30 Random Bits of Trivia We’ve Had Marinating on the Counter Overnight

The bacteria will cook off on the grill
30 Random Bits of Trivia We’ve Had Marinating on the Counter Overnight

The richest person to ever live may have also technically been most generous person to ever live. Also, incidentally, one of the worst rulers to ever live.

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You could trade in 10 friends for a free burger.

Burger King ran a Whopper Sacrifice campaign in 2009. RING BURGER BURGER FRESHLY KING PREPARED FOOTON KING CRISPY Staumton Street - The O and SUPER I ft 60 (13 3% - FLAME GRILLING SINCE 1954 Hamp the WHOPP.R Anyone who deleted 10 friends from their Facebook profile would get a free Whopper. Burger King would alert the person whose friend chose a sandwich over them. CRACKED.COM

Source: CNET 

McDONALD'S VEGETABLE OIL NTXX CRACKED.COM In 1990, McDonald's switched from beef fat to vegetable oil to cook their fries. Vegetarians were thrilled until discovering the vegetable oil still contained beef products. A lawsuit awarded $10 mill to Hindu and vegetarian groups.

Source: rd

WHAT'S THE DEAL: RANKED CHOICE VOTING I Have To Choose 5? Moody, Sha Gorham In the 2nd column for your 2nd Write-in choice candidate, Continue until you have ranked as many or as few candidates as you like. them one oval for each candidate or column. CRACKED.CO candidate write Don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of ird-party candidates? You can rank as few as you like. That way you don't end up accidentally saying some guy who believes in jew space lasers is your 3rd favorite
WEIRD WORLD An Olympic athlete jumped up and down on his bed to prove it was safe for sex. To quash rumors that the beds were made of cardboard to prevent sex, Irish gymnast Rhys McClenaghan filmed himself jumping up and down on his bed. CRACKED.COM

Source: CNN

CRACKED VS CONFIDENCE EARLY SERIES LATE SERIES CRACKED COM Jerry is very Jerry knows he's Even Steven and nervous in the things will work pilot if the woman he is out for him, so he takes a more meeting from detached out of town is attitude. into him.

2,000 thunderstorms are going off at any given moment.

At any given moment, there are approximately 2,000 thunderstorms happening on Earth. CRACKED.COM Annually, there are about 16 million thun- derstorms across the globe and around 100,000 of them occur somewhere in the United States.


“Sugar daddy” visits prevented one juror from attending certain court dates.

WEIRD WORLD A potential juror cited visits with her sugar daddy as a conflict in fulfilling her civil duties. TEAM FIME FREE A juror in the Parkland shooting case against Nikolas Cruz told the judge her schedule with her sugar daddy, as well as her husband, would prevent her from being available on certain days. CRACKED.COM

Fox News 

You can strip this one down and sell it for parts

Celebrity Items Sold in Auctions A Jar of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Breath The jar closed at $15,099 in an eBay auction in 2005. CRACKED.COM



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