30 of the Wildest Things Done by Substitute Teachers

‘He would bark at the students’
30 of the Wildest Things Done by Substitute Teachers

While substitute teachers are often bullied or pranked by students, quite a few of them unleash unhinged levels of insanity of their own before the kids ever have a chance to respond in kind. For example, one Redditor still remembers the substitute teacher who only gave assignments to the male students, rationalizing that it’s the female students’ job to get pregnant and keep their husbands happy, which meant they didn’t need to do schoolwork. It was a fifth grade class, by the way. 

Other Redditors have recalled the substitutes who went rogue on them, and I’m sure we’d all like to see a demonstration from the teacher who taught her cat to use the toilet.

 7y ago Social studies teacher in grammar school. She was in love with math. Instead of learning about social studies, we studied our multiplication tables. 22 ...
 12y ago Not a teacher, but we once had a substitute teacher that was also a pastor of a church and he had a fact of the day every time he subbed. It was always about evolution being untrue, they invited him back many times... 28 ...
charlottequinn2014 12y ago I've had a sub who would bark at the students and then pray to Mister Miyagi when kids did stupid/bad things... Not really bad but it was pretty funny.
 7y ago I had this substitute who was very very strict and was in the military, for some reason all the girls thought he was their favorite sub. It was class and someone forgot to bring a pencil and he was joking being sarcastic but we were like 4th graders, we couldn't tell. So he was yelling at this poor girl because she didn't bring a pencil and she ended up crying and went home early 51 ...
saddlebred1 . 7y ago My sister had a sub who wouldn't let a girl with diabetes go to the nurse for her insulin shot. She thought the girl was lying about having diabetes. 14 ...
BrockenSpecter 7y ago In a single day the substitute calls one girl a whore for wearing a tank top to class, sends around a dozen students to detention for disrupting class (coughing, sneezing, shifting in your seat) and screaming at the VP as she was being lead away from the school grounds calling her a Godless heathen like the rest of your hellspawn children Oh it was a sad day when she died and nobody showed up to her funeral....sad day indeed. 28 ...
Caliblair 7y ago We had an English class where the sub ARGUED that Hyperbole was pronounced Hyper-bowl. In a class full of Seniors in AP English. Someone finally got out a dictionary and she argued there were multiple ways to pronounce it. 36 ...
thefuzzybunny1 e 4y ago A substitute in the town I grew up in told a first grade class that Santa Claus wasn't real. For some insane reason, the NY Post decided this was front page news. https://nypost.com/2018/11/30/new-jersey- teacher-tells-first-grade-students-there-is-no- santa/ 436 ...
greffedufois 7y ago Was in gym class, broke my foot. Sub wouldn't believe that I was hurt. Refused to let other students go get the wheelchair from the nurses office, made me walk to the main office alone, on the other side of the school about 1/4 mile away from the gym. She was my math sub a few weeks later, saw me in a cast and felt really bad. 40 ...
Zeldaspellfactory 4y ago I am not a teacher, but we had one really bizarre substitute teacher many years ago. She brought in a portable toilet and her cat, so she could show us how her cat could use a toilet. Why? No one has been able to answer this. In later years I learned that this sub is schizophrenic and should NEVER have been allowed around children. She used to bring us food. That she got out of dumpsters behind restaurants. We never ate it and the principal finally stopped using her as a sub. 519 ...
ArnoldoSea 4y ago This actually happened to the teacher in the classroom next door to me, but the sub started ranting about democrats and talked about the 2nd amendment. Не took a stapler and told the students to pretend it's a gun. Не then set the stapler on one of the desks and said that the gun could sit there for all eternity without hurting anyone as long as no one pulls the trigger. I mean, maybe...N MAYBE...I could see this conversation happening in a social studies class, given the correct context. But this was in a middle school science
pi_rads o 4y ago I had a sub give out my cell phone number to my high school students so they could call me and give me excuses as to why they weren't taking their test while I was gone. I was LIVID. I complained to the sub office, and that teacher never subbed for my building again. 1.5K ...
teacheroftroubles 4y ago I had left out - overnight - eggs that I was going to use in a science experiment the following day. I was out and thought nothing about it. I returned the following day and went looking for the eggs only to find them missing. Asked a student where they went and I was informed that the substitute took the class to the special education kitchen, hard boiled them and ate them. I went to talk to my AP and was informed that the sub had called in sick for her job for that day, due to food poisoning. 2.9K ...
 4y ago . Edited 4y ago She was bought in to teach history. What did she teach, GEOGRAPHY, like how, the worksheets I left were literally on Hitler's rise to power?! Edit: I should have mentioned, she taught how earthquakes can cause tsunamis. Yes it was interesting but, you had one job and it wasn't that! 1.6K ...
littlelazerbean 12y ago Once, middle school, I had a sub who restricted us to our seats. No one was allowed to get up for any reason. Someone asked if they could get up to throw something away and without hesitation he told them to throw it on the ground, because it was the janitor's job to pick it up. That was a good 13 years ago, but I remember clearly how angry that comment made me. 48 ...
r_borgmania22 12y ago There was a deaf boy in my Spanish class who asked the sub to repeat something. She gave him a dirty look because she thought he just wasn't paying attention and said very rudely, Are you deaf? We were all pissed but figured it was up to him if he wanted to make her feel like the douche she was. Unfortunately he didn't say anything back to her. Still makes me mad thinking about it. 192 ...
 12y ago Recently I had a sub in my classroom so I could attend some professional development. The lady told a few of the girls in the classroom that she hopes they burn in hell. These are 6th graders by the way. Of course, I've had to smoothe things over with parents since who were understandably irate with the situation. 26 ...
everybody_hertz 12y ago I had a class in a portable in high school and it was VERY hot. Our substitute insisted on turning off ALL the lights (fluorescent) to cool the room down. So we just sat in a hot, dark room the whole class. 105 ...
ImConfusedBro 12y ago Not a teacher, but when I was in Spanish class in junior high, we had a substitute teacher that kicked out all the Mexican kids in class because they were taking the class for an easy A. She was promptly fired 504 ...
stenston ОР . 12y ago A substitute that works at my school took a child's sandwich at lunch and punched it into the table repeatedly. 248 ...
 12y ago Not a teacher... but I remember a 5th grade sub who actually told the entire class that the girls didn't have to do the assignment because our real job in life was to make babies and keep our husbands happy. Yes, he was serious... he only made the guys complete the assignment and only helped the guys when they had questions. 269 ...
feral_hamster 12y ago I'm a teacher! I was teaching 2nd grade and had a sub for the morning while I was in a workshop. I returned after lunch/recess and at least five kids were hysterically crying. The sub had gotten tired of waiting for them at the water fountain and had told the class that the water was bad and they would get sick from drinking it. That went over really well with the ones who had already had their drinks. 58 ...
TonkaButt 4y ago Edited 4y ago Had a substitute teacher in my high school French class show a movie that was straight up soft core pornography but tried to explain that since it was in French it was artistic. It was equally frustrating because while I wanted to see boobs, I also couldn't stop reading the subtitles because I had to understand what they were saying. The teacher did not come back the next day.
Winter_of_Discontent 12y ago In high school we were supposed to watch Harry Potter in Latin class because my teacher was out. The sub fucking lost it. She started spouting some crazy shit about how demons were going to come out of the TV and get her for watching witchcraft, and that they would come out of the TV at her house and get her. We haven't heard from her since. 337 ...
Pacifickarma © 4y ago I had a cool Chinese Lucky Cat that went missing after I had a sub. My students said the sub seemed really intrigued by it, talked about it several times, and even moved it from the shelf where it sat and brought it over to my desk. It was gone when I returned the next day. 2.8K ...
GAL_9000 4y ago I would occasionally give out starbursts to my 4th graders. Bitch ate all the pink ones. 33K ...
dr239 4y ago Re-arranged my room. Not in a Moved Student A away from Student в and put her by Student C way. In a Move the giant rug over to the opposite corner of the room, and completely change the layout of student desks, and rearrange a bookshelf way. 12K ...
DrivingSharkBait 4y ago Back when I was a teacher, I had a sub decide my plans weren't good enough for her and went rogue. She decided to show my students videos of animals giving birth on YouTube. I taught English... 5.1K ...
tylerbrainerd 4y ago When I was a substitute, I got a lot of requested jobs because the substitute pool was poor. One such example given to me was a substitute who would just go to sleep. I barely believed it. Once I was teaching full time, I had a sub come in for a day. When I got back my students told me that he told them to leave him alone, sat down, and went to sleep. I believed it then. 37K ...
comradeslacker . 12y ago I didn't think it was that bad at the time, but an older substitute taught me and my friends the role of a 'fluffer' in a porno shoot. Не might've been a little off his rocker by that point. 8 ...


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