32 Very Elaborate Cheating Schemes People Somehow Pulled Off

‘Kids in my geometry class used Morse code with blinking’
32 Very Elaborate Cheating Schemes People Somehow Pulled Off

Cheating in school is ultimately a victimless crime. In fact, if anything, many of the stories you’re about to read illustrate the power of teamwork, which is typically lacking in educational environments and way more valuable than learning how to apply mathematical equations or whatever. 

To that end, Redditors have fondly remembered the times they pulled off elaborate cheating schemes, some of which they actually got away with. From the group of friends who shared answers in a massive Word doc to the kid who used a rare skin disorder to his advantage, these tales will bring a tear to your eye.

KingWhompus 8y ago My anatomy teacher in highschool would use the same answers on her tests from the study guide, so I just engraved the answers on a pencil. It was usually all multiple choice or matching, so I could just write down abcd single file right on the pencil. The pencil looked like it was all chewed up and if the teacher ever got suspicious I'd just chew on the pencil a little. 50 ...
SheZowRaisedByWolves 8y ago Edited 8y ago Back in my Chinese 2 class, our final was to go in front of the class and say a paragraph about ourselves. No one really a solid understanding of how to, so we were all pretty much fucked. When the time came to try and bullshit ourselves, this one Asian kid in the back of the class who never made contact with anyone started furiously writing down phrases and holding them up for people to read. They were all different, so our teacher was none the wiser and passed all of us. The broest
weisswurstseeadler 8y ago I'm German and I did an english-bilingual A- level, so I had all kinds of subjects in English (History, Biology, Politics etc.). During exams we were allowed to use the school's dictionaries, there were mostly new ones but one of them was particularily old and fucked up. The day before the exam I would go to the library and taped all the information I needed into the dictionary. When the exam started the teacher would roll in the table with all the dictionaries - everyone rushed to get a new one, while I chilled and always got my
nonyobiz 8y ago Wrote formulas on a tiny piece of paper and laminated it with tape so I can crumble it up in my hand but still be legible when I oepend it up. Good thing I did that cause I had to hold in my mouth for a good 10 minutes once to avoid being caught. 586 ...
hollowm00n 8y ago So in one class at uni we were required to take a two hour written final, supplying our own blue book. something you buy at the book store. Well the professor decided to give us our topic question in order to better prepare for this two hour write sesh. Bought two blue books, perfected one at home and brought a blank to class. I drew pictures in class for two hours, put it in my backpack and when walking to the front of the class to turn in I pulled my extremely revised blue book out and
IAmTheToastGod 8y ago In first grade we had spelling tests. We were told to put up binders so nobody would cheat off our papers. I wrote the hardest words down on the inside of the binder and made it to the spelling bee where I failed spectacularly. 2.4K ...
ThePhanie 11y ago I can write RIDICULOUSLY tiny. When I was in school I would write tiny cheat sheets and hide them inside the hand I write with. The hole where the index finger meets the thumb is a perfect window to read the paper, and if the teacher walked by I simply had to turn my hand to conceal it. Never missed a vocab word. 172 ...
MissJoey 12y ago I taught basic ASL finger spelling to my ELL students (helped when they needed assistance spelling) and found out they were using it to cheat on multiple choice tests in other classes... Wasn't sure whether to be upset or proud... 482 Share ...
valiantfreak 7y ago At my mate's school the Industrial Arts teacher though he was pretty clever. Не would stack the completed answer sheets from his multiple choice tests and use the drill press to drill out the correct letters. Then he would just count how many coloured-in answers remained on each piece of drilled paper and subtract this number from the total number of questions to quickly work out the overall mark. Of course it was only a matter of time before his students realised they could just turn up, pretend to take the test, and submit a blank piece
Wumbsy 7y ago Not a teacher but, a couple years ago another student in my class had written equations on a scroll. Не cut a hole in each of his pockets and put an end of the scroll in each, running the scroll across the inside of his pants. When he would unzip his pants he could see the middle of the scroll through the zipper and would be able to move the scroll left and right by rolling it up in either pocket. Was a really great idea, except it looked like he was masturbating at his desk during
MmmhmmThatsRight 9y ago I was a student and this kid once found the answers of a test beforehand and wrote the answers of the multiple choice answers on the top left of white board. When the substitute teacher asked what it was, he said it was a 50 number long IP address. Yes, he got away with it. 1.5K ...
aschwab9009 9y ago One of the big tests I had to take in college was an American Chemical Society exam. It accounted for 25% of the grade. Because so many students had to take the exam, they scheduled at least 2 exams. I was in the first one. While we were taking the exam (which is supposed to be proctored) the professor stepped out. While he was out of the room, someone from the second exam group strolled into the room, picked up an extra exam, and strolled out the door. I don't believe he was ever caught. 1.4K ...
nanner_hammer 0 6y ago Wear corduroy pants. Use a razor blade to write notes in the material. If you rub it one way, the answers disappear in the fabric. Rub it the opposite way and the writing re-appears 693 ...
silentfartist 6y ago As a student, we used to wear uniforms and leather shoes. As mine's a beater pair, i usually write on them with black ink pens. And when tests came, i angle it just enough to be seen by sunlight. Also, the edges of our uniform(button down shirts) are filled with formulas. 3.7K ...
-eDgAR- . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago When I was in high school I bought a pen like this one where each time you clicked the message inside would change. I took it apart and was able to tape paper over the tube and fit things that I would need to help me on some quizzes and tests. 7.6K ...
MayUseTheFuckWord 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Stretch a rubber band around a text book, write whatever you want on it, then when you take it off the textbook, it'll just look like scribble until you stretch it to see what's written. Spanish conjugations drove me to do some incredibly unethical things. 22K ...
alave 6y ago High school kids recreated a Snapple label where the nutrition panel on the back had all the answers, formulas, etc. only got caught because I'd never seen the flavor before and wanted to see how much sugar was in it. 22K ...
Badgerpackbrew 6y ago Used a text file on one of the original iPods. Teacher was fine with listening to music during tests. Made my life so much easier lol. 19K ...
ScarthMoonblane 6y ago College physics, girl with a really intricate tattoo on her leg wrote formulas in between the tattoo lines. Even looking closely you couldn't tell unless you knew what you were looking for. You could tell it was test day because she wore shorts. 56K ...
jbob228 11y ago A few students in my Geometry class used Morse Code with blinking. The sequence of blinks was the letter you had to fill in. If it was a number, it's would be any number of short blinks up to 9 and then a long blink meaning next number, two long blinks meant point ex. (1.274). 302 ...
Nedmac86 11y ago I hope I'm not too late!! BECAUSE I HAVE THE BEST ONE EVER. At the University of Texas, there was one American Sign Language class where there was an A average, when most of the other classes had a low в average. It turns out, that the teacher was deaf and didn't have an assistant... so people were just yelling out the answers to one another without moving their lips during the exam. One of the students finally felt bad and ratted everyone out. From then on, someone who could hear would sit in on the exams.
vancouver-duder 6y ago One of my old teachers told us a story about a student who had rigged up a tiny scroll of paper in a wristwatch with notes written on it. Не turned the scroll by winding the watch. Не ended up getting caught because he was winding his watch so damn much during the exam, but the teacher loved the creativity. 18K ...
babydragon0 6y ago . Edited 6y ago My teacher shared with us a story about how since she allowed eating during her tests, one person pulled out a giant bag of M&Ms and ate a specific color corresponding to A/B/C/D. It was a two student duo and they only got caught when another student ratted them out.
Chippedcoffeemug 11y ago . Edited 11y ago One of my teachers told me the craziest one she foiled. They would write very tiny words on small rubber bands with a pen, then stretch them around a water bottle and use the water to magnify the words on the rubber band. That group would also use subtle baseball call signs representing А, В, С, or D. In her own words, If they spent half the effort they put into cheating into studying for the test, they would have been amazing students. 1.2K ...
puravidaamigo 11y ago I'm not a professor but my teacher in high school once told me he was taking a history final his senior year in college. They were allowed snacks because it was a long final. Не wrote answers on Pringles with a food dye pen and ate them after he got the info from them. 1.2K ...
SlamClam 4y ago بي I have dermotographia. It is a rare skin disease, harmless, but sometimes annoying. Basically that everything i scratch into my skin stays for around 15 minutes before fading. One time we had a substitute teacher so i wrote down some answers for the test. Не busted me, but i just denied that it was there. By the time the principle came along it had all disappeared 6.9K ...
mfink11 11y ago In my friends finals macroeconomics exam a student drew all of the necessary graphs on the chalkboard about an hour before the exam and then lightly erased them. Because the professor doesn't proctor the exam and its normally just a secretary or a different teacher they didn't notice the faint graphs on the board. Не said it was the easiest final he had ever taken and that most of the class also noticed the graphs at some point during the final. 1.2K ...
 11y ago One of my friends found the log in information for her teacher's computer written on a post-it note on the first day of classes. She used it before each test to get the answer key, printed it out, then would make a color bead bracelet and wear it to class on test days. red= A blue = в type thing. She wore a bead bracelet every day to not raise suspicion.
grammaticalfailure 11y ago We had a Spanish exam which was a large question we had to write an essay about. We were given the question before time and were allowed to prepare but went into the exam blind.We were then told the test would take place in the library on computers. I simply wrote my essay made all the text white and saved it as new document. When test day came around I slowly highlighted and made the text black until it was finished. Done and done 1.9K ...
film_guy01 11y ago I knew a student whos dad was blind. Не (the student) had learned to read Braille when he was younger. Не would make Braille cheat sheets and read them in his coat pocket or tape them under his desk and read them as he went. As far as I know he never got caught. 89 ...
canada432 11y ago I'm an English teacher in South Korea, and though I didn't actually witness it they just canceled the SATs for the whole damn country because the cheating was so bad. Copies of the tests were circulating through the hagwons. 1.4K ...
JimCalendar 8y ago Edited 8y ago Our high school had one of those computer systems where everyone had their own login information and most of our tests were taken online. Me and my friends would all log into the same account and make a word document on the local/temp directory. Basically we would type in what question we needed help with, save the document, and someone else would open the new version, write the answer in, and re-save the document. Worked flawlessly every single time. 138 ...


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