31 Nonsense Things People Believed for Too Long

No, catnip is not a black-market substance
31 Nonsense Things People Believed for Too Long

You probably believe something stupid. But you won’t know it until you stumble across a Reddit thread that rattles your very being; so for now, you’re comfortably believing something incredibly dumb. Case in point: Until he was 18, one guy thought that a vasectomy meant completely removing a man’s testicles, and he was in such disbelief that he repeatedly thought to himself, “There must be a better way.” Luckily, there is. 

On that note, Redditors have remembered the times their very stupid worlds were shattered, including one kid who thought eating too many grapes would have testicular ramifications. Is it always about the balls with you people?

thesupremegrapefruit 6y ago S Up until I was 10 I though blood was something from the ground, so if you fall over and scrape yourself, the blood was coming from the ground onto your skin + 753 ...
twistadd 6y ago When I was a child I believed that the term soap opera referred to when people sing in the shower. 3.6K ...
-eDgAR- . 6y ago When I was a kid my parents led me to believe that that one Skittles commercial where they plant the Skittles and it grew a rainbow could actually happen. For about a month or two I had my little Skittles patch in the backyard that I watered daily, hoping it would grow before I discovered my parents were just fucking with me. 3.8K ...
nfmadprops04 6y ago When I was 3 or 4, my cousin told me cotton candy was made out of spiderwebs. I'm in my thirties now. I KNOW it's not spiderwebs, but I still can't bring myself to eat it. 5.7K ...
VictorBlimpmuscle 6y ago That there's chemicals added to pools that will indicate when someone has peed by showing a red ring around them - it never prevented me from peeing in the pool, but I'd always swim away from where I peed hoping to outswim that red ring. When it never appeared, I just assumed the pools I swam in didn't have the red ring chemical, but then found out it's just a bullshit story parents tell kids to keep them from peeing in the pool (which didn't even work with stubborn, nasty me anyway). 5.8K ...
JediFlipTricks 6y ago My friend and I found several legit looking videos on YouTube years ago that showed evidence of mermaids being real. I spent an entire week passionately defending the existence of mermaids to my whole family and people I work with + 9.3K ...
fooduvluv 6y ago That porcupines shoot their quills. Also, that the blood in your veins is blue until exposed to oxygen... + 7.2K ...
violentlycoloured 8y ago When I was little my mom told be the point of baptism was to wash away a baby's 'natural scent'. Since I was never baptized I believed for a long time that I smelled differently than other children. + 57 ...
Dorrin12 8y ago I was firmly convinced that, as my parents had always told me, my shoulder-blades were actually wings that would sprout when I became an angel. I found out the reality to the sound of an entire classroom of mocking laughter as I proudly answered Does anyone know what the two bones behind your shoulders are called? during 2nd grade health class. + 305 ...
StillNoGold e 8y ago That the black market was an actual market, i looked in my town for months + 206 ...
Pataflafla5 2y ago When my sister-in-law was younger, she believed that those big fans at the end of those big chicken farm buildings were used for making chicken nuggets. The farmer would simply toss the chickens through the fans and out the other side came perfect chicken nuggets. + 43 ...
bobafuckingfett 4mo ago That the tissue we have in our body is the same tissue we blow our noses with. I'd eat a couple here and there, thinking I was replenishing my body. I'm not sure how long I was doing it before my dad finally noticed. 42 Reply ...
biaggio . 4mo ago Thunder was caused by clouds banging together. + 228 Reply ...
Throwthatfboatow 4mo ago My mom tried to explain how a baby is made in kid terms. She said there's an egg, kinda like the size of a little peanut from the mom, and there's something like a fish from the dad. So when they meet up inside mom's belly, it makes a baby. I thought that's why we don't mix nuts with fish in our cooked dishes and eat them. + 235 Reply ...
mearbearcate 2y ago I believed if I ate the seeds of watermelons they would grow in my stomach + 33 ...
Penetraytion 6y ago As a kid watching Shrek, seeing Puss in Boots get in trouble for having catnip on him I always just assumed cat owners had to go to some pet black market to get ahold of the shit. I didn't find out catnip was not an illegal substance until I was 23 years old. 10K ...
RollerKnightWounder e 6y ago I used to think that doctors and nurses were just gender variants of the same job... I guess its not... + 22K ...
DankyBlaze 6y ago I was told when I was a child that blood wasn't replenishable, so any time I got a cut or slice I would bandaid up for days, thinking about how I'm probably still about 98% full of blood and how long I can make it last. + 13K ...
Juniper_Jbug 6y ago My dad told my sister that the bumps in the road (lane dividers) are Road Braille for blind people who drive...she believed well into adulthood. + 20K ...
Neona65 6y ago . Edited 6y ago I thought President Andrew Jackson was black because his last name was Jackson and everyone with the same last name must be related, so surely he was black because the Jackson 5 were all black. I learned differently in about 4th grade when the teacher couldn't stop laughing when I explained why the picture of Andrew Jackson was wrong in our book.
DanHam117 6y ago My older cousin told me that U-Haul trucks were always full of whatever the picture on the side of the truck was. This made sense to me, Coke trucks were full of Coke, Walmart trucks were full of Walmart stuff, so why wouldn't the truck with a submarine on the side be full of submarines? I was 8 or 9 when I asked my mom how they got dinosaurs into a truck if they were all extinct. I think she actually took my temperature after that question + 24K ...
inckorrect 6y ago One person told me that if I ever eat oysters I would have to chew on them otherwise they would stay alive and grab my esophagus. Another person told me that if I did, it would release gastric liquid into my mouth and dissolve my tongue. I don't eat oysters. + 24K ...
ananthudk 6y ago So when I was little, probably three or four, I was eating grapes one day and my grandmother told me very seriously that if I eat too many grapes, they'd go down and end up in my ballsack. Later that day while taking bath I remember I felt my ballsack and crying out loud as I assumed it was the grapes I ate. Yeah. It took a while for my mom to convince me that they were already there. + 28K ...
 6y ago I thought oral sex was people talking about sex. It didn't help that the definition I read said something about using a mouth and tongue to induce sexual pleasure. I couldn't imagine any other use for the mouth than talking... 12K ...
buescherb 6y ago When I was a kid, my mom had this old car with a turn knob dial for the radio. She told me it only got oldies radio stations because it was so old. When they gave that car to my brother he immediately ripped the radio out and put in a new sound system. I always assumed he just wanted the new radio stations. Then I was in college riding in a friends old beater car and we were listening to a top 40 type radio station and I was like, Holy shit, how is your car
WhylamSoFunny 6y ago Up until I was 18 I thought that when a man had a vasectomy that his testicles were removed completely. And I always thought to myself There must be a better way + 32K ...
avilsta 6y ago My mom told me that her friend saw a ghost on her computer because she was on it after 11pm. Took me until college started to realise she just didn't want us playing computer games till that late. + 540 ...
badAntix e 6y ago I was always told if I swallowed my gum it would not digest and get stuck in my intestines forever. + 826 ...
preaCor . 6y ago I (born 1982) believed that my gameboy needs to rest after playing on it, since it gets tired just like a person. Clever parenting, in hindsight;) + 28K ...
olivesolives 6y ago I once asked my older cousin what BDSM meant and she said Beijos Da Sailor Moon (portuguese for Kisses From Sailor Moon). so 10 year old me started using BDSM as my online signature. + 11K ...
SleepyAsaparagus 6y ago That cockroaches could survive a nuclear war. I thought it meant any one roach was nuclear resistant. They're way more scary that way. 4.6K ...


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