40 Random Bits of Trivia We Juiced Out of the Brain of the Smartest Guy in Our Office

It did hurt, but he agreed it was worth it
40 Random Bits of Trivia We Juiced Out of the Brain of the Smartest Guy in Our Office

The dude was hoarding all this knowledge about Bob Saget. We set it free.

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The Mars Climate Orbiter went kaputt because the ground control software used imperial units instead of metric ones.

CRACKED The Mars Climate Orbiter was lost when it burned up in the Martian atmosphere due to a software error. The ground control software supplied by Lockheed Martin used imperial units instead of metric ones, resulting in the orbiter being off course and eventually meeting its demise.

Bugsnag / Cornell 

Winona Ryder was rejected by a casting director who told her she wasn't pretty enough to be an actress.

Winona Ryder faced some rough rejection in her early days of acting. She was told by a casting director that she wasn't pretty enough to be an actress and should go back to school. CRACKED.COM

Tampa Bay / The Famous People 

China criticizes US for not handling the balloon situation calmly.

CRACKED CHINA ASKED FOR ITS SPY BALLOON BACK AFTER IT WAS SHOT DOWN. The ССР said it was for civilian use and criticized the U.S. for not handling it calmly. The Pentagon says acted fast to stop sensitive info being taken by the spy platform, but experts think it probably didn't work.


Natalie Portman was eating pizza with her mom. CRACKED 11-year-old Portman was chilling at a pizza joint on Long Island when a Revlon rep came over and told her she should be a model. Instead of immediately calling the cops, young Natalie says kept my cool. I told him

Source: Bio

Softwood and hardwood are determined by the way they reproduce.

Balsa wood, one of the softest woods, is technically a hardwood. CRACKED.COM The difference be- tween hardwood and softwood has to do with how they repro- duce, not the actual hardness of the wood.


The Last Five Years

BREAK-UP MEDIA The Last Five Years If you like musicals and a good cry over how terrible relationships can be, this Anna Kendrick and Broadway superstar Jeremy Jordan romance is a great choice. CRACKED.COM

'We all make mistakes,' says woman who got bit by an octopus she put on her face.

A woman was bitten by an octopus she put on her face, We all make mistakes she says. CRACKED COM When its beak entered my chin, it was the most intense pain, she said. It felt like ... a barbed hook. If I tried to release it off my face, I knew I was go- ing to tear skin or flesh away.


Moon Knight: Past, Present, and Future

MCU Phase Four and Legacy CRACKED.COM Previous Moon Knight MOON KNIGHT Current Moon Knight It's a matryoshka doll of legacy characters. Prospective Moon Knight


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