20 Seemingly Obvious Facts That Most People Still Don’t Know

Penguins have knees
20 Seemingly Obvious Facts That Most People Still Don’t Know

When you think about it, there’s a whole world out there that we just don’t see. Our eyes can only process light within a certain spectrum, provided it’s reflected by an object larger than about .1 millimeters, which our brain can then interpret just about any way it likes. You’ve gotta watch out for the brain. It’s a real wild card.

Despite this, we still don’t see a lot that’s right in front of our freaking faces. Look up hidden symbols in famous logos some time — it’ll change your whole life. Or consider that water itself isn’t wet — water makes the things that it touches wet. It seems obvious, but a lot of people have never considered it.

That’s the kind of thing user DontPanicJohnny was wondering about when they asked r/AskReddit, “What is the most obvious, yet obscure piece of information you can think of?” and Reddit blew our minds right out of our heads.

hanz0914 5y ago Sucking on hard candies is basically drinking your favorite flavored spit.
Rpark888 5y ago Brown rice is just white rice that hasn't been processed.
omgitsowen447 5y ago Penguins have knees
faasty 5y ago Pipecleaners are made for cleaning pipes, not just for crafting
God-o-leg 5y ago The little piggy who went to the market didn't go shopping
etymologynerd 5y ago Prom is from promenade
DrThrowaway1776 . 5y ago A nuclear explosion is the loudest (by decibel) noise created by man
 5y ago The Michelin Guide was originally created by the Michelin tire company not as a helpful guide to great restaurants, but as a way to get people to drive farther than they normally would to go eat and, consequently, wear out their tires faster.
11thNite 5y ago Guinness the beer company is the same as Guinness the world record people. They started to publish the book to help settle bar arguments before pocket googlers were a thing
M249_SAW_Gerrera 5y ago You can breathe without seeing. Context: New SCUBA divers have a tendency to panic and stop breathing underwater if their mask comes off, even though if you were to close your eyes right now it wouldn't effect your breathing at all.
aden_oliver 5y ago Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the Alphabet follow the same melody
Taskhill 5y ago If two sets of identical twins have children, those children will be genetically siblings
kraftikrafti 5y ago Your chest doesn't expand because you just inhaled some air. You inhale by expanding your chest.
clem9796 5y ago A cucumber maintains a temp of a few degrees colder than ambient. It's why they tend to freeze in a fridge before other veggies.
SquareThings 5y ago Edited 5y ago Blind people wear dark glasses because even if they can't see, their eyes can become damaged and possibly diseased.
 5y ago The top left corner of a flag is used for special designs (e.g. the Union Jack) because when the flag is limp on the flagpole, the top left is the part most clearly seen.
hullabaloo_99 5y ago While most people know that disgruntled is a word and that it means angry or dissatisfied, few realize that gruntled is also a word and means, as one might expect, pleased, satisfied, or content.
xenobuzz 5y ago . Edited 5y ago That blood is made in your bones. I forget that sometimes, and while it ought to obvious to me, every time I remember I do a Keanu Reeves/Owen Wilson wow.
puckbeaverton 5y ago When you sit on a toilet bowl, you block out most if not all of the light. You're sitting on darkness. This was just an odd realization for me as well as the realization that I have only ever, and can only ever, seen toilet bowls as illuminated. So i sort of imagined it illuminated when I took a dump.
HuckFanjo 5y ago Ajax (the soap) is a reference to a character in greek mythology commonly said to be stronger than all of Greece (Grease)


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