22 Wild Stories About People Who Worked for Multi-Level Marketing Schemes

‘My mom lost her house’
22 Wild Stories About People Who Worked for Multi-Level Marketing Schemes

Something about working in multi-level marketing rips the humanity right out of you. One Redditor will never forget the time when, as his mother was dying, an old friend of hers stopped by to visit. They, understandably, thought she was coming to offer support, but she instead showed up with holistic “medical” supplies to shill, and left a catalog for them to purchase from. Deranged!

Other Redditors have shared the times they were victimized by people in MLMs, and if anyone ever begins a pitch with “This is not a scam,” it absolutely is a scam.

Famous_Buy_488 10mo ago I was sitting on a park bench and had a literal 8 year old child stop in front of me, unzip their backpack, and sling me their mom's DoTera pamphlet. + 12 Reply ...
Glitter_Crime_Daddy 3y ago I was on the phone with animal control, attempting to get a duck out of a storm drain in a grocery store parking lot. Two dudes walked up with pink gift bags and attempted to sell me a kit (it came with a FREE bonus gift!) all while a duck quacked loudly and I nearly completely ignored them. + 41 Reply ...
lovewhatyoucan 2y ago My mom lost her house to MLM debt, and after multiple interventions, finally getting her to meet with a counselor, the counselor said you're choosing between your children and a juice company and she stood up and said yes I am and walked out + 2.3K Reply ...
Primary-Syllabub-265 3y ago My older sister has tried to get me to join at least 3 different MLMs. At one point, she was trying to increase her downline for a wine MLM and told me I wouldn't need to do anything. She just needed my SSN and she'd pay for the shipments. I refused. She convinced my dad to help her instead and now he has boxes and boxes of crappy wine. She's a very successful and smart business woman in real life. I don't known how she keeps getting pulled into these beyond promises of early retirement and her
InfamousValue e 10mo ago DoTriffid Essential Oils User After my husband died, I got a condolence card with a Pure Romance catalogue with it. I sent the hun a photo of it going through the shredder. + 30 Reply ...
soaringcats 10mo ago Lady I met at a grief support group had lost her hair due to stress and some condition she had. Claimed that doTerra grew her hair back. When another member of the support group tested positive for COVID and had symptoms, doTerra lady was claiming she's created a remedy using only essential oils to ease the coughing. I regularly complained to the leader that she was just there to peddle...not to grieve. She'd do other things like try to gain our sympathy for her fundraising efforts, etc, on top of her doTerra stuff. I ultimately left the
flower_ranger93 3y ago A friend and I were planning a brunch. I told her to send me the location of the restaurant of her choice. She literally sent me the GPS coordinates on google maps. I replied back to her haha very funny what is the restaurant name? I wanna check out the menu. She assured me the place was good and that we'd have a good time. I drive to the spot and notice it's located behind the airport in a very industrial area. I thought to myself, maybe it's a very hole in the wall spot... When I
ProfanestOfLemons e 3y ago Amway not feeding people despite having meetings at mealtimes is an old trick. It's meant to prevent you from thinking clearly. + 55 Reply ...
sanguinepenguin777 7y ago Job search out of college, a hiring manager at a very prestigious company in my field said he wanted to interview me for a job. I prepared for 1 week for a job interview in the job asked about. We met at the location/time he told me to, but it was not the office of the company, it was a rented space where a dozen other people were waiting, and we were given an Amway presentation. After it I asked about the job I applied for at the other company, and the hiring manager said We'll talk
PM_ME_TINY_DINOSAURS 7y ago It wasn't me but it was a close friend and she's still involved but now she sells make up instead of Tupperware or candles. I think she follows the pattern of a lot of people who get sucked into theses things. She's a stay at home mom, and now that her kids are in school, I think she's bored and wants to have a career and has some how convinced herself that these scams are her way to a career. I bought stuff the first time to be nice but I have just stopped responding to her
PhreedomPhighter 9mo ago I worked with this girl who was pretty young at the time. When everyone got sent home due to COVID lockdowns she got a new job at Monat. It's a pyramid scheme centered around haircare products. She got super deep into it. Constantly posting about it on social media, pushing products, talking about it, using the products herself etc. She used to have really nice long blonde hair. Over the course of about a year it was visibly wiry and thinner than it used to be. Not only was her hair ruined but over time she ended
FleshLghtSwrdFight 6y ago One of my old college roommates would always host business meetings and have like 15 dudes over (biggest frat bros of all time) to talk about the millions of dollars they were going to make selling a shitty energy drink (Verve). Soo many nights that I had class in the morning and had to lay in bed listening to it + 92 ...
spicycornchip 6y ago Shortly after my wife's mother passed away, she received a message from a friend that had been in our wedding. It was to the effect of - One thing that some people do when they're feeling bummed out is clean, and if you're interested in trying my cleaning products I could get you a great deal. Haven't spoken to her since then. + 117 ...
StevesMcQueenlsHere 6y ago I thought I was going to a job interview for some finance company. Turns out, I had been tricked into going to a Primerica recruiter meeting. They were so pushy with me (I was 20 at the time), I was terrified that they wouldn't let me leave until I joined the company. The only reason I escaped was by excusing myself after an hour to use the restroom and hauling ass out of there. + 124 ...
M MajinSkull 6y ago My brother fell head first into vema energy drinks. Не was convicted he wouldn't need to go to college cuz he would make so much money off this. I told him tons of times it's just a pyramid scheme but he said they clearly stated in their presentation this is NOT a pyramid scheme a week later we had 4-5 Big ass cases of this shit energy drink in our house. Never sold a single can of it 42 ...
 7y ago I almost got trapped into a pyramid scheme when I was a bit younger. My boss did It Works and I needed extra money to buy a car. She jumped at the opportunity and hounded me about joining for months. She wouldn't stop calling me, texting me, messaging me on all social media. Regardless of how many times I told her no, she didn't quit. I've never experienced anything like that. + 76 ...
likelazarus 7y ago I sold Jamberry nail stickers. My friend's sister-in-law started selling them and convinced her to have a party. She put a sample on me and it was awesome and I loved it. It really is a great product. So my friend signs up to sell it. She immediately starts making money doing it, SO signed up, too. It was something like a $150 buy-in, but then you have to pay for business cards, emery boards, containers, etc. My friend just kept saying All of those expenses are tax deductible! So it seemed okay at the time. But
FlyingChange 7y ago My wife has a friend on Facebook who is a Team Beachbody coach. My wife was trying to get healthy, and saw tons of those transformation pictures posted. She started to fall into it. She got in touch with the coach, who was super supportive and extremely friendly and was really pushing for my wife to become a coach as well. I was working about 60 hours a week in my shitty minimum wage job and not really paying attention when she was telling me about this really cool weight loss program where it's like a business,
scaryaoke 6y ago I started working part-time as a caregiver for a disabled woman. About two weeks in she started telling me about a great business opportunity selling supplements.... I didn't stay at that job for very long. 70 ...
doshiki 6y ago got invited for some coffee with one of my frienda, doesn't have anything to do that day so I obliged. ended up attending this 2 hour long boring seminar session about how their business is not a pyramid even though the scheme is about having someone under you to gain extra bucks. The funny part is that when the speaker is about the illustrate that part (which is obviously going to be a pyramid), he just inverted the figure and branch out to the top instead. I guess the worst part is I had to sit through
CoulterPatton 6y ago When my mom was sick and dying, an old friend of hers stopped by one day to see her. We thought she was just stopping by to offer support, but she brought all these holistic medical supplies with her. The whole time she was at the house, she was basically trying to sell us on how these products could help my mom. Before she left, she gave me a hug and told me to stay strong, then she handed me a catalog in case I wanted to order more supplies from her. + 373 ...
greeneyedwench 10mo ago Got invited to a Pure Romance bachelorette party for a bride I had never met. Let me reiterate, I did not know the bride at all. I didn't even know the hun. I knew a friend of the hun. That was the only connection. The friend blasted all the declines on LiveJournal (yes I'm dating myself) for not wanting to celebrate with Bride. You know, the bride I didn't know from Eve. 11 Reply ...


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