17 Gross But Useful Pieces of Advice

‘Close your mouth when changing a baby’s diaper’
17 Gross But Useful Pieces of Advice

You should be taking a gander at your poop. I know, advice like “Visually check your bowel movements for any changes” isn’t sexy, but it really is useful when it comes to early detection of different digestive issues or cancers. “Always close your mouth when changing a baby’s diaper” is also gross, but equally good advice. 

Along those lines, Redditors have shared their repulsive words of wisdom and nuggets of advice, including more uses for “nose grease” than you ever thought possible.

Fantastic-Mango-7440 4mo ago When you have a toothache, put a scarf with onion and medicinal alcohol on your cheek. I was in horrible pain, and in one second it dissapeared. My face smelt like onion, but i didn't have the urge to kll myself anymore. 19 Reply ...
Glittering-Quote3187 4mo ago Urinate in a rag or torn piece of shirt and cover your mouth with it to protect yourself from poison gas in the absence of a proper gas mask. 17 Reply ...
kdinner . 4mo ago You can release bad indigestion by activating your gag reflex to release the gas that is stuck 33 Reply ...
bananawater2021 4mo ago For breastfeeding individuals, let your partner suck any particularly stubborn milk clot out of your boob. It's saved me from mastitis so many times!! 61 Reply ...
New_Description_361 4mo ago A little nose grease takes down the bubbles in a beer. Just swipe your nose with your finger quick and then touch your beer. They deflate right down. 42 Reply ...
exoh888 o 4mo ago Putting your ear wax on a fresh cold sore. It really does work. Only if it's just a bump. 69 Reply ...
4oclocksundew o 4mo ago Ear wax and the oil from the side of your nose can be used as chapstick in a pinch 92 Reply ...
LiterallyADiva 4mo ago Sucking snot out of baby's nose makes things better for all involved. Baby sleeps better, mom sleeps better. The little tube contraptions to do it seemed gross as hell at first but you get used to it and the results are worth it. 2K Reply ...
goe4it . 4mo ago To stop hiccups, swallow a spoonful of mustard 417 Reply ...
latchkey_adult 4mo ago If you frequently get skid marks in your underwear, it's probably less to do with your butt-wiping abilities and more to do your diet of junk food. That stuff glides out of you like greased lightening. 1.4K Reply ...
Individual_Will_2503 4mo ago I remember watching girl code on MTV years and years ago and they said to flush your poop as it comes out if you don't want it to stink in a public restroom. It works 180 Reply ...
Horror_Goat_4611 . 4mo ago Someone told me at summer camp that his brother got food poisoning one time and was throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time, and mentioned he should have sat on the toilet and puked in the trash can. Fast forward 30 years, I ate gas station cole slaw, and this tip saved my bathroom decor. 5.7K Reply ...
Ghostase 4mo ago One time at a bus stop an old man told me that if I get hair in my mouth while eating out a woman I can get it out of the mouth by licking the inside of her thigh. The advice was completely unsolicited and I had no idea who this man was and haven't seen in since, but it does work. 5.4K Reply ...
mellowmadre O 4mo ago Always close your mouth when doing a diaper change on a baby. 4.9K Reply ...
raginghearton в 4mo ago Use your own spit to get blood stains fully out. The enzymes from your own saliva will break down your own blood 1.5K Reply ...
bayouprincess88 4mo ago Visually check your bowel movements after you have them for any changes. 7.2K Reply ...
zenswashbuckler 4mo ago Pissing on your feet helps (not cures totally, but helps) athlete's foot. This is why peeing in the shower is not only fine but a moral imperative. 5 Reply ...


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