24 Times Women Totally Failed at Trying to Impress a Guy

‘Beat him in a video game’
24 Times Women Totally Failed at Trying to Impress a Guy

The only thing more embarrassing than having a crush is trying and failing to impress that crush. For instance, one Redditor attempted to be sexy in front of a guy she was interested in by sitting on the edge of her desk and crossing her legs in what she terms a “sad attempt at seduction.” Unfortunately, the desk flipped over, and she ended up underneath it. No one was impressed.

More women have cringed and remembered the times they tried their hardest to reel in a man, and each story has serious Bridget Jones energy to it.

cardboardpunk 7y ago Edited 7y ago I popped out all the playground gravel that was stuck on the bottom of my shoes and dropped it down his ass crack when we were sitting on the floor for story time. I have no idea why he wasn't impressed by this. 26 ...
cuntakinte118 7y ago Took Administrative Law in law school so we would have a class together. It's a class about the law of making laws and trust me, it's just as fucking boring as it sounds. We were friends and he didn't even sit next to me in the first week, after which our seats became permanent. - - - + 29 ...
AutasticBedWetter . 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Took a guy to a burlesque show at a speakeasy. Не felt uncomfortable and was checking fantasy football on his phone the whole time until I got fed up and slapped the phone out of his hands.
 7y ago Tried to impress a guy by using reddit. Не was impressed that I knew what it was and I so I thought getting an account and using it regularly would be even more impressive. I was wrong. 42 ...
_cymru 7y ago In 6th grade I thought laughing at every single joke or comment my crush made would make him like me. One day I laughed so hard that strawberry kiwi vitarain I just drank sprayed out of my mouth and nose all over him. 87 ...
Khalizabeth 7y ago In middle school I bought my crush candy during lunch class. I thought that would be a great way to impress him, but he sort of kept expecting candy, like a Pavlovian response or something. Became friends over the years and I told him about that and we both got a good laugh. When we graduated high school he gave me $20 for the candy. + 78 ...
nachotypicalchick . 7y ago On a first date, I attempted to keep up with the guy on alcoholic beverages. I ended up so drunk that he had to help me find my way out of the bar. 50 ...
gertrude32 7y ago This is a little nsfw...I was dating a guy in high school who just so happened to be the guy I lost my virginity to. Не told me that he just loved it when girls groomed their nether regions hair into a straight little line. So the naive teenager I am, I get in the bathtub and groom everything into a line like he said he liked. I'm so proud of this..and excited to show him next time we got together. Well things start getting heated and I show him my grooming and he just bursts out
Lilacsinharlem 7y ago Tried to keep up to date with his favorite sports team. Не didn't care much for my Googling skills. 90 ...
 7y ago Lol I asked out a guy once, he tried to let me down easy saying he didn't have time for a girlfriend but we could always meet up for a coffee. I immediately was like cool let's get a coffee tomorrow~ We're still friends 10 years later but omg 18 year old me could not take a hint 104 ...
DarlingOlive 7y ago 6th grade me would always give my iPod touch to my crush at lunch time so he could play fruit ninja and shit. He'd sit at my desk and we'd talk, it made me really happy. Thought he was starting to like me too because he always rushed over to me before the bell rang. But nope! Не was just using me to play on my iPod lol I forgot to bring it one day, he came over, asked where it was and then immediately turned and walked away. I made sure never to forget it again
Urdazzle 7y ago Не had a tattoo of a Lego brick on his arm and told me about his love of Lego. So I went to the store a bought him a small but cool Lego set to build (he did work study and had to get there at like 6am). I thought I was in! We spoke over text and hung out during breaks for like a week and then one day poof! Ghosted. + 213 ...
starkisttina 7y ago Put down other girls/try to make myself look better than other girls. Back in high school I tried so hard to play the whole I'm not like other girls~ look at me I play video gamez, I don't care about fashion, I'd rather be napping than shopping card. Then I realized that I needed to get my head out of my ass. + 557 ...
DarthPandaBear 7y ago My third grade picture is easily my least favorite school photo for various reasons. I was rocking huge glasses, a snazzy sweater vest and green corduroy shorts combo. I also chose to give my crush this photo complete with my phone number on the back. Naturally as I was leaving after giving him this photo I thought it would be a good idea to turn around and gave him a big ole wink. The memory and the photo still make me cringe. + 2K ...
BookerDeWittsCarbine 1 7y ago Beat him in a video game. Apparently some guys don't like that. + 1.5K ...
buttercup987 . 7y ago I lost half my weight to impress a guy who used to call me a whale. Не then started calling me a dry pickled fish. + 1.4K ...
Chicken_Nuggetz 7y ago Edited 7y ago When I was younger (like 13) I was trying to impress a boy while riding our bikes. We lived in a pretty quiet neighborhood so we didn't really have to worry about cars. I turned to tell him something (can't remember what but I'm sure it was a dumb joke) and did not notice the parked car that I was moving towards. I ended up flipping over the car, landing on the roof and nearly breaking my leg. Bleeding and crying on top of a car ins't a good look for anyone.
freelanceredditor 7y ago I tried being kind and nice, I know I probably sound like a nice guy but seriously, I tried being there for him all the time and always answer his text messages and ask him about his day and just genuinely make him feel listened to. But I may have scared him away by being too available? I'm not too sure. Не basically just stopped contacting me, even though he was super into me in the beginning. Way more than I was into him. Either that or I'm just terrible at being nice... Even when I do
giorgionaprymer 7y ago Edited 7y ago I used to constantly wait for almost all of my crushes. Like, I would stay in school or at work for way longer than needed If I knew that we were going home in the same direction or if I thought that we would get a chance to talk alone. Doesn't sound that bad, but I would do it all the damn time even if it was really inconvenient. Needless to say, I wasn't very productive, especially considering the fact that I also used to spend the resulting small amounts of free time thinking
Umasou 7y ago Semi-NSFW, just a warning. I was dating a new guy at the time and we had just started sleeping together. Не was the second person I had ever been with. I got the impression he was more experienced than I was, and I didn't want to bore him. I got the idea in my head that I should try being on top; surely that would make things more interesting. So we're in the midst of things one day and instead of initiating and climbing on like a normal person, I tried to overpower him and barrel roll
ColeCakes 7y ago Back in Catholic school, I tried to maximize the plaid skirt to show off my sexy (skinny) legs for a guy. I sat down on the edge of my desk and crossed my legs in a sad attempt at seduction. The desk flipped over with a crash, and I ended up in a heap on the floor with the desk on my head. No one was impressed. + 61 ...
misc_etc 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Asked him to guess what I got for Christmas. My answer to him was YOU. Не told me he didn't get it. I further emphasised saying he was my Christmas gift, and he still didn't get it. I laugh and cry a little inside every time I think about that conversation.
DarthPandaBear 7y ago My third grade picture is easily my least favorite school photo for various reasons. I was rocking huge glasses, a snazzy sweater vest and green corduroy shorts combo. I also chose to give my crush this photo complete with my phone number on the back. Naturally as I was leaving after giving him this photo I thought it would be a good idea to turn around and gave him a big ole wink. The memory and the photo still make me cringe. + 2K ...
herrschmetterling 7y ago Apparently as a high schooler I figured it would be super impressive to tell my crush I didn't find him attractive at all. Because what teenage boy doesn't want a bruised ego? The explanation here is that I was raised in a toxic family where recognizing any emotions/desires was a sign of weakness (and, even worse, femaleness), so, clearly, being detached and above everything was the optimal approach for being cool/impressive. + 36 ...


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