30 Wild Times People Said ‘I’m Never Coming Here Again’

‘Urine cups (plural) on open display’
30 Wild Times People Said ‘I’m Never Coming Here Again’

It’s understandable to never want to return to someone’s house if it’s so full of trash that they have to tell you to “just push that onto the floor,” before you can sit down on the couch. It’s also understandable to think “I’m never coming back here” if you go to a friend’s house and they have a caged monkey masturbating in the living room. There’s something weird happening in that household, and you shouldn’t stick around to find out exactly how weird. 

To that end, Redditors have remembered the times they noped right out of someone’s home, and it seems like several cat owners need a lesson in pet ownership.

2pacpsu 6y ago Was supposed to be staying over and I was attacked by fleas, noped right out of there right then after dowsing my legs in raid flea killer that they had sitting around 120 ...
SteelyKnives1Beast0 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Scissors stuck in the ceiling. Like the whole living room/ kitchen area ceiling was covered with scissors. Edit. So there was like 30 pairs. At least. And this was in a trailer house so all I could think about was how horrifying it would be to be in this death trap in a bad storm or tornado.
ominous-music 6y ago It was such a mess that the most organised guest's things would disappear into thin air and it permanently smelled like sausage rolls + 469 ...
BeachBound1 . 6y ago In 7th grade I stayed overnight at a new friend's house. She thought it would be hilarious to point her Dad's shotgun at me. I never went back. 200 ...
Bmc00 6y ago They had accumulated so many dirty dishes, they just put them into the bath tub. + 2K ...
 6y ago Their house smelled so strongly of dog that I might as well have tied their dog to my face. They only had one medium-sized dog that spent most of its time in the back yard. 832 ...
colellama626 6y ago Their bathroom floor was carpet and it was always wet. It went through my shoes and got my socks wet. First time, maybe someone just showered. Second time, поре I can't live like this. 259 ...
cowoftheboys 6y ago Their dog pissing on my shoe because I was in her 'peeing zone', which happened to be right in the doorway to their kitchen. She just let the dog pee there instead of bothering teaching her to go outside. Sadly my interactions with this woman weren't up to me, but I think that was the last time I went to that house in particular. She also let her cat shit between the wall and dishwasher in her next house for about 2 years straight and didn't even notice until she moved out. She's also a hoarder and
TheAccountOnMyPhone e 6y ago Urine cups (plural) on open display until the host poured them out in the sink. + 1.1K ...
gb1993 6y ago A work friend invited me over to his house to watch a hockey game so I said sure why not. I bought a 6 pick of beers and he said sweet. Не just put them in his fridge. Не proceeded to pour himself scotch but never asking me I wanted to have a drink. Then he pulled out some leftovers and made himself a dish and again, he never asked me if I was hungry. Then i just asked for a beer (that I had bought) and he said i guess, but I was going to save
HarrySonofHairy 6y ago Finally went to a girls house that I had been talking to for a little while. We were messing around on the couch, things were advancing, and she asked to move to the bed. We get in the room and I noticed a foul smell. I started looking around and saw a pile of dog shit on the floor, nbd, we had been out for a few hours and accidents happen. I told her about it and she said oh no! Like she was surprised and went to the bathroom to get things to clean it up.
Lee_of_the_Stone 6y ago Edited 6y ago A failed scorpion farm. Made the horrendous mistake of spending the night at my ex's parents' house. I woke up to the feeling of something crawling on me. I soon realized there were three somethings. I flipped on the light and discovered...scorpions. There are NO scorpions native to our area. I freak out, swat them off and then run to the bathroom to strip and check for more and when I turn on the light, several scorpions on the wall scattered like roaches. I wake up the ex because seriously, wtf? Apparently when he
paulbdouglas 13d ago An old friend of mine (god rest his soul) invited me over to his house (it was an Army married quarter) for a BBQ. Не had house rabbits and these things shit as they hopped, it was an inch thick in places and they were absolutely blind to it. the one good thing was, they had a decent doormat outside the front of their house, so you could wipe your feet on the way out. Dirty, Dirty beggars!!! 285 Reply ...
redlegodragon e 13d ago I had a friend in eighth grade and sometimes I'd go to his house after school. He'd insist on playing on his PC the whole time and I had to sit and watch. No multiplayer games or otherwise social activities. I was bored out of my mind and after two or three times, I refused to ever go over there again. I had no spine though and would just make excuses instead of refusing and letting him know exactly why. 559 Reply ...
BrilliantBenefit1056 13d ago I was 15 and walked into my friend's house with her and there in the living room was a huge cage built along the whole wall with a monkey in it, masterbating, like there was no tomorrow. I immediately noped out and never went back. + 1.1K Reply ...
Spartan2842 13d ago My wife and I were invited to a party by one of her coworkers. She had become good friends with her at work and they even went to the same gym classes before work. She had this beautiful house with her husband, who was lawyer. We showed up and the driveway was full but not a massive party. It was normal for the first hour or so after food was served. We were the. Pulled aside into the study by her coworker that informed us her and her husband are swingers and this is a swinger party.
Jenni7608675309 13d ago Cat was on the counter chewing on the ham. It was then served to us, chew marks, hair and all. The server was adamant that it wasn't the cat even though several of us saw it and moved the cat away. Then we got lectured for not being appreciative of our hair and saliva soaked food. 951 Reply ...
nutsandboltstimestwo 13d ago There were empty cat food bags all over the floor and at least 15 cats running around the house all over everything. Ok friend, we will never be having dinner at your place. It gives me a shiver when I think about it, it was so filthy. She asked me to house-sit and stay at her place for a couple of weeks. Um, no. You would never know that this chaos existed in her home. When you see her, she's put together. How this is possible I have no idea. It's feces, ripped drapes and things getting
Majestic_Director554 13d ago Visited a friend's house, they had framed pictures of the best time they had with each of their friends on their staircase. I did not feature. Known them for 10+ years, and had many nights out, been to concerts with them, but not good enough time to feature. It appeared I was just their taxi service as they didn't drive. 720 Reply ...
RoseMichaela1 13d ago Decided to join an old college buddy for game night at his new place. I arrive and find out game night involves live-action role-playing with actual swords - not the foam ones I imagined, but authentic, sharpened steel. His living room transformed into an indoor arena, with furniture pushed to the walls. People wore full armor and mail, clashing swords with an intensity that left dents in the hardwood floor and chips of paint flying from the walls. It was like living in a medieval war zone. My friend, completely engrossed, hands me a helmet and a blade and
ShaunaB1 13d ago Woofka! I went to check on a friend because I became concerned since he just kind of went poof from our friend group. I know he had a couple of cats. However once I went inside, whoa boy. The place was an absolute disaster zone, filthy and the cats? I asked how many he had. Не didn't know. Most were feral. All had fleas and the weird feeling on my legs made me realize if I don't get out of here I will have them too. It freaked me out. But I got in touch with his
Beep_Boop_Beepity . 13d ago Reeked of cat piss. Place looked fine, pretty clean, and they were nice people, but damn they obviously became noseblind to their cat stench. + 1.4K Reply ...
DreamyGirl_X . 13d ago I've spent a night at my high schools friend house, and in the morning he asked me for $10 for the bills and the food we ate. Mind you, I brought snacks and drinks. I never said hello to him again. The worst is, he is everything but struggling. + 2.3K Reply ...
SendMeNudesThough 13d ago Не told me to just sort of push the pizza carton with a half eaten pizza onto the floor to make space for me on the couch. There was trash everywhere and his advise was to just push it to the side with your foot to 'make a path'. Не was slovenly to a degree I'd never known had I not visited his apartment. Not a hoarder, mind you, guy just didn't really clean. At all. + 5.1K Reply ...
optmsrhyme . 13d ago I slept on my friend's couch and woke up with bug bites all over my body + 2.6K Reply ...
momonomino 13d ago When I was 17, my boyfriend at the time invited me to backyard camp at his friend's house. I knew the friend, he was super chill, so I said yes. Got there, some awesome tents were set up in the yard, grill was going, there was a giant cooler of drinks, I brought snacks. Everything was pretty awesome. His parents were so nice, his younger siblings came and played games with us, it was great. At one point I asked to go to the bathroom, so he showed me inside. It was so crawling with roaches, everything
Telrom_1 0 13d ago I had a friend in high school and every time I'd go over to his house two missionaries and a church leader would just randomly pop in to say hello and talk about Mormon stuff. I was always polite till about the third or fourth time they did it and we started doing lessons they mentioned the lessons were designed for new believers and I asked which one of them was a new believer and they all looked at me.. I never went back. + 9.9K Reply ...
DreamyGoddess_ 13d ago A work friend invited me over to his house to watch a hockey game so I said sure why not. I bought a 6 pick of beers and he said sweet. Не just put them in his fridge. Не proceeded to pour himself scotch but never asking me I wanted to have a drink. Then he pulled out some leftovers and made himself a dish and again, he never asked me if I was hungry. Then just asked for a beer (that I had bought) and he said i guess, but I was going to save them
Life_ls_Hard_Mate 13d ago There was a friend of mine and his Grandfather was such a pain in the ass, no privacy , popping out of nowhere staring like he wanna kill me or something. One day I was using washroom at this friends place and the Grandpa just went all in without knocking and stood there looking at me while I was taking a dump and said What are you doing. After that day I never went back to his place. + 7.3K Reply ...
Mynameisntkasey 6y ago Stayed the night at some of my friends house (they had just got an older house that they all roomed in) unfortunately, all of them had gotten scabies and waited to tell me until the morning after of drinking and me spending the night on the couch. Had to do all kinds of extensive creams and treatments to get rid of. Got drunk at a party and one of my friends girlfriend offered to take me to their house because I was too drunk to drive (which I appreciated) BUT when I woke up the next morning


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