40 Random Bits of Trivia We Dredged Up From the Deepest Corners of Our Junk Drawer

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40 Random Bits of Trivia We Dredged Up From the Deepest Corners of Our Junk Drawer

Think youre bad at procrastinating? NASA once planned to be on Mars by 1983.

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COMEDYC DEL NERD CRACKED.COM KELSO DAVE FRANCO Franco doesn't look much older than when he played a popular high school student in 21 Jump Street, and could still easily slip into the role of the dumb hunk who's impossible to stay mad at.

Woman faced $50K fine for missing shingle after bylaw complaint.

An Ottawa woman was told to fix a single shingle on her roof or face a $50,000 fine. CRACKED.COM The shingle was blown off during a windstorm, but the homeowner, Heather Borquez, says there are other houses on the street in much worse condition that weren't handed the same mandate.


Mississippi banned Sesame Street for having minority actors.

Sesame Street was banned in several states for casting Black and hispanic actors. 123 SESAME STREET 10 MIN IIII EPISODE During a meeting in 1970, the Mississippi Authority for Educational Television took an informal poll and decided Mississippi wasn't ready for Sesame Street and their integrated cast. CRACKED.COM

NY Times 

Joke Theft

denis bill LEARY HICKS CRACKED.COM Leary and Hicks were buds before Denis allegedly lifted Hicks' material for his 1993 album No Cure for Cancer. I stole his act, snarked Hicks. I camouflaged it with punchlines, and to really throw people off, I did it before he did. Louis CK also accused Leary of joke heist.


Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet

celebrity Besties Friends near, far, wherever they are Leonardo Dicaprio + kate winslet The two actors have been friends ever since they starred in Titanic together, being each others' cheerleaders at award shows and on the red carpet. DiCaprio also walked Winslet down the aisle at her wedding. CRACKED.COM

Source: BuzzFeed

Obscene statues were this king’s way of saying “Get Good.”

An Egyptian king would degrade the armies he conquered with vulgar statues. CRACKED.COM When Sesostris defeated an army without much resistance, he erected a pillar in their capital with a vulva on it to symbolize the fact that the army fought like women.

"The Persian Wars" 


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