40 Random Bits of Trivia We Dredged Up From the Deepest Corners of Our Junk Drawer
Wow, this stuff was really useful 10 years ago!

Think you’re bad at procrastinating? NASA once planned to be on Mars by 1983.
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Advantages of Bilingual Children

Source: 17 Fascinating Facts About Child Development (That Tell Us Lots About Adults)

Cher and Tom Cruise

Source: Smooth Radio

Source: The Guardian

Woman faced $50K fine for missing shingle after bylaw complaint.

Chuck E. Cheese


Mississippi banned Sesame Street for having minority actors.

Joke Theft

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet

Source: BuzzFeed
Star Trek

Source: 15 Tasty Random Facts to Spice Up Your Online Scrolling
Silly String

The Pastry War

Catwoman: Hunted

Source: ComingSoon.net

Obscene statues were this king’s way of saying “Get Good.”

Source: NY Times

Source: Vulture