20 Historical Mysteries We’ll Probably Never Solve

The exact burial site of Genghis Khan is still unknown
20 Historical Mysteries We’ll Probably Never Solve

People of a certain age used to say that if it wasn’t on Facebook, it didn’t happen. Do people still say that about, like, TikTok? Whatever — the point is that it was kind of true. If you don’t leave behind some kind of documentation, no one will ever know something happened except the people who were there. That’s pretty beautiful, but it’s not terribly helpful for historians.

Of course, this problem was even worse in the past, when people didn’t have a ready-made platform for sharing their experiences with every other person on earth and cameras in all of their pockets. Some of them didn’t have cameras at all. Can you imagine? So when user Apart-Scale asked r/AskReddit, “​​What historical mystery is unlikely to ever be solved?” the answer was, “Gosh, so many.”

sybrien26 Зу ago That damn amber room
elovesya Зу ago Who put Bella in the Witch Elm
SkySmaug384 Зу ago The exact burial site of Genghis Khan.
bradp36 Зу ago Whatever happened to the Sodder children.
Oilfreeeggs Зу ago What happened to the princes in the tower
Wild_Entertainment56 Зу ago The real identity of Jack the Ripper.
llcucf80 Зу ago I want it to be solved but it's seemingly more and more unlikely each day: DB Cooper
ARustybutterknife Зу ago The meaning of the text in the Voynich Manuscript
Mick0331 Зу ago We will never know the exact number of people Ted Bundy killed. Не said hundreds and that is probably true. There are huge gaps where no one can put anything together on him. It was his last act of sadism taking the truth to his grave.
thedude213 Зу ago The guy in a Max Headroom mask that hijacked a Doctor Who broadcast in I believe Chicago in the 80s, to this day no on knows who it is.
JhymnMusic Зу ago The Great Unconformity. 1.5 billion years of the geological record just sorta gone.
onefinegander Зу ago Whether Frank Morris, John Anglin, and his brother Clarence Anglin survived their escape from Alcatraz Federal Prison.
Kalushar Зу ago Einstein's last words. Nobody knows what they were because the nurse taking care of him didn't speak German. Big lack of foresight there lol
HMSquared Зу ago The missing minutes of the Watergate tapes. What happened during that time?!
 Зу ago What happened to Edgar Allen Poe??? Was it voting fraud? Kidnapping? I need to know goddammit!
limasxgoesto0 Зу ago I'm going to go in a much different direction and say, what the origin of language was like. We obviously don't know anything that isn't written down, and relatively speaking, that time period is quite recent. We can probably get an estimation of which points grunts became words just by looking at biology if we're lucky enough to have a well-preserved specimen, but we'll never know what the first full set of words sounded like.
AllBadAnswers Зу ago Edited Зу ago Once you really look into everything that is know about the murder of Lizzie Bordon's father and step mother, you sort of have to accept the fact that unless we straight up find a written confession 130 years later- we have no idea what the hell happened. It didn't help that the police were literally at a fair that day so most of the squad didn't show up, the doctor on the scene pumped Lizzie full of morphine to help with her hysterics so nothing she said at the time is of any use,
Xikkiwikk Зу ago What Pope Leo said to Attila the Hun. Attila was taking over the world and made it to Rome and the Vatican. Leo rode out alone and spoke to Attila and convinced Attila to not destroy Rome and the Vatican. What was said, only the archives of the Vatican has any idea.
hulloiliketrucks Зу ago One of Australias prime ministers just disappeared when he went for a swim in the ocean, so probably that.
thesemasksaretight . Зу ago The Bronze Age collapse. Where'd they all go? All my homies :(


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