35 TV Shows With Remarkably Divergent Pilots and Finales

Is ‘House of the Dragon’ already pulling a ‘Game of Thrones’?
35 TV Shows With Remarkably Divergent Pilots and Finales

It’s hard to imagine a more disappointing series finale than Charlie’s Angels. But these franchises deserve credit for trying!

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CRACKED.COM Worst TV Finales Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. The show ended with the Kents giving Lois and Clark a baby crib, like total douches, and the crib filling itself overnight with a random baby. Apparently the baby was supposed to be from Krypton, but we never had confirmation, as the show was hastily canceled.

Third Rock from the Sun

CRACKED.COM Worst TV Finales Third Rock from the Sun Dick tells Sally he's an alien, she accepts it (that sweet woman), and wants to still be with him now that the gang returns to their home planet. So Dick knocks her unconscious to make her forget about him, and leaves her alone on the ground. You know, for her safety.



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