30 Craigslist Meetups That Took a Wild Turn

Between the Craigslist Killer and numerous other high-profile scandals, it’s wholly unsurprising that meeting someone from Craigslist could, at the very least, get a little weird. But you have no idea exactly how weird things can get. One Redditor saw a “free hamsters” ad on the site, and after getting the address, arrived at a home that was literally full of hamsters. There were hamsters in cages, hamsters under the couch, hamsters in the walls — hamsters everywhere. The woman giving the hamsters away explained that she started off with two or three of them, but a pregnant one escaped, and it was all downhill from there.
Other Redditors have remembered the times they wanted a deal and got way more than they bargained for. And while they don’t involve hamster infestations, there are definitely enough cautionary tales here to make you suspicious of what’s lurking behind every listing.