33 Random Bits of Trivia That Are Like a Software Update for Your Noggin

The little knowledge upgrade you didn’t know you needed
33 Random Bits of Trivia That Are Like a Software Update for Your Noggin

You might think your brain is on the most recent operating system, but since we learn something new everyday, newer updates are being rolled out constantly. In fact, the people around you may have gotten three or four updates while you were reading this little blurb. 

But don’t fret. You’re not in danger of falling behind, because each fact on this list is a little brain update. And so, you’ll catch up to them in no time.

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Maybe the Dingo Did Eat Her Baby

CRACKED IN THE '90S, PEOPLE RELENTLESSLY MOCKED A WOMAN WHO CLAIMED A DINGO ATE HER BABY. ... ... including Seinfeld. However, the woman was proven right in 2012, when a court ruled that a dingo did in fact eat her baby.



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