26 Pranks That Almost Killed Someone

Pipe bomb + drinking fountain = not good, folks!
26 Pranks That Almost Killed Someone

The mark of a good prank is generally based on two things. One: Everyone laughs. Two: No one nears death. This latter point, however, has clearly eluded some people. One Redditor, for instance, remembers a high school friend who jumped on top of another friend’s moving car, fell off, cracked his head open and now has irreparable brain damage. Not funny at all.

Other Redditors have shared tales about almost-deadly pranks as well, and it seems that many people underestimate the power of explosives.   

makemebad48 1mo ago Before my time, one of our ex employees took the oxy-acetylene blowtorch, blew it under the bathroom door while a coworker was using it, and then slid a firecracker in there. Apparently they had enough to make it pop, and the torch lit and started the door on fire. 52 Reply Share ...
BeyondXpression 1mo ago I was in my senior year of college. Some guy threw a grad party at one of his parents houses. I ended up going, cause why not? Three guys who were wasted as fuck had this idea to shoot Roman candles at one their buddies who was coming out of the poolside bathrooms. It was two bathrooms attached to a small closet with pool chemicals and the door happened to be ajar. One of the rounds went right into the closet and started a fire while there was a girl passed out drunk in the next stall.
AstroWorldSecurity 1mo ago My buddy thought it would be funny to swerve his car towards the ditch and turn away at the last second. We wound up going into the ditch, slamming into a culvert, and flipping end over end. There's still debate amongst a few people whether he meant to do it or not. Apparently he was the butt of a lot of jokes and I just hadn't been around the group of people long enough to understand how deep it went. So, maybe a prank gone wrong, maybe attempted murder/suicide. I have no idea. 3.8K Share Rep ...
Bumblebees_99 1mo ago When I was young I went to a friends house for a sleepover where they had a prank planned. They dressed up in creepy clothing and makeup, and one of the girls (we didn't get along) had a real knife and was planning to slam me against the wall and hold it up to my neck when I came downstairs. Luckily one of the girls got scared before I got there and ran upstairs to tell me what was about to unfold before I went downstairs. She was so scared she asked me when I went down
ABOT Mariambarouma 1mo ago When I was younger my mom was out on a walk with her friends and my dad thought it would be funny to pelt them with water balloons when they came around the corner. As soon as they rounded the bend, we ran out with our water balloons and my dad tripped and fell and broke his foot, his leg, and his arm. 6.3K Share Rep ...
sapperbloggs 1mo ago Me and some friends were spraying hair spray down a tube with someone lighting the other end. Between sprays, one of the guys looked down the tube to see if there was flame inside the tube. As he did this, someone sprayed more hair spray into the tube. It turns out there was still flame in the tube, because my friend's head was engulfed in a ball of flame. Не didn't end up with any major burns or other injuries, but he had no more eyebrows, eye lashes, or fringe for a while. 5K Reply Share ...
poklane e 1mo ago . Edited 1mo ago Dumb neighbor kid thought it was a good prank to hide behind parked cars along the side of the road and jump out at approaching cars.... Didn't get hit because the first car was driving very slowly and the owner got pissed enough that he never dared to do it again. 6.6K Share Rep ...
Fy_Faen 1mo ago I was at a swimming pool with friends as a kid maybe 10 or 12 years old. We were in the deep end, and diving down to 12ft, picking up coins off the bottom of the pool. I was coming up from the bottom, and one of the kids thought it would be funny to hold me head underwater with his foot. I gasped as I broke the water, then got shoved back down and inhaled a shitload of water, and panicked, and two other kids had to drag me out of the water onto the concrete
Drogovich 1mo ago Dumb kid thought it was a funny idea to push his friend from a sidewalk towards my car. Good thing i was driving slowly so i was able to stop in time. Since that day i'm always afraid someone is going to push a person under my car, when i drive near sidewalk with people on it. 1.7K Repl Share ...
whetherby 1mo ago 1994, Highschool, midwest. Kid thought it would be hilarious to set off a pipe bomb behind a drinking fountain during classes. when it went off it blasted the drinking fountain across the hall and crushed several lockers flat. Nobody was injured thankfully. everyone was evacuated and was stoked to have the day off. Pre-Columbine was a whole different era. 212 Reply Share ...
CherrieeeTree 1mo ago My mom is a huge gamer. When my mom had finally managed to put myself and my older sister to sleep, she was playing doom in the dark basement when my dad decided it would be hilarious to walk down the stairs with a ski mask and a hammer in his hand. My mom nearly had a heart attack and her scream woke us all up. My dad felt bad but now they bring it up as a funny remember when? Moment. She also says how lucky it was that she didn't have a weapon to hurt
Consultant511 1mo ago Me and my two brothers shot dry peas with slingshots made from cut balloons taped onto an old film canister. We took turns shooting at each other trying to dodge. I shot one against my brother that I saw I slow motion went for his head, it curved nicely upwards, and hit him directly in his eye. At the hospital they were astounded that he wasn't blinded by it, and fortunately his eye sight wasn't affected in the long run. 382 Repl Share ...
Psychedelic_Yogurt 1mo ago When we were kids we thought tying some fishing line around a tree across a sidewalk was a grand idea. Thank Christ the first person to hit it didn't suffer any injuries. Could have easily caused some major damage. After the first guy rode through it on his bike and yelled we decided it was a stupid idea. 86 Reply Share ...
therefreshening 0 1y ago Some students in my high school oiled one of the ramps as a senior prank. One girl slipped, fell and broke her back. I think they all got jail time. 2 Share ...
RobLinxTribute 1mo ago OMG I'd forgotten about this. We were really stupid teenagers. We stood on both sides of a dark road, and as a car approached, we would pantomime picking up a rope, and pulling it taut. The cars would inevitably screech to a halt, and we would laugh and run away. Well, one car was going a little fast, locked up the brakes (pre-ABS) and went into the ditch. We ran. :-( We didn't pull shit like that again. Share 60 Reply ...
Rhesusmonkeydave 12y ago They used to sell these water balloon launchers, basically huge rubber bands. At the beach we launched a balloon in this amazing arc that ended right on a friend's back. Не shot face down into the sand like a bullet from the force. One of the nastier welts I've seen. There's a toy your kids will never get to play with, good luck finding one of those now 12 ...
 4y ago My mom's cousin had a friend pull out her chair when she went to sit down at her wedding. The impact paralyzed her. 387 ...
YaDrunkBitch 4y ago When we were younger, my brother tied my feet to the handle at the bottom of the garage door, because he wanted to go raid my room. As he went inside, he accidentally hit the automatic button for the garage and I ended up hanging upside down until my dad saved me. 165 ...
denikar 1mo ago In junior high school wood shop class we were not allowed to use the air hose to clean off the machines when done. Apparently a student in a previous year thought it would be funny to shoot air up his buddy's butt. Ended up with damage to his rectum and large intestine and needed emergency surgery, and was lucky he didn't die. 87 Reply Share ...
 . 12y ago April fools. Drank half of the chocolate milk and stabbed the top part full of holes. Friend proceeds to shake it and gets it all over her and the floor. Her grandma at the exact time is walking with slippers on a tile floor and slips and lands ass nearly shattering her pelvis. Feelsbadman. 55 ...
Malaix 1mo ago Some underclassman at my high school decided to prank the school by putting marbles all over a stairwell. Pregnant teacher ended up falling down the stairs. Very lucky neither she nor her baby got seriously injured. 40 Reply Share ...
Shadowchaos 1mo ago My brother threw a ball at my sister while she was riding a bike and she flew over the handlebars and broke her wrist. It's been over 20 years at this point and she still doesn't like to ride bikes 41 Reply Share ...
NJduToit 1mo ago Some asshole knocked my sister off a moving speedboat while we were in high school. She bounced on the water surface several times and could have been seriously injured or killed. 29 Reply Share ...
vstacey6 1mo ago A friend in high school jumped on another's friend moving car to be funny. Car was barely pulling out of the driveway going no more than 5 miles per hour. Не fell back, literally cracked his head open on the edge of the pavement. Was jn a coma and now has irreparable brain damage. 32 Share Reply ...
P51Michael 1mo ago I had someone in my high school get expelled for putting hand sanitizer in a teachers coffee. 34 Reply Share ...
silentarcher00 1mo ago A friend of mine's dad once decided to jump out of an empty wardrobe and scare his wife when they were house shopping. Не didn't see a downward facing hook at the back of the wardrobe and when he jumped up to leap out he caught his back on the hook and ripped his skin open. They had to go to A&E to get stitches and the police showed up as the doctors were concerned it was a stab wound. So he had to explain to the police how he had fucked up a simple prank so


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