30 Hot Takes, Local Mysteries and Bits of Wisdom From Around the World

Could Pennywise lift Mjolnir? A surprisingly thorough thesis inside
30 Hot Takes, Local Mysteries and Bits of Wisdom From Around the World

Not everyones interested in revisiting all their old friends at the end of their life, Big Fish-style.

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TELL US NOW. HOT POTATO Michele R. tells US, My last roommate accused me of stealing a potato from her. She texted me to 'ask' if I'd used one of her potatoes because she found potato peeling in the garbage. I said it was a potato I had. She proceeded
TELL US NOW. Jennifer W. says, I was denied a promotion I rightly deserved, and a different one I was a decent candidate for, because I had missed too many days. My mom was dying. I took a few days off to be with her and my family. She recovered and is doing well now. And I got a much better job. I love my job now! CRACKED.COM
... TELL US NOW. HELLBOY 2 Matt S. wants to see the third installment, saying, I love how they threw money away on a soulless remake that pleased absolutely no one, but del Toro's passion project, full of incredible imagery, themes and action set pieces, was never allowed its conclusion. CRACKED.COM
30 Hot Takes, Local Mysteries and Bits of Wisdom From Around the World
Adrienne S.
TELL US NOW. A POTATO BY ANY OTHER NAME Sarah M. shares that a customer wanted US to make the potato wedges less potatoey.
TELL US NOW. HITCH Will Smith is GRACKED An introvert is deeply obsessed with his client. Instead of trying to express his real feelings, he associates with a clandestine master of deception to learn how to manipulate her. Meanwhile, a reckless journalist is trying to avenge her best friend. Will the journalist uncover the truth before realizing the clandestine master has chosen her as his next target? MARIO L
TELL US NOW. YOU CAN'T DO THAT ON TELEVISION BARTH William J. shares a fear of All the adults on You Can't Do That On Television. Those kids were dangerously surrounded by randomness and anarchy disguised as comedy. Surprised I don't have trust issues with food. CRACKED.COM

Pennywise....yes, you read that right

... TELL US NOW. WHO COULD LIFT MJÖLNIR? PENNYWISE IT Tony G. justifies their unconventional answer, Не works on people's fears, does he not? Well, Thor's afraid of anyone lifting his hammer, so Pennywise would use that fear against him and lift it. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. BIG FISH Laura P. says this movie was sad because I'm old and mortal and won't get a send-off like that. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. Why hasn't autocorrect sorted itself out yet? R D F My phone constantly tries to autocorrect words that weren't spelled wrong. It's alwa
Steve M., Mandy C., Saffron M.
Renee A.
30 Hot Takes, Local Mysteries and Bits of Wisdom From Around the World
Liz S.
TELL US NOW. Toby J. learned, Most governments having been putting profits of their big industry mates first rather than the safety of the people they're meant to be governing. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. The Thong Song by Sisqo takes Allison B. right back to her tweens. Nothing like a bunch of twelve- year-olds grinding along with a sup
Allison B.
TELL US NOW. Fifth Element MURTIPA CRACKED Danielle C. brings up a great point: where else could you get a multipass? She's spending her credits on instant chicken, food truck food through your window, robot drinks, flying cars, space cruises.
TELL US NOW. SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER Adam M. says, A ridiculous pseudo-job that lets the dregs of humanity publicly stroke their own egos, then expect to get rewarded for it in real life. CRACKED.COM

Freaks and Geeks

... TELL US NOW. FREAKS AND GEEKS Brad H. is sad there was only 16 episodes of pure genius with an up-and- coming cast of acting greats. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. Andrew Garfield was a better Spider-Man, says Andre K. He looked much more like Peter Parker and delivered the charm and fun of the char
Andre K.
30 Hot Takes, Local Mysteries and Bits of Wisdom From Around the World
Raichelle D.
TELL US NOW. Star Wars CRACKED Mike D. called out TIE fighter pilots: The Millennium Falcon is a much bigger ship that was flown by various /copilot teams and it constantly outmaneuvered the (supposedly) more agile fighters.


... TELL US NOW. DEATHSTROKE Jason M. says, They've done Deathstroke decently in a couple of the series, but I'd love to see him in a movie as an actual Batman villain with all his abilities on full force. I understand he's basically Deadpool without a sense of humor but still an enjoyable character in the comics that they have yet to do true justice. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. THE LAND BEFORE TIME Rachelle W. explains, I tried to rewatch The Land Before Time. My mom passed when I was 12. I thought at 32 I could handle it but apparently not. CRACKED.COM
TELL US NOW. PEACH-SHAPED WATER TOWER GAFFNEY, SOUTH CAROLINA Ron says, Prime peach growing area, we have a water tower shaped like a peach. The Frank Underwood character in Netflix's House of Cards is from Gaffney, You can often see a pic of the water town on his office wall.

Dead Like Me

... TELL US NOW. DEAD LIKE ME Katie R. says, Truly a brilliant show and wonderfully written. I loved it. Not many comedy-dramas feature grim reapers anymore. CRACKED.COM


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