20 Times People Went to Absurd Lengths for the Sake of a Prank

‘Took all but one staple out of a coworker’s stapler every day for two months’
20 Times People Went to Absurd Lengths for the Sake of a Prank

Quick-hit pranks are great, but the real jokesters will go to absurd lengths to reap a satisfying reward. Case in point: One guy baked a batch of laxative-laced brownies with the intention of pranking a friend. When that friend was rightfully suspicious, our guy ate one of the laxative brownies to “prove it was safe,” and the duo spent the subsequent hours laughing back and forth on the toilet

On that rather shitty note, Redditors have recalled the times they went a little too far just to have a laugh, and this is the kind of passion that drives Olympians to go for gold.

iyaayas 8y ago One buddy of mine was getting into paintball a few years ago. Another friend thought it would be fun to fuck with him so he spent a few days researching anything and everything to do with playing paintball. Не tells the guy that's just getting into it how he used to play on a nationally ranked team, and was able to rattle off brand names, tournament locations/dates, and all sorts of random stuff. Kept this up for a solid month before the other guy finally found out he had never even held a paintball gun in his
sauerpatchkid 8y ago Edited 8y ago My sister is Korean and I'm Polynesian. She always introduced me as her sister (of course) and people soon realized it's through adoption. The more familiar people got with our big interracial family, she started introducing friends and even random Asians as her siblings too. People believe her and she's been doing it for years. It's really funny. She probably has 2,500 brothers and sisters. 546 ...
GrizzlyBear74 8y ago Took a friend out for his bachelor party. Не passed out and we put his leg in cast. Told him the next day he broke it. Не went to the ceremony with a cast and crutches. Не was about to board his plane for his honeymoon when we reluctantly called him and let him in on the joke. Не laughs about it now, wife still dont speak to us. It has been 17 years now. 508 ...
railmaniac 11y ago I once wanted to prove a point to a female acquaintance of mine - trouble was, the point I wanted to prove simply wasn't true. I made a one line change on its Wikipedia peage, showed it to her, and later reverted back the change myself. She was pretty shocked as her knowledge was turned upside down. I let her stay in confusion for about one week before I told her what I did and why you shouldn't trust every line you read on a wiki. 8 ...
my2centsb4taxes 11y ago I would take all but one staple out of a co-worker's stapler EVERYDAY for two months... the girl never caught on and I would hear her freak out daily that I swear, I just put staples in this thing the other day I would have to stay late or come in early just to keep the joke going 13 ...
Rabid_Lemming 11y ago In college, we were in an area that would be able to get ABC feeds from two distinct metropolitan areas, albeit with the farther one coming in a bit fuzzy. The farther affiliate would air Jeopardy at 7PM, and the closer one would air at 7:30PM. It became a dorm tradition to and watch Jeopardy every day in this dude Alan's room, but they did not realize that the earlier show existed. For an entire semester I would watch the 7PM showing, and then appear like an all knowing god at the 730 airing. I did this
 11y ago I spend $30/year on domain names so my friend can't ever own a website with his name in it. 18 ...
Ruxini в 11y ago Edited 11y ago over the course of 3 months I created an entire subreddit and over 40 fake accounts in order to convince my friend /u/ deep_cover that he had a secret following of worshippers who would discuss and admire his every post. I told about it in some other thread and suddenly about 300 real people subscriped, making it a sizeable and real subreddit. It's r/deep_cover if you are interested. 107 ...
kravguy 11y ago In the 6th grade, some class mates and I bound together and convinced a (rather daft) girl that she was the alien queen from the planet A'rish'ma'tog. We even got the librarian in on it. Apparently, some kids even prolonged it over summer. They took her to some ruins in the middle of the forest and told her it was the portal to her home planet. They conducted this elaborate ritual, too, complete with costumes and all. There's a video of it somewhere. 65 ...
ROUND_TWO 11y ago Freshman year of high school, walking to school my shoe lace came untied. I was lazy and just kept walking, thinking I would tie it once I got to class. Run into some female friends who take notice, and tell me my shoes are untied like I don't have eyes. So I sarcastically tell them I never learned to tie my shoes. I told them I thought laces were just a fad and eventually everyone would move to velcro, so I didn't bother to learn. They ate it up. They tied my shoes for me. I just
ladymadonnaz 11y ago My siblings and I have slowly been replacing all of the framed pictures in my moms house with random stuff printed off of the Internet. It all started a couple months ago when I replaced my graduation picture with a picture of Morgan Freeman and she never noticed. Now there's a progressive collection of framed Gary Busey, a cheez 2K ...
CrayonsNLighterFluid 11y ago My friend has a bad habit of repeating his stories, so I've memorized most of them. After a while I started placing myself in his memories, when I wasn't actually there. Не completely forgets he's told me the story, so when I come back with all these details that only someone present could know, he gets confused and eventually accepts it. I did it for months before he started catching on. There's really no pay off to the joke; it's just funny to mess with his head. 2.9K ...
robomonkey94 . 11y ago for two year solid i i have called my little brothers friend gooch (its a nickname for the skin between your dick and ass) and its gotten to the point my mom calls him that. 2.1K ...
Im_Captain_Jack 11y ago About 20 miles. While a friend was leaving my house, I jokingly hopped in her truck bed. After making it to the end of my street, I realize she doesn't know I'm back there. I just laid on my back watching the world go by all the way to her place. When she parked and got out, I jumped out of the bed and scared the shit out of her. Then I asked for a ride home. Lol. 3K ...
Tornado_with_Guns 11y ago My friend wanted me to scare his girlfriend by pretending to be a wax sculpture at a wax museum. She'd never met me before. Since I'm certainly nobody famous, he suggested posing as a sculpture of a photographer/tourist in the wax museum. Не said he'd give me $100 if I pulled it off without moving or laughing. Не wanted me to stay perfectly still while they posed for a picture with me. Then, as they were about to leave, I was to come to life and scare her. Things didn't go as planned. When they entered the
salecornia . 11y ago I convinced my friend for a week, that I won the California lottery and went as far as renting a porsche for a day. 1.9K ...
 11y ago Convinced a co-worker I was fresh off the boat Russian. Weeks later when I broke accent, he didn't believe me and said I had a shitty American accent and laughed. To this day he doesn't believe I'm not Russian. 2.1K ...
CactusRape e 11y ago Ate a brownie with laxatives in it to prove it was safe for a suspecting friend to eat. Laughed for hours on the shitter. I would do it again. 3.2K ...
exurbia 11y ago Had to write a finals paper in a philosophy module. Asked the lecturer if we could bring typewriters. Не mockingly answered 'yeah, sure'. Turned up next week with a typewriter. Deathly quiet 2 hours save for ВАМ ВАМ, CHING, ВАМ ВАМ ВАМ ВАМ. 572 ...
missedastep 8y ago One day my (now ex) boyfriend asks if he can arrange for our parents to meet. Neither my mum or I really care about this kind of meeting so we joke that it's tradition in my family for parents to never meet. As proof, through crazy coincidence my paternal and maternal grandparents have not met each other and my parents have not met my sister's in laws. We're both trying really hard not to laugh our asses off. Tears were surreptitiously wiped. Lips were pursed. Fast forward about five years and my brother's girlfriend asks if my


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