26 Bits of LGBTQ+ Trivia to Study Up on Before Next Year’s Pride

There’s actually something to that whole Subaru thing
26 Bits of LGBTQ+ Trivia to Study Up on Before Next Year’s Pride

Jackie Shane

Singer CRACKED.COM Jackie Shane The Black trans R&B singer had a Canadian hit with her 1963 cover of Any Other Way which included the lyric: Tell her that I'm happy/tell her that I'm gay. Her anthology was released in 2017 and received a Grammy nomination.

Early 1900s Science

In the early 1900s, doctors warned bicycles would turn women gay. They worried the vibrations would lead to high sex drives and lesbianism. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Go ahead and try, we'll wait.

The Sacred Band of Thebes was an elite troop of 150 gay couples. They defeated the Spartan army and remained undefeated for 30 years during the 4th century ВС. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



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