25 Random Bits of Trivia Floating Gently Through Our Synapses Like Band Aids in a Lazy River

Don’t avoid the icky facts. Just tell the lifeguard about them. And everyone else for that matter
25 Random Bits of Trivia Floating Gently Through Our Synapses Like Band Aids in a Lazy River

We’re no neuroscientist (yet), so we can’t get you the exact speed of a firing synapse. Honestly, a quick Google search will show several different measurements, so they’re not sure either. Like, get it together, neuroscientists. At the next convention, nobody leaves until you all agree on a speed. 

From what we gathered, even the slowest of their calculations are insanely fast, so don’t worry, these facts are about to pinball around your head like a, well, pinball. Faster, possibly. Again, we don’t really know. Just get to the facts already, would ya?!

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