30 Wild Experiences from People Who Work in Remote Locations

‘We never got an answer on what the pile of meat was…’
30 Wild Experiences from People Who Work in Remote Locations

There’s never a good place to find unidentifiable meat, but a hiking trail is definitely one of the worst. This happened to a Redditor who worked at a public forest and responded to a call about a dead animal on a trail. A few employees went out to take a look and found what looked to be a “giant piece of liver, maybe?” While that’s weird enough, they said there was no blood near it, and that it was “wrapped in a T-shirt with coins scattered around it.” They never found out what the mysterious meat was, or how it got there, or why, but that’s definitely the stuff of nightmares, and I personally would’ve quit on the spot. 

On that note, other Redditors have remembered the creepy things they encountered when working in remote locations, and Stephen King couldn’t write stories this unsettling.

KittenFosterer 4y ago When I worked in a kennels up the mountains, in the depths of winter it would be dark by 5pm. I'd be in the office finishing up some paperwork. At this stage everyone would be gone and this particular building was a bit away from the main building, car park etc. All the dogs would be sleeping by this time after a busy day. You could hear a pin drop! Sometimes I would hear heavy definite slow footsteps so much so that I would get up, come out onto the main floor ready to explain we are
divedigger 4y ago Edited 4y ago Archaeologist here-- we had found a rural graveyard on USFS land in the middle of some mountain foothills in Nevada, and had started recording some features of the site. We noticed there were these creepy little porcelain angel figures on top of the graves , meaning that these were not super old graves or at least were being somewhat maintained. We didn't have enough time to finish before sundown, so we wrapped it up and headed back to the bunkhouse. When we came back Monday to finish the site, all the angels had been systematically
A_sweet_boy 4y ago I used to work out in the woods in Florida a lot. Creepiest thing would be this day we were working near Big Cypress, tromping thru the brush all day. At the end of the day my coworker and I do a quick drive thru of some of the property and realize the place was absolutely infested with water moccasins. We had been unknowingly essentially walking around a giant water moccasin pit all day. That one kinda fucked me up 316 ...
SkipperFab 4y ago As a prior deer hunter I can tell you that the thundering noises from a squirrel can sound like a herd of elephants when out in the woods while all is still and quiet. 369 ...
YouFulfillMyMemes 4y ago I work for a power company restoring power after a storm. Was working when a lady came up complaining that her power went out. We explained to her thats why we were there and she should have power back soon. She said, oh good, my son went down in the basement and now I can't find him. I went with her with a flashlight down the road to a run down house that was partially caved in. She walked inside and I went to follow. As soon as I walked into the door she disappeared from my
TannedCroissant 4y ago I work in a restaurant that has a heavily wooded country park next to it. I used to live the other side of it and would drive around it to get to work. One particular day, I had car issues and had to walk to work, going through the woods as it's a 20 minute journey rather than an hour around. Anyway, no issues, get to work, do my shift, finish just before midnight. I'd planned to walk home the long way but one of the girls who worked there lived near me and said she was
StanePantsen 4y ago Edited 4y ago I don't believe in ghosts, but I did see something once that I can't explain, and I have chalked it up to a trick of the brain. I used to work at a 'resort' deep in Algonquin Park. It was basically rustic living for super rich people. It was a half hour drive to cell service, and an hour drive to the nearest town. I finished my late shift at about midnight, and I was walking back to my cabin. I clearly saw an elderly man with suspenders and a plaid shirt walking by
astonishing1 4y ago My cousin was a deepwater diver/welder on offshore oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. When working at night or working really deep, it is absolutely pitch dark, you can't see anything. That in itself is a little creepy. To add to the uneasiness, he said that sometimes he would be hit with a big swirl of water as if something very large, very close, just passed by him in the blackness. Now, let's take it up another notch, sometimes he would feel something brush up against his leg or nudge him. Не said his imagination would
JohnMayerCd 4y ago On our drill ship that was built in China, we noticed on the drawings there was a room. We went to look at it and couldnt find an entrance but the spacing was obvious there was an extra room. It might not sound so creepy unless youve been in these shipyards where two things are known to happen: stowaways, although i doubt it in this case, but also hundreds of workers at any given time following orders blindly. So we confirmed that the room had all six sides, yet not a single weld on the outside. There
president_zoidberg 8y ago alright, I got one. I live in a little unincorporated town in North Texas, virtually no light pollution. Unless it's cloudy, you can always see the stars really well. There's only about three houses between me and the wilderness, around here it's not really woods but scrubby mesquite brushland. The town has really close hills on the south, east and west sides, and further hills to the north. I've lived here for awhile, and spend a lot of time outside at night, so I know where all the lights are out in the town and country. Anyway,
ArtshowSkittles 4y ago My oldest brother used to work the overnight sprinklers on a golf course. Не took me out one time just for fun and as we were driving uphill on a fairway, a figure of a lady appeared in the headlights at the top of the hill. My brother steered a little to the left of her and kept driving right on by. I stared right into her eyes as we drove by and she stared back. Her eyes glowed like a cat in the night. As soon as we were out of voice range I asked my
mooger902 4y ago I used to work on a shrimp trawler. Middle of the ocean. One night, it was a very bright moon, and kinda drizzling. Long story short, i saw a rainbow in the middle of the night..it was surreal. 718 ...
bgarvey24 . 8y ago A car in the middle of a descending mountain, only half of it remains at this point, and it has bullet holes. This is in a trail near Newport Beach California 65 Share ...
one Kasket81 4y ago I'm a machinist and I was working by myself in this old warehouse at night. I would see stuff moving around and I would get creeper out. This is when ghost hunters became popular. So I started to ask questions, what's your name  can you show me that I'm not alone. Seconds later a 3/8 Allen wrench came bouncing across the shop and landed at my feet. It didn't fall of the machine it slid. I was cutting micarta which is like wood, and you could see the slid marks in the chips. I said thank you
-QueenAnnesRevenge- 4y ago Edited 4y ago Spent a summer in Wyoming going to BLM land and other remote locations collecting data on bats and herpetofauna. Heard a lot of weird noises like mountain lions screaming, deer snorting, what sounded like owls fighting. Woke up one morning to find two bull moose sleeping 20 yards behind my tent. All of this was part of the job until one night a truck was driving towards us when we were on a BLM square in the southwestern part of the state. The truck was going overland, no road and was slowly driving at
DannyR2078 4y ago I work on large ships. If you get a clear view of a hall or passage that runs the whole length, you can actually see the whole ship warp and twist with the sea. If the passage isn't very well lit it can look like a scene from a horror movie. + 1.8K ...
 4y ago . Edited 4y ago Merchant seaman here. Nothing particularly creepy; most of the time you're too focused on not hitting anything, getting position fixes, updating logbooks, etc. to really think about paranormal or spoopy shit. But the closest thing to creepy I've experienced recently has been a strange transmission over the radio. It started with a series of morse code beeps followed by an accented female voice listing off random letters and numbers. Dunno what the fuck that was about.
Jalsavrah 4y ago I work as a polar bear guard. As in, I escort people across tundra and mountains and protect them from polar bears. I once saw a snowman totem with reindeer antlers coming out of his head. It was deformed, full of bullet holes and rather creepy. + 13K ...
Lorac1134 E 4y ago In my brief stint as a rural health nurse, I was quite unnerved by how many of the families I worked with still practiced ritual animal sacrifice, even though on paper they identify as Catholic. + 13K ...
 4y ago I've been fishing out in the gulf of Mexico where they have some oil rigs. This rig wasn't being used (from what we knew) so we would get pretty close to it to fish for red snapper. While we were out there, we could have sworn we heard screams of a woman over and over. It was some shit but the explanation was the wind making the noises as it blew through the rig. Well, that's what we were told but it totally creeped us the fuck out. + 14K ...
 4y ago - Edited 4y ago I was a field geologist in the Outback about 12 hours north of Adelaide. One day I was driving the truck and saw what looked like a flagpole sticking up in the middle of nowhere. I wasn't anywhere near a farm or anywhere else that people would be, so I decided to drive over and check it out. It was a dead dog fully impaled on a spike. Like, from butt to mouth. Took some pictures and had my boss call the cops, but for the rest of the assignment I was freaked
 4y ago . Edited 4y ago I was on a boat sitting on anchor in a secluded bay in the early hours, in southeast Alaska a few years ago. I stepped outside for a smoke and all of a sudden I heard the most horrific sounds of a wild animal being murdered by another wild Animal. It went on for probably 10 minutes, I know it's just nature but man, I can still hear that sound in my brain and it haunts me.
righteous_meow e 4y ago e Edited 4y ago | do a lot of work out in the woods. Creepiest thing was finding some headless doves. I also found sticks arranged in circles and paint on the trees in the same spot. Not sure if it was part of a ritual or not, but that's what I saw.
riarum 4y ago I used to do agricultural work, alone in a field for 10 hrs a day kinda thing. The pure amount of times I heard the sound of running & snapped up to see literally nothing there was horrific. I was convinced it was surely animals between the trees for a while but the weirdest moment was when I heard it loudly from a row of trees next to me & immediately ducked under to see the feet of whatever animal was running by and there was absolutely nothing. I remember trying to stay calm and walking really
sootsprite13 4y ago I work on North sea oil rigs on an ad-hoc basis (off the coast of Scotland) . Wouldn't say anything was particularly paranormal creepy but it can be very unsettling/weird place. Fog can come rolling in out of nowhere and other rigs you can see off the sides can disappear in front of your eyes. Sometimes you can't see the walkways 6ft in front of you or if you're walking over grating you can't see the sea below your feet (about 60m down from feck to sea) but you can hear it, all be it muffled. The fog
gooberplsno 4y ago I've worked in Canada's north for a few years now in oil and gas. It's pretty creepy when during night shift you realise a moose has just been standing at the tree line staring you down for an unknown length of time. Or finding bear tracks crossing the tracks you just made 5 minutes ago Honestly the silence of a snowy forest in the dead of night 100s of km away from anything is pretty spooky. When Your only contact to the outside world is a radio channel nobody's listening to, you feel pretty alone. + 29K
Keira-k-is-gay 4y ago My mom used to live in a small town in the cascade mountains and worked as a forest ranger. The creepiest thing that happened was when the oldest male ranger kept hitting on her and trying to get her to come home with him, not very out of the ordinary, but many years later after she'd left the town she found out he had been convicted of manslaughter and had killed a young female ranger right before she got hired. She would have probably been his next target. + 4.1K ...
WhiteOwlz 4y ago I worked at a public forest. One day we had someone report a dead animal on the side of one of our trails. A few of us from the front desk hiked out to see what it was. It looked like a giant peice of...liver maybe? Just a pile of smooth red meat...no blood around. And it was wrapped up in a t shirt, with some coins scattered around it. We called our rangers to go check it out, and one of them was pretty sure it was a placenta. The weird part is, you have to
DONOTENGAGEWITHME 4y ago I used to work in the Gulf of Mexico on oil rigs for years, and it may not exactly be creepy, but I found it really unsettling. In deep, open water, the water itself is really clear, so everyone can plainly see all the tuna and barracudas hanging around the rig waiting for the onboard cook to throw off whatever food waste he needs to. Every once in a while a huge great white shark would swim up from underneath and snatch a tuna and it really took like less than a second. They're really scary. +
chief_rider17 4y ago One night I was driving out on a remote country round and it was snowing pretty heavily. I got a call from my mom telling me to get home as there was a pretty large blizzard and the roads were only going to get worse. At a Т in the road I went to make a turn only to see someone standing in the middle of the road in a light hoodie. With no houses around for about a half mile, I'm not sure why anyone would be walking out in a blizzard. As I swerved past,


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