31 Scary Situations People Have Been in With a Stranger

‘Someone tried to sell me a water bottle full of blood’
31 Scary Situations People Have Been in With a Stranger

While the concept of stranger danger is largely rooted in paranoia, there’s a bit of truth to the fact that weirdos lurk everywhere. For example, one Redditor was walking down the street in Vancouver when a stranger “vigorously” tried to sell them a water bottle full of blood. Meanwhile, another Redditor was heading home late at night when a man popped up out of nowhere and started making sounds from Silence of the Lambs at her. There’s no other way of interpreting those situations — they’re creepy as hell! 

Other Redditors have recalled the times a stranger gave them the heebie-jeebies, and there are way too many near-kidnappings happening on a daily basis.

patricktownsend86 3y ago About ten years ago, I was taking my girlfriend at the time home around midnight, on very rural backroad in north GA. I was half asleep at the wheel when this lady runs out from the woods in front of my truck screaming HELP ME! I slammed on my breaks and rolled my window half way down as I'm realizing she's covered in blood and mud and sticks and wasn't right. She reached her hands into my cab and grabbed my neck as hard as she could. I took off just a little down the road and
MC_Fawkes 3y ago I was 21 at the time, and not exactly a small dude by any standards. I was at the old bus depot before they closed it down, and this scrawny guy covered in prison tattoos approached me. Me being a friendly guy, I didn't think much of it, until he started trying to get where I lived from me. Не gave me bad vibes and the way he was rambling made me think then that he was drugged out or something, so I just tried to dodge the question, but he kept rambling and pushing. The bus
Hickawa 1y ago Had a guy in a dark ally ask me if I was willing to die for my wallet. I said no and that he's welcome to take the dust from it because I was broke to. Не told me to take out my wallet and I did. It had a dollar in it and be told me to give it to him so I dropped it and took off running. I looked back and he was standing in the street with a rifle. Не absolutely could have shot me. Still loosens the bowls when I think about
PreparationPrimary69 1y ago When I was 5 I was playing by the road in the yard and a lady pulls over and starts talking to me. My mom runs up and grabs my hand and the woman says how much I reminded her of her dead son, I thought I was gonna get kidnapped 906 Share ...
g3mclub 1y ago walking down hastings in vancouver someone stopped me and vigorously tried to sell me a water bottle full of blood. + 641 Share ...
 3y ago As a teenager a homeless person asked me for money. I obliged. Не then proceeded to follow me for several blocks saying it wasn't enough and I should give him more. Learned my lesson that day. + 3.4K Share ...
Curious-Accident9189 1y ago I was playing at the end of the trailer park and a guy pulled up in a convertible. Не said he knew my mom and held up a Polaroid across the front seat. I saw the lady didn't have the right hair color and said so. Не got frustrated and insisted I should come closer to be sure. I said, No, I'm actually going to get lunch now, sorry. Не gave me a fake smile and left, so I turned around. My neighbor, who later again saved my life quite literally, was walking up with an odd
Veritas3333 1y ago Driving across the country with my wife and dog, we stopped at a gas station around midnight. I was coming out of the bathroom, and I saw the guy mopping the floor had stopped, and was just staring out the window at my wife, who had finished letting the dog pee and was slowly walking back to the car. There was a super creepy guy slowly sneaking up behind her. Не was like 20 feet back, but quietly getting closer, and my wife had no idea. So I got out of the gas station real quick, and
XXXZZZ68 1y ago Walking back from pool at night and a large middle aged man came out of nowhere and did that Silence of the Lambs thspspsps-thing at me. 219 Share ...
TheLastMo-Freakin 1y ago When I was 9, I was in K-mart with my uncle in the television section (remember when k-mart had those separate rooms for the tv's and big electronics?) It was Saturday morning and he sat me and my little sister down and told us to watch the cartoons on the tv's while he hunted down a sales person. Not 2 minutes after he was gone, we approached my 2 men and they tried everything to lure us out. We were petrified and didn't say a word. They finally lifted my sister to carry her out and was
Vonnybon 3y ago Edited 3y ago I was walking home from the bus stop after school. About 15 years old. It was really not far but there were construction workers drinking on the side of the road. One of them got up and followed me home calling suggestive things. I honestly can't remember what but his intentions were clear. This was about 200m from home so I sprint home. We have an automatic gate so I realize he will catch me if I wait for it to open or he'll follow me in. So I climb over which is normally
virginianhillbilly 3y ago . Edited Зу ago Back when I was 16 working at Lowe's, some customer who was an old man walked up behind me without me even noticing and whispered in my ear Do you know where I can find the hoses at? Не said that so close to my ear where I could feel his warm breath while he was caressing my shoulder... My body froze up and all I could say was I think they're in aisle five Welp, shortly after I found out that he never even went to that end of the store where
 3y ago . Edited 3y ago I had just left my apartment to go for a walk down towards the beach at night when it was pitch black. There was a park along the way. Some guy came up to me asking to use my phone. I apologised and lied and said I didn't have one. Не didn't believe me and started to get aggressive. Не asked me where I lived and if I had a boyfriend. Не started following me and that's when I started to run and went back to my place. I didn't feel comfortable going
landob 3y ago i was staying at a motel out of town. i was in my room on the bed in my underwear watching tv. next thing i know the door opens and a guy walks halfway in. he stops and we just kinda look at each other. im freaking out internally. I was 20 and a mamas boy n rarely went anywhere by myself. i didnt know if this was a robbery or a murder. iwas completely stuck in fear. Не looks at me n mumbles wtf he looks at the door number then his keycard then back at the
UrDadTxtMe 3y ago Edited Зу ago It's a mix of the scariest, and the best: I was eleven, and at the park with my cousin who was three. My cousin being a stubborn three year old told me to leave him be, and I sat out on the bench. I was just reading my book, and occasionally looking up, until this like fifty something year old man sat down next to me, and just started talking. Не asked me, which kid was mine like four times, even after I made it quite clear I was uncomfortble, and then he get's
WrestlingWoman 3y ago I was 16 and sitting on a train station with my mother. Some man came over and started talking to her. After a while I looked at the clock and informed my mother that we needed to go because our train was about to arrive. Не flew up from the seat and started screaming at me and wanted to fight me. My mother was confused and tried to explain to him that I was her daughter and that we really did need to leave. Не just continued screaming which of course made teenage me scream back at
dRuNk_Betty . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago When I was 5 a man tried to kidnap me from my great grandma's porch. Still remember seeing her chase him away with a giant stick lol
Gone_cognito 3y ago . Edited 3y ago A homeless guy asked me for change while I was working nights, I told him sorry I don't have any. Very calm he replies how about we go to an atm and take some money out before I fucking kill you You don't have to be able to run fast, you just have to be able to run faster than the person you're scared of (he didn't end up chasing me, I was too scared to even look back)
OozeNAahz 3y ago Only passenger in a train car in Europe late at night. A disheveled man, wild hair and beard, tagged sweater entered the car and started pacing up and down the aisle. Не is talking to himself in a language I couldn't understand. Every few trips he would stop in front of me and yell at me in whatever language he spoke. I would try to respond, but he didn't know English anymore than I understood whatever language he was speaking. Не would eventually give up yelling at me and would go back to pacing the aisle and
urcatsthirdeye 3y ago Edited Зу ago I was like 6. Went to a restaurant with my parents and was on my way to the washroom when this middle aged woman stoped me, kneeled in front of me and looked me dead in the eyes. her eyes were spirals. I swear to fucking god. I was a kid and didn't know funky eye contacts were a thing, so I thought she was a witch trying to hypnotize me. I started crying, as one does. Closed my eyes to stop the mind control and ran away. Hit my head against a table.
gee1178 . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Almost got stabbed but i just apologized as if i did something to offend him. The guy didn't know what to do as I walked away.
roguechimera 3y ago Not scary per se but deeply disturbing. Random dude at my local library accosted me while I was enjoying a new sci-fi novel and was absolutely convinced I was his son. Kept telling me he was sorry and he never meant to kill my mother who he called Pink and said some other heinous shit I wont describe. Bat shit crazy but he sounded so rational and calm the whole time. Shit gave me the creeps for a long time after + 11K Share ...
BloodThursty 3y ago Edited 3y ago When I was around 10-11 a friend invited me me to a water park. During swimming at a wave pool he found some random kid around our age and decided to tell this kid that the game we were going to play was hold me down in the water. I didn't get that memo so I thought him and this kid were just trying to drown me. This went on for what felt like an hour of me swimming away and hiding. I didn't hang out with him afterward. Same trip.. after we were
 o 3y ago Edited Зу ago I was 19 and I was sleeping with the window open since it was a hot summer night. My bf and I were both knocked out but all of a sudden I wake up (just opened my eyes didn't get up) and I had a horrible gut feeling and just an overwhelming feeling that I was being watched. I turn to my side and I see someone's head sticking in from the window. Needless to say I had a heart attack and as soon as they heard me get up they left.
 3y ago Older woman approached me on campus asking me to take her to this spot in town since she doesn't know where it is. I say no (it was a new city for me too and she gave vibes). She insists its right around the corner so its not that far (so suddenly she knows where it is). I refuse and she hesitates and then walks off. An older guy asks if she needs directions only for her to walk by him. I just thought it was strange but I didnt really think about it. The next week,
 3y ago When I was about 6 I was with my family at an incredibly crowded street festival we'd go to every year. I remember we had stopped to watch a band play for a minute or two, and then my mom (I assumed) took my hand and we continued walking. After a few seconds I realized the hand I was holding was puffy and hot, and my mom's hands were always cool and more slender, so I knew it wasn't her hand I was holding. I looked up to see a woman with long blond hair and sunglasses
AndFinrodFell 3y ago I was once driving in the country and is was pouring rain in the dead of night. So hard that I was driving very slowly and couldn't see any of the signs (before GPS). I mean I had never been in rain this heavy. I had to pull over to the side of the road to try and see the sign to see if I was going in the right direction. I didn't get out due to the rain so was craning my neck forward to try and make out where I was when suddenly the passenger
 3y ago I'm 14 and was all alone in a dirt path in India and some guy was just sitting on a rock in the middle of the forest, I didn't make eye contact but I could see he was crying I wanted to help but my gut told me not to. 3 days later was caught for murdering his wife and 5 year old daughter. + Share 10K ...
trailblaiser 3y ago I was probably 16, sitting at home alone on the computer when I looked up and saw a man on my back patio looking at the windows and heading towards the door. I have no idea what came over my stupid teen girl mind, but I opened the door and firmly told him to leave. It felt like the voice that came out of me was NOT mine. it was guttural and deep and grounded, which was the opposite of how I felt. Не looked at me and didn't move. Не wasn't shocked, it was sort of
 3y ago A very cheerful guy approached me and my friend in a park, in a very non-threatening way. Не was holding a frisbee and explained he was putting together an impromptu game of ultimate frisbee and looking for people to join him. Which was fine, but then he tried to grab me by the throat. It was such a sudden change of mood. My friend (an athletic dude, fortunately) got between us and just stared him down and he ran away. The whole thing was just bizzare + 18K Share ...
DIY-HandsON 3y ago Edited 3y ago When I was 13 me and my friends were sat in a park (during winter so it was dark) we're just listen to music and having fun then this random guy walks into the park with his hands behind his back and just stands near us and doesn't say anything for about a minute. At this point we're all like WHAT THE FUCK. Then this guy just comes out with do you guys like guns (keep in mind we're in the U.K. and people having guns isn't common). At this point we're shitting ourselfs,


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