40 Random Bits of TV and Movie Trivia That Would Drive the Brightest Minds of the 19th Century to the Brink of Madness

Nikola Tesla has enough on his plate
40 Random Bits of TV and Movie Trivia That Would Drive the Brightest Minds of the 19th Century to the Brink of Madness

Even Thomas Edison himself would collapse in a writhing heap if you tried to tell him this Poltergeist tidbit.

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BEHIND-THE-SCENES FACTS Those are real bees in the mouth of Tony Todd in Candyman. GRACKED.COM In the climax of the movie, Todd had to have real bees come out of his mouth, with only a dental dam blocking them from crawling down his throat. Todd had a deal with the production that he would be paid $1,000 for every bee sting (of which there were 23) over the course of filming.
BEHIND-THE-SCENES FACTS Real human skeletons were used in Poltergeist, without the actors knowing. GRACKED.COM The prop master on set realized it was cheaper to get some real skeletons from a medical and science supply company than to have replicas made. JoBeth Williams, who played the mother Diane, filmed with the skeletons in a mud filled pool for five days without knowing the props weren't... props.
BEHIND-THE-SCENES FACTS Septimus travels in a group of seven True to his name, Septimus has a party of seven. Compare this to his brother, Primus, who travels alone.


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