32 of the Grossest Dishes Seen at a Potluck

‘Burnt fried chicken that was raw inside’
32 of the Grossest Dishes Seen at a Potluck

A potluck can provide a horrifying glimpse into the souls of people you thought you knew. Culinary abominations make their way to a shared table, forcing you to reckon with the fact that it takes all kinds to make up this twisted world of ours. One Redditor remembered the time a woman made something that was “supposed to be like pulled chicken,” which she concocted by putting chicken — including the bones — in a blender. Another recalled the guy who made “squirrel and swamp cabbage,” noting that this man “thoroughly enjoyed going to Vietnam,” which tracks. 

Other Redditors have divulged the most unappetizing dishes they’ve seen at a potluck, and it’s amazing what people are still putting in Jell-O.

FourCatsAndCounting 2mo ago A meat and vegetable stew that had so much long, thick, black hair in it that if you'd told me some lady had emptied her hairbrush into the pot I've been like, yeah, sounds about right. I'll go to my friends' houses for parties but I'll never brave a potluck again. People are nasty. + 1.7K Reply ...
FaithlessnessMost432 2mo ago A S'mores dessert made with marshmallow fluff. Sounds delicious, right? But it was brought to a potluck where there was a 5-year old who is allergic to eggs. This child ate the dessert and proceeded to violently throw up at the potluck. Who brought the dessert? Me. Who is the child's parent? Also me. (I didn't know there were eggs in marshmallow fluff... biggest mom fail ever). 3.8K Reply ...
monkey_bean 2mo ago A coworker brought a homemade pizza, but with yogurt and fruit on it instead, like a dessert pizza. This woman was perpetually sick, always coughing and sneezing. She said her kids helped make it, she had 2 toddlers. Looked like little fingers spread out the yogurt. I love kids, but this grossed me out more than anything else. It was the only thing there that nobody touched and she was so upset. + 722 Reply ...
sesamesnapsinhalf 2mo ago Edited 2mo ago I was invited to a potluck once and came upon this man and his young daughter with their casserole. It was half filled but the walls of the dish were caked with burnt stuff. Beans maybe? The casserole was topped with several flavors of Doritos. The child, who clearly had a cold because of the dried boogers on her face, proudly exclaimed I helped make the dish and crushed the chips all by myself. Edit: I hate that I forgot this other detail. While the dad was enthusiastically scooping their culinary creation on everyone's
aboxofGoldfish 2mo ago A manager not only brought, but MADE AT WORK, brocoli/ cauliflower in a crockpot for a work party. The whole office smelled like stinky feet. Sadly, this wasn't a joke on us, It is one of his favorite side dishes... + 771 Reply ...
nlsjnl . 2mo ago Burned fried chicken that was still raw inside 1.5K Reply ...
Impossible_Mode_3614 . 2mo ago I know of a woman who brought something that was supposed to be like pulled chicken. You cook chicken and debone it put the shreds of meat on a bun. Easy Instead she got a cooked chicken and put the whole thing in a blender bones and all. Then brought that to a family reunion. + 1.4K Reply ...
franklinskramercurls 2mo ago Pumpkin pie, but it was gray and had liquid on top. 742 Reply ...
jesuseatsbees 2mo ago Courgette cupcakes. They were truly horrific. I stood by and watched people walk up, pick up a cupcake, bite into it, grimace and then turn around and quickly spit it into a napkin. Fun party game. 578 Reply ...
kninjapirate-z 2mo ago We had a work potluck and this guy brought in his leftover pizza he had ordered the night before. Half eaten cold pizza 185 Reply ...
LysergicPlato59 2mo ago We used to have ethnically themed potlucks - German, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, etc. A coworker would always bring the same dish: little smokies sausages in a crock pot. We complained about his lack of originality, so he simply changed the sauces the little smokies were in. 174 Reply ...
DiscoLibra 2mo ago My friends potato salad - it was basically just potatoes with vinegar. After I had a few drinks in me, I asked her wtf? And she replied, I don't like crunchy things in my potatoes. 168 Reply ...
Virtual_Eye_4109 2mo ago Squirrel and swamp cabbage (made from Florida cabbage palms) Made by a guy who is coincidentally the only guy I've ever met that THOROUGHLY enjoyed going to Vietnam. 152 Reply ...
z3r0suitsamus 2mo ago My midwestern aunt brought ambrosia made with spaghetti for dessert. So to clarify, that's over- cooked pasta, marshmallows, coconut cream and canned fruit. 118 Reply ...
Johneeee88 2mo ago Potato Salad. Now I love me some potato salad, but these were big chunks of potatoes just barely cooked and tossed in a tiny bit of thousand-island dressing - and that's it. No onion, celery or anything like that. I tried it just to make sure it tasted as disgusting as it looked 113 Reply ...
BeautifulStress7994 o 2mo ago Cooked cabbage in gelatin, made by an elder in the family. Someone took a bite and then proceeded to violently vomit. I took a bite because of curiosity 101 Reply ...
lotic_cobalt e 2mo ago White Castle Dip. Apparently you put a bunch of burgers in a blender with some mayonnaise. 114 Reply ...
Cobra-Serpentress 2mo ago Vienna sausages in green jello. 101 Reply ...
. 2mo ago MCIcutthephonepole Chocolate dirt cake served in a litter box . It was a new litter box & supposedly the cake was good, but the presentation was nauseating 86 Reply ...
vampiipandii в 2mo ago A plate of peppermint bark that was straight up chunks of pink. The worse part was it was made by an older guy from the meat department who didn't have the best of hygiene or sanitary skills. I felt bad tho because no one touched them 13 Reply ...
QuiteLady1993 e 2mo ago Someone bought a 'tuna bake' but it looked like they mixed the ingredients for funeral potatoes up with tuna and then didn't bake it... It was the only thing left untouched at the end of the potluck after several hours outside. 2 Reply ...
JunkMale975 2mo ago Pear halves with a huge dollop of mayonnaise on them. Just gross. 12 Reply ...
flying_fishes 2mo ago I went to a potluck once. Somebody walked in a put an unopened can of creamed corn on the table and walked away. I was like, WTF? Did you bring a bowl or a spoon or even a can opener??? + 5.4K Reply ...
SuLiaodai . 2mo ago Once a girl brought some unidentifiable yellow stuff. We asked her what it was and she didn't know. We just put it aside. + 3.1K Reply ...
Decent_Science1977 2mo ago I guy brought chicken adobo. Me and my wife gave him a ride home after work. Не invited us in to see his apartment. On the stove was a pot of chicken adobo. Не just kept it on the stove. Not warm. Just room temperature. Не would heat it up each time he ate some. That's what he brought to the pot luck. No idea how long it sat there. After that, I never eat anything at a pot luck. It's more like good luck not dying. + 4.2K Reply ...
 2mo ago A cheese ball that was made with red sauerkraut and liver 627 Reply ...
LilButThicc 2mo ago Went to one a few months ago and this dude was so proud of his creation. It was tuna noodle casserole, but he ran out of milk so he used marshmallow fluff instead. Can't believe I even tried it. 1.7K Reply ...
Uberhypnotoad . 2mo ago Someone put chicken in a jello. Not okay. 660 Reply ...
AvidLebon 2mo ago Spaghetti soup. Or at least we thought that's what it was. Turned out it was supposed to be regular spaghetti; the woman didn't drain the grease from the hamburger she browned for the meat in the sauce and just dumped the sauce in. Everyone who ate it got sick. 252 Reply ...
cherrybounce . 2mo ago Someone took a can of tiny watery shrimp and dumped them on top of a block of cream cheese. 35 Reply ...
kammyri . 2mo ago Jalapeño stuffed with tuna. That's it. Canned tuna and a Jalapeño. 375 Reply ...
StrummerCash3402 2mo ago Pizza with the cardboard cooked to the bottom + 4.3K Reply ...


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