



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