30 Weird Things People Faked for Attention

‘Being possessed by her dead aunt’
30 Weird Things People Faked for Attention

You gotta hand it to the attention seekers of the world — they certainly keep things interesting. In fact, one woman kept it so interesting that she faked her own death. Her friends went on believing that she was dead for five whole years, and her grandparents, who were in on it, even went as far as to hold a fake funeral for her. But the entire time, she was just in jail. 

Boring! I see why she lied. 

Other Redditors have remembered the finest fakers they’ve ever known, and we should all be inspired by the grandmother who faked a heart attack during an argument — sometimes admitting defeat just isn’t an option. 

madashmadash 3y ago An acquaintance faked a kidney stone problem, demanded her husband take her to the hospital in the middle of the night, and then when he got dressed and grabbed the car keys, she insisted on going alone by car and warned him that she might get into an accident and end up getting killed, and it would all be his fault. Не insisted on taking her, and she wouldn't go, she would only go herself, all alone, risking her life in a car accident. So it's either getting the kidney stones untreated, or risking her life in
cynicaldummy . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Some kid pretended to be autistic in our school. Everyone knows he's not but we just went along with it.
beautyindeath e 3y ago Starting their period. We didn't believe her so she ran in her house put ketchup in her panties and tried to show a few of us. + 73 ...
Total-Blueberry4900 Зу ago I worked in a restaurant and a hostess pretended to have a British accent. months went by and she continued to speak with the accent but would drop it around skeptics. she also said she was in medical school (and somehow worked full time at the restaurant) and that she used to study elephants in Africa. none of this was true. she left and a friend got an uber pool and saw the next person to get in was her name with the prefix Dr. so apparently she's a faking being a doctor now and no longer
klp2225 e Зу ago In elementary school I told everyone I had my pilot's license to impress people as though they'd give an 8 year old a license to fly a plane alone. 29 ...
Youre_late_for_tea . 3y ago My brother's ex gf would faint when we weren't giving her attention at parties. 28 ...
 Зу ago In second grade this girl everyone loved said her sister threw a plastic headband at her and it scratched out her eyeball, so she had to go to the ER and they dug through a bucket full of donated eyeballs to find one that matched her iris color. She also told us she had her leg bitten off by a shark and had a prosthetic leg (but we all saw her at a water slide party a week later so that was hard to explain) + 38 ...
 3y ago This one time a guy at the office started a 'fake fire' to teach everyone who wasn't paying attention to his fire safety presentation a lesson. Не jammed the doors so they couldn't get out and there was utter panic. A printer was thrown out the window, a man and a cat in the ceiling...needless to say, he got their attention. + 32 ...
Narrow-Ad-6338 3y ago Bleeding. I was in an argument with a girl in elementary school and she was being antagonistic. She picked a scab and squeezed it until it started bleeding. She started crying as if I'd hurt her. 49 ...
 3y ago My girlfriends brother goes around telling everyone he has paranoid schizophrenia. Не also says medication doesn't work on him. The thing is her and I have been together for 3 years and I've hung around him a lot, and I've yet to see him have an episode. 16 ...
huevosconchorizo69 3y ago Oh my goooooood I once faked Amnesia when I was in 10 grade. Literally told everyone I lost my memory and didn't remember anything. It still hurts deeply to think about 14 ...
1BoiledCabbage 3y ago I knew someone in college who faked being gay. Не dated quite a lot of women for being gay. Also, same college, a guy faked being the resurrection of Jesus. Не was really kind, literally looked like the genuine depiction of Jesus (not the white washed one), he listened and helped a lot of people with a lot of their problems, so for that, no one really cared that he was faking it. 24 ...
 Зу ago Pretended they were two different people, not DID like some here, just two totally different people. Didn't even put much effort into just insisted they were a different person than the other person that was there two weeks ago. was a dumb eleven year old. 8 ...
javerthugo 3y ago My brother met a kid at camp that claimed his dad was a tow truck driver who had towed WWE(née: F) wrestler Kane's car: we figured out it was a lie because he claimed that his face really was burned and he really used that voice box to talk. 9 ...
Degensfromupcountry 3y ago i i used to work with a guy who faked his golf scores in order to impress the other guys at the job. Не would shoot a 5 on a par 4 but give himself a 3 or a 4. Не also claimed to have played Major Junior hockey but his brother informed us he was only a spare on his high school team. 8 ...
chocotripcookies 3y ago A girl in my class faked a seizure after someone got injured in baseball practice, she loved the attention. Her seizure magically came to a halt when I suggested we call 999 673 ...
 3y ago In year 7 this kid always pretended to be high so he would seem cool in front of everyone, I'm pretty sure he'd never done any drugs of any kind since all he did was act like he was seeing stuff Imao. Eventually he told everyone he was smoking weed in school and the headmaster called his parents and he got in shit. 603 ...
GSUest1906 o Зу ago Cousin faked choked on candy started to cry after I preformed the heimlich once 491 ...
purple_flower18 3y ago A friend of my classmate faked her death once. My classmate went on for five years believing that her friend was dead. Turns out, the girl was just in prison. Her grandparents (who she had been living with her whole life) told everyone that the girl had died and everyone believed it. They even had a fake funeral for her. I don't know much about it, but that's what I do know. + 392 ...
NeedsMoreTuba 3y ago A kid in elementary school faked a speech impediment so she'd keep getting out of class for speech therapy. Initially it was real, but speech therapy had totally cured it. She just didn't want anyone to know. One of the words she mispronounced was yellow. She would say, Lellow instead. One day we were on the playground together and she said, I'm gonna tell you a secret! she leaned over and whispered in my ear, YELLLLOWWWW, with a hard Y at the beginning. Then she laughed and said, Don't tell anyone! So I didn't, until just now.
acorngirl e 3y ago My grandmother faked a heart attack because she and my dad got into an argument at Thanksgiving. Grandfather was so embarrassed. + 1.5K ...
patrickseastarslegs Зу ago A girl I knew pretended to be pregnant because her best friend was pregnant at the time. Then she got her period in class and pretended it was a miscarriage to not get caught. + 736 ...
 3y ago One of my classmates got an asthma attack and everyone was flocking over to them to make sure they were okay. On the other side of the room another one of my classmates also got an asthma attack, even though it was common knowledge that she didn't have asthma (there were very few people in class that had asthma and we all knew just in case it was an emergency). They faked the hard breathing and exaggerated gasps. It was weird that someone would do something like that just so they would have attention. + 2.8K ...
AdvocateSaint 3y ago One of our senators is the lunatic daughter of a late dictator She never finished college, but keeps insisting that she graduated from Princeton, as well as one of the top law schools in our country. She doesn't show any paperwork, photos, degrees, diplomas, or records of any kind. She just insists it's true despite it being the easiest thing in the world to debunk (as it was, over and over through a simple email or phone call to the schools in question.) Her bizarre, elaborate statements to dodge simple yes/no questions about her academic credentials have
wholetyouhaveahead 3y ago I had two friends in high school who faked tourettes for attention. Their tics were exactly the same and they both magically outgrew it in a matter of months. 326 ...
VorlonKing 3y ago A pupil with a grudge against a teacher at my school deliberately broke his own finger by slamming a locker door on it and then accused the teacher of slamming his finger in a door in a fit of anger, just to get him into trouble. Of course, the problem was it was his index finger and he could not have had it so badly damaged without severely bruising/cutting/breaking the fingers on either side. Не was psychotic! 273 ...
KingofChing 3y ago My friend who I cut off, pretended, a) he had DID, b) that his mom was dead. Both of which turned out to be false, and even to this day I remember her face when she came to back to school night only to find out her son had told everyone she was dead. I can only imagine what she felt. 209 ...
 3y ago This girl in high school shaved her hair and eye brows and told everyone she was dying of cancer. 112 ...
Angel_Celeste . 3y ago One of my friends friends pretending to be hallucinating. She even had the nerve to ask me how long do hallucinations last?. She was doing it to see how her boyfriend would react. 136 ...
ImpracticalHack 3y ago Being possessed by their dead aunt. 892 ... andiona_strausell 3y ago pls. elaborate 295 ... ImpracticalHack 3y ago Not much to elaborate really. Friends and I were using Ouija board and one suddenly claims she is being possessed by her aunt. When we didn't believe her she got mad and refused to talk with us for the rest of the night. 519 ...


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