Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion

Get bent, little birdie
Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion

Just because you live in the gentle woods, you thought I wasnt going to tear you a new one? Get real!

This Squirrel

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


The real picture of agility there, pal. This looks like when youre leaning on the bar, fading into a blackout and trying to convince a bouncer youre fine.

This Beaver

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


If someone took a picture of me picking something up while nude and soaking wet it would be sufficient blackmail material to make me commit crimes against the state. You can practically hear him quietly going “hurgh” like an old dad moving a lawn chair into the sun.

This Hedgehog

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


This is the face of someone whos sort of just standing in a conversation, but hasnt said anything in 20 minutes and hopes no one notices and asks him to leave.

This Hawk

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


Youre standing totally normal, dude. Legs looking the right length and everything. This is what I think I look like high looking at the candy in CVS.

This Bear

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


Caught you pretending to be human, idiot. Why does it look like you spotted him waddling across the bathroom to get more toilet paper from under the sink?

This Rodent

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


Oh no, did mom forget to pick you up from school because shes on a hot streak at the bingo hall again? Looks like another long car ride home with the janitor.

This Turkey

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


Little overdressed, arent we? It's like one of the guys who shows up for his first camping trip with a $3k technical climbing jacket that still smells like a Macys.

This Bush Baby Thing

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


You can tell just by looking at him that hes an absolute doormat. The amount of wrong DoorDash orders this thing has eaten to avoid confrontation is in the hundreds.

This Deer

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


You know theres four other deer sending this picture to each other three times a day in a group chat.

This Squirrel

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


This is the kind of picture you see in your girlfriends Instagram Message Requests folder. Open it up, and its 14 versions of “hey,” an unsolicited dick pic, and then he blocked her.

This Owl

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


The face of a neighbor youve never spoken to, answering the door after his latex bodysuit is accidentally delivered to your house instead.

This Bird

Roasting 12 Innocent Woodland Creatures Into Oblivion


What a fat little dumbass.


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