25 of the Wildest Things Seen at a Resort

‘A woman was electrocuted’
25 of the Wildest Things Seen at a Resort

Resorts are obviously a place for people to let loose, but some of us get a bit too loose there — like the guest who ended up in a standoff with police after his wife changed her mind about having a threesome with him and his friend. Or like the hunters at a mountain resort who decided to smash a hole in the wall between their rooms after getting tired of using the hallway to walk back and forth to each other. 

On that note, Redditors all over the globe have recalled the wildest things they’ve witnessed at resorts, and the celebrity who was banned from an entire resort chain needs to be publicly shamed for his behavior. 

Fletch0733 2mo ago A very famous movie star (you would know the name) was banned from the entire chain of our luxury hotels/resorts. Housekeeping found poop everywhere. Не made poop figurines. Yes, figurines made out of his poop. Balled it up and was making shapes like a kid with play dough. 99 Reply ...
IWantToWatchltBurn 2mo ago I worked at a high end boutique resort in Asia as a dive instructor. One night I was partying W the students after they graduated. I passed out naked and covered in barf while floating on a float in the pool. For some reason no one (that I remember), woke me up till the AM. I was covered in mosquito bites, cold, hungover, and probably quite the shocking. Somehow I wasn't fired but I've never touched Sambuca again! 387 Reply ...
aliveandst1llhere 2mo ago At a certain massive theme park that I can't name, here are some incidents- 1. Some people got together that had closed the restaurant in the park got on the wheelchairs and raced each other to the front of the park and interestingly, it was learned that there were some places that were downhill. 2. Two of the costume characters fell in love. Late night after the park was closed, these two characters wearing their costumes were caught having sex. everyone made fun of it on a daily basis for at least a year 353 Reply ...
Frangipani_850 2mo ago Witnessed a bartender piss in every glass of champagne for a single table at wedding. The guys at the table were from NJ slapping multiple banquet server bums (mine included) and being obnoxious asshats. Too much money would be risked to ask them to leave. Lots of presidents have stayed here and it's been around longer than we've been a country. 418 Reply ...
Specialist_Salt_7916 2mo ago An alarming number of people who would take out the duvet insert and proceed to shit inside the duvet. Never work in housekeeping, it's kill's you a little bit each day. 748 Reply ...
Momentarmknm 2mo ago Resort worker found a snake (non- venemous) right outside the resort, which was located in a fairly natural, not highly developed area. Proceeded to pick up the snake by the tail and beat it to death against a wall, in front of guests. Little fucking idiot thought he was being a hero too. 1.1K Reply ...
Diligent_Quiet9889 2mo ago Old man out with a proper death. 65 years old, wife rode him to death. Viagra and his heart didn't mix. Heard the whole story in the lobby as the crew upstairs radioed down to the chief on duty. Every single one of us guys lined up and saluted him on his way out on the stretcher. Was a 26y army vet recently retired... but only us guys knew the real reason behind the salute. The wife wrote the resort thanking us guys for saluting her husband on his way out. Management patted us on the back
wyoflyboy68 1y ago Edited 1y ago When I was 15 I was a bus boy at a local resort (Little America, Cheyenne, WY). Occasionally, the restaurant I worked in would ask one of the bus staff to deliver room service to one of the rooms, they always asked male staff for safety reasons. On one occasion I was asked to deliver a tray to a room. I took the tray to the room and a scantily clad woman answered the door. I never went in the room but could see there were about 8-9 men and woman in their 60's-70's
stereospeakers 2mo ago As a very young man (too young). I used to work at a camping site in the south of Sweden, for the midsummer festivals. There's probably not many fucked up things that I haven't seen. They used to leave their vehicles upside down, burning, when they left the premises. It looked like a war zone. It was a war zone. 2.5K Reply ...
The68Guns 1y ago High strung cook had an argument with a-type bistro attendant. It just kept escalating to a pull- apart brawl when a kitchen knife got involved. The pair crashed through the swinging door and was rolling on the carpet when the regional manager just happened to be walking in. Cops were called, I think both got fired or arrested. + 2.4K ...
throwtheclownaway20 1y ago Some guest was in the parking lot, waving a gun around & threatening to shoot up the place, resulting in a tense stand-off with cops for about an hour before they finally took him down (alive). The impetus behind the whole thing? Не, his buddy, & the buddy's wife had gone out that night with the intent that the wife was gonna let the gun guy fuck her up the ass, but she got cold feet at the last minute and they locked him out of the room when he got mad. So, yeah, he was so
Letsbeguin 1y ago Cleaning rooms one summer, entered checkout guests bathroom and noticed rolled up towels on the floor, pretty common. I start picking them up, hidden underneath, pile of human shit. I open the shower curtain as I begin to smell an over powering stench of shit, I find at least 10 dumps in the shower, mixed with piss. The toilet, clean as fuck. Doesn't looked like it was even used. I quit that day. 5K ...
smaksflaps 2mo ago Not a resort but a high end hotel. Kept getting calls for condoms to be brought to a room. Every 10-20 minutes. After 10 calls I brought a box. They opened the door to a full on gang bang porn shoot right in front of me. 1.6K Reply ...
sjcupps 2mo ago Worked as a lifeguard and found a dildo under a poolside lounge chair when I was cleaning up at the end of the day. 213 Reply ...
UncleFungus 2mo ago I worked at a Sheraton and there was some kind of dentist convention going on. They reserved a conference room for a medical device demonstration. A fellow worker told me to go up and check it out. There were tables arranged in a square, with human heads neatly arranged for, I guess, practicing some sort of new technology. Circa 1985. 904 Reply ...
joblo619 2mo ago Had a guy fall from the 14th story balcony while drunk and hit the pool deck with a smack that sounded like Celery snapping. Didn't live. 490 Reply ...
Clorox-disinfectant 2mo ago Worked in the kitchen of a resort and I also managed the dinning hall. We served food buffet style. Watched a mother let her kids attempt to serve themselves, kid stuck his hand in a container of cheese and then dropped his tray of food all over the floor and the mother said nothing about it. Had to find out myself smh 194 Reply ...
Fclune . 2mo ago It was before I worked there but one of the pool lights malfunctioned and a woman was electrocuted when she dove in. Apparently it was horrific 575 Reply ...
Unlikely_Pressure391 2mo ago Kid got plastered and tried to climb his way to a neighbouring balcony.Unsurprisingly.he fell.We staff weren't supposed to tell the other guests this though. 2.2K Reply ...
bullpendodger 2mo ago I worked at a Hotel in Paso Robles that had private hot tubs outside every room and we checked in a couple of squatters. They stayed holed up in the room for several weeks. When they figured out we were onto them and attempting to evict them, they smeared poop all over the walls. We had to call hazmat to clean it and remove all the carpet. Then after that incident it was the most popular and requested room because it was all remodeled. 5.9K Reply ...
ElonsTinyPenis . 2mo ago I was a bartender in South Padre Island during the early 2000s. I saw a drunk kid try to jump from a second-story balcony into the pool. Не missed the pool and smacked his head on the pavement. Killed instantly. 6.8K Reply ...
ProfuseMongoose 2mo ago Mountain resort that catered to wealthy hunters. Two rooms decided that walking to each others rooms was too much of a hassle so decided to smash a huge hole in the wall that separated them. Not even contrite about it, stayed for three more days. And the resort was privately owned by a family, it wasn't some big chain. 5.4K Reply ...
W3R3Hamster 2mo ago Worked at a ski resort for a few years. One guy shit his pants while out riding or on the lift, came into the restaurant to clean up, and left his shit pants on the coat hanger in the bathroom. A coworker had someone write poop on the bathroom wall in poop. No idea why someone would do that. 3.7K Reply ...
firsthandbreaker89 2mo ago Worked at a resort as a busboy in one of the buffet restaurants a few years ago, this rich kid got drunk at the bar, got invited to go party in the nearby local village by a few locals, accepted and left with them (against the staff's recommendations). Не came back with nothing (not even clothes) the next morning. 7.5K Reply ...
cptspeirs . 2mo ago The furry convention at Copper Mountain. I've seen some shit, I was a white water guide, rock guide, SAR, but nothing as appalling as the furries 35 Reply ...


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