33 Things People Did Until They Learned It Was Gross

‘Used to pluck my eyebrows on public transport’
33 Things People Did Until They Learned It Was Gross

Life is crazy. One day you’re minding your own business plucking your eyebrows on the bus, and the next, you’re not doing that because someone tells you it’s “gross” and that we “live in a society.” 

Yeah dude, that is gross, and we do live in a society — you can’t just leave errant hairs on public transportation and act like it’s normal. You also shouldn’t spit on your hands to lubricate them when they’re dry. There’s literally a cream for that. What are you even doing? 

Redditors have admitted to the nasty little habits they once had but abandoned when somebody yucked their yum, and if you’re such a big tater fan that you eat them raw, please stop doing that. You’re gonna get botulism

trytryagainn 10mo ago Eat sauerkraut with a glass of milk. My grandmother almost got sick when she found out. 17 ...
scocopat 10mo ago When me and my sister were little kids we used to shove dirt in our mouths, then add water to make it mud, then add more dirt to turn to back to dry dirt, then add more water to make it back to mud. I've no idea why we did this or how we came up with it or when it stopped. 18 ...
Foysauce_ 10mo ago I spit on my qtips before cleaning my ears with them. Lube for the ear hole, ya know? - 45 ... LastDitchTryForAName 10mo ago There's a sink right there. 64 ...
millamillie 10mo ago I used to put chewed up goldfish in between two regular goldfish like a sandwich and then eat it 19 ...
MultiGeometry . 10mo ago I'd buy deli meat but ask that they don't slice it. Like, give me chunks in 1 lb increments. And I'd warm it up and eat it like a roasted turkey breast. 46 ...
cant_helium 10mo ago Re wearing a pair of socks for a few times before washing them. I didn't have very many pair and sat in a chair all day at school so I figured they weren't dirty enough to need washing every single time I wore them. Got absolutely destroyed when I mentioned it out loud Definitely don't do it any more! 48 ...
Odd_Series8734 10mo ago e Edited 10mo ago Not going in between my cheeks to clean my butthole till i i was like 20. When I was taking a shower with my girlfriend, i saw her doing it and I was like holy shit I should be doing that too loll 55 ...
BobbyBludgin 10mo ago I found out recently that wearing tomorrow's outfit to bed wasn't normal 75 ...
MetalFenris 10mo ago I always had dry hands as a kid and it didn't like how it felt so I'd spit on my hands all the time + 166 ...
Scatterheart61 e 10mo ago Used the corner of chocolate bars / crisp packets as floss 87 ...
Adventurous-Ad-2651 10mo ago I would eat scabs or anything I could scrape off my scalp 128 ...
ShieKassy 10mo ago Not really gross but as a kid I used to drink a raw egg with sugar every now and then. I once talked about it at elementary, thinking everyone knows this drink. They all acted really disgusted and stayed away from me, so I stopped drinking it. + 216 ...
 10mo ago Edited 10mo ago As a young child, I didn't understand that as a female, we have to wipe for sanitary reasons. I felt that it was just another unfair stipulation imposed on my gender at the ripe age of maybe 5? So I refused to wipe when I peed because boys didn't have to. + 293 ...
412beekeeper 10mo ago Only using one spatula throughout the cooking process. Apparently after meat is cooked past a safe temperature your supposed to get a clean utensils to finish and serve. If not, then you're serving with raw meat germs. + 326 ...
 10mo ago Sniffing then swallowing the flem. I didn't even realise that was a thing until I read it on here + 422 ...
3ll3girl . 10mo ago Put my luggage on the bed 362 ...
Tipsy_Danger 10mo ago Checking a book out from the library and then settling into bed for a good read. I later worked in a library for approximately a decade and holy shit. Never again. 364 ...
willutalk 10mo ago Used to keep festival wristbands on for months after they had happened and they got so manky. Always had multiple bands on too. Now I take them off the Monday/Tuesday after as they are just really a nuisance, especially after a shower! + 488 ...
silverfashionfox 10mo ago That meme where they guy is scrubbing his crack with the bar of soap? I did that until a girlfriend caught me in my late-20s. + 649 ...
high-bridmind 10mo ago Not me, but my ex would always flush mid pee. I never understood it and found it repulsive. If his pee lasted longer than the flush, he would just flush again. Whenever I would ask why he does that, he just said he's always done it.... All I could think of is how much stuff would fly up on his hands and genitals. Even after showing him countless studies about what flies up when a toilet flushes, he would never stop that weird habit. 1.1K ...
DrippyFlames 10mo ago Wait until a towel smelled weird to swap it out 1K ...
coykoi314 10mo ago Put eggshells back in the carton. Didn't know it was gross because I saw my mother always do it. I can't believe it took my until last year to realize the error of my ways. + 1.8K ...
 10mo ago I was taught to wash my sheets once a month. Realized you're supposed to do it way more. + 1.9K ...
. 10mo ago bettyswollocks22 I use my earring to scrape out the muck from under my nails then put the earring back in my ear + 4.7K ...
Standard-Guarantee94 0 10mo ago I didn't use to close the lid on the toilet before flushing. Oh the sharticles. + 7.2K ...
 10mo ago Not washing behind ears + 7.5K ...
MysteryGoomba . 10mo ago Not washing newly purchased clothing items + 8.1K ...
Blue_Moon_Rabbit 10mo ago As a child I would dig up bits of clay from the local sandbox. It wasn't as good as play-doh, so I would cast it aside and continue digging. Maybe I didn't have a very good sense of smell at that age, because I was well into adulthood before I realized it was probably cat shit. + 12K ...
Ew_fine 10mo ago I flushed my tampons my whole life until I was about 30. No one had taught me they weren't flushable. I stupidly thought they were like toilet paper. One expensive and embarrassing plumbing problem later, I never did it again. + 8.6K ...
campio_s_a 10mo ago When I was like 5 or 6 years old I would love going to the grocery store with my mom because the vegetable and fruit and meat tables always had the best ice to chew on.... + 5.7K ...
Nannyhirer 10mo ago Used to pluck my eyebrows on public transport. So sorry to anyone who got those sticky little living hair follicles stuck to their clothes and skin. + 1.9K ...
Sark_Doul 10mo ago All my life I wiped my toothbrush on the hand towel to dry it up until my sister asked what the fuck I was doing + 14K ...
HappyOfCourse 10mo ago I used to eat raw potatoes. Growing up when my mom peeled potatoes she'd give my brother and me a piece. I did this in front of friends and they all told me I would get botulism. I have not eaten a raw potato since. 16 ...


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